KRU are legit
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Registered: | April 18, 2022 |
Last post: | March 28, 2025 at 9:43 PM |
Posts: | 335 |
KRU are legit
every time they win map 1 they choke I don't get this team they're terrible , Jemkin doing nothing for 10 rounds and they have 0 idea how to hold or even retake A
jemkin absolutely terrible and they have vyse and still can't hold A site properly , every round it's just abuse A and they do nothing against it for 4 rounds
garbage team 0 awareness legit 0 B hold , can't even convert 5v3 bonus round lol
cba with these RRQ idiots zero awareness
can't even win first gun round 5v3 lol ggwp
yeah I always bet these guys and they always throw from 1-0 up all the time , always 8-4 as well yday JDG 8-4 now today RRQ 8-4
last slip... 1-0 up ... 13-4 13-10 probably Chivas just wake up after losing 7 maps in a row
2-0 FS who said AE have a chance?
I hope u done all handicaps and moneyline
respect wpgg what a map 3
eco and 2x 5v3 pathetic
9-9 important round lose eco lose the game classic pathetic noobs look so unorganised and panicing , 5v3 post plant all sitting in the open , natank worst duelist I've ever seen give away so many important frags that lose them rounds..........
9-9 lose eco and 5v3 ggwp rip +1.5
today I've watched teams lose about 25+ eco rounds
tex give free frag on site every round this bot man thought it's their map but they get abused on B every round and lose every eco possible
rip +1.5 LEV
he never plays yoru , I reckon map 2 he might go raze/jett like EG times and there's a chance
rip my +1.5 these guys look so lost lol
no he's live on twitch rn doing a viewing party
between this and the tl series I've seen about 25 eco rounds , how bad is this game that teams can win with full pistols/sherrif and buckes
11-10: 5v5 post plant every1 just shifting about and letting them shift up on site with shotguns and get flawless retake
11-11: 5v4 and zekken goes a solo and dies and then zellsis goes b solo to peek
11-12: full util spam c site and zekken is the only one fighting on C site lol
SEN are washed free zekken
thanks for 11.5x 100T so overrated
braindead different both teams suck on attack and insane at defence , Asuna that one half buy round threw 3v2 he had most free kill with neon ult
4v2 first gun round and an eco last round these guys are tier 1?
1 t round on t sided map and lose 4v2 vs bonus lol unbelieveable throw from 100T
lol insane throw map 1 QoR explain yourselves
nah map 3 for RETA was what happened to FG map 3/4 , looks sorta like both teams throwing but it was just fatigue FG woke up seriously on map 5 , all the maps FG won weren't even close.
the stats for RETA on Split were like 1-4 20% so I thought it was anyones game but FG just wrecked them
guys need to learn how to defend go take map control don't sit and play retake every round use this comp properly . round 10 prime example these guys are unable to trade when they have man advantage on site like
lol these guys can only play 1 map dumb bots play retake every round and suck at trading each other.....
they're both t2 bots
that was pathetic from Liquid
they just terrible
I done it to myself ngl ofc TL just so bad can't believe they were favourites
lol ofc I took TL money line and they can't do anything lol 2-0 MIBR
worst comp I've ever seen the fact they got 7 ct without stun and kj , jett is getting diffed and they're attacking with only omen flash......
that's what I implied bro
0% chance they've lost so many dumb man advantage rounds and playing so scared
harbour neon yoru
actually insane 1v4 ngl wp
lol who said this spg was good these guys pushed every round on ct map and cant clear basic angles +w gaming
lol gg go play t side on ct side while other team defaulst and waits for aggression wpgg
who wins?
do games start early when the earlier ones end
lol how pathetic I actually knew this would happen
CCG most lost team lol but ofc they comeback from 3-11 lol
now back to reality ofc wpgg