gMd most fragging astra in NA for sure
Flag: | Czech Republic |
Registered: | April 14, 2022 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 4:58 PM |
Posts: | 13236 |
gMd most fragging astra in NA for sure
Sacy and Pancada gonna sign with Sentinels, but don't forget what this org did for us Brazilians.
Remember the time when the wr Sentinels coach sang monkey chants to the brazilan players?
"It wasn't for the Brazilian players" FUCK YOU!
And the time when Sentinels were complacent with Zombs calling all Brazilian players poor in the middle of a fucking world Championship, the Guy even posted pictures of How much money he made to Flex in the Brazilian situation.
And the time were Shroud, today a Sentinels partner made an ENTIRE FUCKING LIVESTREAM BMing Vikings?
"They Just happy to be here"
You don't know How fucking evil is behind in this simple sentence, anyone knows How hard is to live in Brazil and to become a professional player and everything we had to pass trought to get here.
Being happy to only get there is because of HOW FUCKING HARD is to even have a PC to play Valorant at 120hz, while ALL the hard work we did to reach this level is Absolutely ignored.
Even If Sacy and Pancada goes playing with TenZ, i won't support this team.
Doslova brečím. Slzy mi stékají po malé tváři, takže mám mokré obličeje, oblečení i nohy. Také tolik hluku. Netušila jsem, že dokážu udělat tolik hluku z pláče. Doslova ani nemůžu. Ještě nikdy jsem to nedokázal tak tvrdě. Doslova nemohu spát tak tvrdě, že mé slzy jsou silnější než Santa Clausův břišní tuk. Všechny tyto slzy, které ze mě doslova brečím a nemohu večer, jsou vdechovány mými ústy a způsobují, že se utopím. Doslova umírám. V tuto chvíli jsem doslova na pokraji smrti. To je šílené. Nikdy předtím jsem se tak necítil. Nepláču jen; Nejenže umírám – doslova pláču a doslova umírám. Krev. Vidím krev. Z očí mi stéká krev. Doslova vidím krev. Právě teď se strašně směju. Doslova se nemůžu přestat smát – je to šílené. Prosím, zachraň mě, Pane. Prosím, zachraň mě před tímto šílenstvím. Pláču a potřebuji pomoc. Už asi 45 minut doslova umírám. Nemá to konec? Chci se jen setkat se svým tvůrcem. Chci vidět světlo a přeji si vidět tmu, obojí zároveň. Zachraň mě, Kriste, protože v tuto chvíli doslova umírám. Oh, jak žiju a dýchám, v tuto chvíli sotva mohu mluvit. Ve skutečnosti nemohu mluvit vůbec. Jsem doslova němý. Jsem také hluchý, protože mé slzy a krev se mi dostaly do uší a zablokovaly můj sluch. Doslova brečím z nosu. Oh počkat, to je jen moje tělesná šťáva. Ach, jak mi to uniklo.
What are the teams in the EMEA qual? It's supposed to be played today soooo
Sacy is good at calling too so im guessing it wont only be dephh thats gonna need to do all the work. Sacy is pretty experienced and will help the team a lot. He's got good vibes as well, funny guy :D
Please me too 🥺 (I don't mind if you send smth else either)
Who is team Mystic? VersionX fell off? ( I know they have a new roster)
I'm guessing it's just temporary for the tournament they're in then, right?
Even tho the T1 roster is probably right, I think he's just making shit up about Talon
So BLEED are just average? Since there is no better competition
How good are they right now, did anyone watch their games?
They getting a complete rebuild and you're asking why they are interviewing new assets of the team?
We are really overlooking the import slot that SEN still have available. If they get a player for either APAC or EMEA i think it would be a replacement for Tenz no? A Jett and Chamber player. People all over the place are talking about how the TenZ replacement is gonna be really surprising. I'm excited to see who it'll be.
That's exactly why I'll be your bitch
Country: India
Registered: October 5, 2022
Last post: October 5, 2022 at 12:46 PM
Posts: 3
Please can you guys stop talking bad about any player or any region. Just today a team from our region managed to defeat 2 teams from SEA and I don't regard this as a really big achievement (taking nothing away from Revenant) but it is surely a small baby step I know we are not that good but it is not necessary we will stay the same forever. We will improve we will surely come to you guys level and even battle out with you all. But till then this is a humble request to not talk shit about anyone , trolling or making fun is all good but there are many people here who just blatantly spread hate.
Love you all
(Go on make this a copypasta lol)
Apparently we misunderstood the tweet from Rob Moore yesterday. ShahZ response to the situation:
Since Subroza is open to any region and speak fluent French I think that's a good opportunity for Subroza to actually get into a good team. How likely is it tho?
The most underrated flex player right now in NA, guy played smokes, entry, flashes he can play so many agents, even brim on icebox LOL that shit was deadly
Bro, did he not take a mental break? He benched himself.
The brand is still there if dapr and TenZ stay I'm pretty sure guys. I mean we know dapr stays, but TenZ we still have no idea on his perspective which he does not talk about this topic at all. But yeah, TenZ is basically Sentinels at this point and I honestly don't think that there are any good replacements for TenZ since there is like what, Dicey or Babybay? That's probably the real contenders of taking TenZ's spot as the Chamber or Jett. But we will see how it goes, I'm sure we will know at the end of the week what happens with the SEN roster.
Via George Geddes article
There are threads all about how Jamppi is leaving cuz of Sayf :(
Eng, Fren, Arab (I think), and no idea which is the fourth one. Spanish maybe??
People don't realize how flexible this guy is. Just cuz he plays chamber doesn't mean he will leave cuz of Sayf. This man probably played every role on liquid at some point. Don't count him out till he's out