Flag: United States
Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 1:10 PM
Posts: 9

the ic in chronICle stands for ice cold

posted 10 months ago

It's okay to be wrong you know, but to be confidently wrong is brave.

posted 10 months ago

LES GO PEPUREX Monyet no knife fail pls

posted 11 months ago

We're getting 3 maps

This is going to be such a fun match to watch. PRX needs to get their shit together but I still think we can see the chaotic APAC team gain control. TS already showed us they're not to be messed with (although Team Liquid isn't exactly a great team right now) And I'm excited to see these players go head to head.

posted about a year ago

It's a forum site, it'll meltdown no matter the outcome.

posted about a year ago


Some bias here definitely on my end. I think ZETA can snowball when they get the right mindset, but one map is going to catch them off guard when they lose pistol and lose multiple rifles against the bonus. ZETA just has the buff of experience, and RRQ just needs more time to figure out what they'd like to do with their team composition.

posted about a year ago

Giants is getting a rough draw, but they're still a good team. Hoping they don't leave teams best maps open this time (Like seriously, you're gonna give Fnatic Icebox?)

NAVI 2-0 But I'm taking a guess that all the matches will be pretty close (anywhere from 13-9 to 13-11 scorelines). Giants are by no means a bad team, they're just having to go against EMEA's finest right off the bat.

Hoping to see Gekko, but maybe this time don't make wingman look like a headless chicken.

posted about a year ago

also probably the most flexible player in the game right now. he's played literally every single agent in the game at tier 1, bar chamber.
he's played literally every single agent in the game at tier 1, bar chamber.

posted about a year ago