Flag: United States
Registered: January 29, 2023
Last post: August 18, 2023 at 2:17 PM
Posts: 16

You’re trolling if you think FUT would pick lotus or split vs FNC, I bet they’ll pick either bind or ascent

posted about a year ago

The downfall of NRG will be studied for generations to come

posted about a year ago

what tf is this racist ass take

posted about a year ago

They are competitive teams. I think BLG proved that today. We shouldn’t treat Chinese teams as inferior and not worthy of being subjects of banter. They’re adult players who can clearly handle it. I think it’s funny, and I love how BLG clapped back with some showmanship of their own today

posted about a year ago

demon1 will be at champs in LA if they qualify. Not a wasted spot at all

posted about a year ago

until Demon1 comes back at champs and smurfs against Fnatic

posted about a year ago

emea pearl is the most enjoyable because nobody knows how to play it. Pearl in its "theoretically perfect" form is just a spam battle and lets go B simulator.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro you are COPING with LEV there, EG and LOUD are definitely better than them

posted about a year ago

m80 isn't even the most consistent looking team in challengers right now, so not sure how they'd possibly be better than every franchised NA team besides C9... NRG, EG, and even 100T both look way better against way tougher opponents. Same goes with the guard being 6th, i mean they've lost to mxm and G2 (which, no hate to mxm because they look like a great team,) but you can't exactly say that makes them better than EG, 100T, or FURIA, teams which have looked pretty good in a tier 1 event

i think the thing to remember with challengers is that its impossible to directly compare those teams to franchised ones. The environment is super different (one is on lan, one isn't, and one is against the absolute top competition while challengers has a bit of a drop off in quality besides the top few teams). We'll have to see how the ascension winner does in tier 1 next year before we can honestly have a good idea of where a challenger team would land

posted about a year ago

source: it was revealed to me in a dream

posted about a year ago

its fun how both teams are bming eachother, im sure its not actually an anger thing

posted about a year ago

no its about the same either way. EG will qualify as long as they beat MIBR and LEV lose both games

posted about a year ago

we need someone to get in contact with him and get him to a hospital or somewhere that can help him.

posted about a year ago

wait this guy might be a genius

posted about a year ago

EG has 3 times the number of players, EZ for EG

posted about 2 years ago