Flag: United States
Registered: January 28, 2022
Last post: August 14, 2023 at 6:57 AM
Posts: 6

I don't think you can call NAVI chokers when they only have 5 match points, otherwise they closed out their maps. I think they probably just faced two good teams in DRX and LOUD that had better ideas to counter NAVI's play style (triple controller lol). You look at other teams and see how many leads they just blow (like EDG, who have a hard time closing games on match point) and NAVI doesn't look too bad.

TLDR: Navi a bit unlucky, other teams choke more

posted 9 months ago

vlr and milk for breakfast...

posted 9 months ago


Fnatic: No one likes people winning everything, no hate to them though

  • Exception (Boaster): Guy is just too positive to hate

EG: Idk why they started trash talking hella, but it's probably gonna bite them in the ass in playoffs because anything less than losing to Fnatic is a disappointment

LOUD????: I feel like most people just don't root for them, but they do have loyal Brazil fans

posted 9 months ago

honestly, they actually looked depressed while the others have god tier poker faces

posted 9 months ago

I feel bad for him (only reason I watch NRG)

posted 9 months ago

Why does it feel like he has no impact? Maybe it's just NRG's style but his lurks don't do anything, and it feels like he never gets the important kills in 2v2s, 2v3s, etc. Idk, I'm just a random tho so don't listen too much to this. He is Liverpool tho :D

posted 9 months ago