Flag: Albania
Registered: February 5, 2022
Last post: September 2, 2022 at 10:28 AM
Posts: 53
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bump. fck brazil

posted about 2 years ago

lmao of course, its obvious. i mean are there other f/a tier 1 team?

posted about 2 years ago

yea i agree but there are also other factors to what happened tho. in masters1, they coping about no bootcamp and internet problems. I mean in masters 2 tho, at least theyre top 3 and just unfortunate they lose to xerxia so i cant really say about that for now until they cant qualify this lcq

posted about 2 years ago

we stil cant say that now just by one loss but if they lose again so badly in the lowers pretty sure there would be a change plus franchising is also coming

posted about 2 years ago

you prolly mean sage and yea they shouldve just stick with their orig comp and put dispenser on kj. this why they also lose on apac last season on icebox coz they keep changing comps like what they did on dubstep yoru. Why fix something if it aint broke man, hope they bounce back

posted about 2 years ago

nah their double op with dubstep on A + witz on B the reason why theyre winning on icebox. Jremy tried op-ing on the later defense rounds and he got the first kill then he whiff the next shot. if he only did it way earlier, the halftime score would have been close

posted about 2 years ago

why would they put jremy on chamber rather than witz like mf wont op in defense and hes playing chamber. Almost all wins of bleed in atk are all on B coz jremy and dispenser cant hold it. Also, dispenser kinda underperformed and just keeps dying and hes also the big factor why they always loses b. Now, if only they used their past comp and have witz chamber + borkum viper in B, they prolly win their map pick.

posted about 2 years ago

if we exclude the competitive aspect and lean more into that viewership/ audience, i still believe 3 slots for br+latam is enough for champions. having the most amount of slots with 4 is still bullshit to me. even if u say its 2 region combined, mothafucka the other one is not even a region its just a country. so EMEA makes much more sense if we take into consideration both the competitive and viewership aspect

posted about 2 years ago

i dont give a fk about eachh region's population. i just dont get why br+latam has to get the most slots in the region when their representatives since last year were usually has the worst performances (only latam is carrying, loud run is a fluke). i can only see kru the deserving team from their lcq and then what, another slot for another br team like vivo keyd/ furia to get last again lol.

Also, another reason why im mad coz i also watch dota2 esports and there if they see a region that is not competitive enough, they usually take slot from them and give it to others like what they did to NA (north america) and SA (south america) having the least slot of only 2 while china despite only being a country has same number of slots like Eu with 4 slots each.

thats why i dont give a fk about audiences/ population, im more into the region's worthiness of the slot

posted about 2 years ago

nah only optic is good there. see what the guard and xset did, also got eliminated immediately. best is to give it to emea, lots of top teams there battling for only one slot: liquid, guild, m3c, acend.

posted about 2 years ago

ok loud fan XD

posted about 2 years ago

also dud i just realized why u said that. what i mean with not even 5 countries, are the countries playng in the lcq not thhe actual number of countries in latam region lmaooo. only brazil, colombia, argentina and chile right? if u exclude mexico coz u said theyre included in na

posted about 2 years ago

lmao whos baiting bro. dud im just really mad against these br teams coz they cant compete againtt the others, im good with latam. these br teams have their chance last year to prove theyre not weak coz they also have the most slots with 4 i think last champions which is ridiculuos but in the end they still place last lol. cant believe i get to see this bullshhit happen again

posted about 2 years ago

why would u even defend this weak ass region lmaoo

posted about 2 years ago

yea and theres like more than 10 countries in that region. 4 slots to not even 5 countries in a region? what a joke when theres emea with whole europe and russia which have the top caliber teams who are far more deserving of the slots. who the fk would prefer to watch vivo keyd/ furia than liquid/ acend/guild? only those braindead bronzil fans

posted about 2 years ago

yea i know. cant wait to watch these weakass bronzil teams to place last again this champions lol.

posted about 2 years ago

thats why im confused. why would they add another slot to this region, all of their representatives always get last place last year besides kru. if im riot i wont only not add another slot but also take away 1 slot to give to other far more deserving region like emea

posted about 2 years ago

clueless to what. yea i know there be franchhising and shit and they will merge na and sa. its good i guess so there will be less br teams. Also man im not against latam im more against bronzil. i only want kru to qualify on the sa lcq then thats enough, just dont want to see these boring br teams like vivo keyd, furia

posted about 2 years ago

yea unfortunately. hope nxt year riot finally realize that its a waste to give this region a lot of slots. surely they wont do this again for the 3rd time.

posted about 2 years ago

just give them 1 slot for kru then fck the others. cant even remember what furia & vivo keyd done from the tournaments theyve qualified besides the heat guy

posted about 2 years ago

yea and? compare it to emea with the whole eu plus russia

posted about 2 years ago

why in the fck sa has 2 lcq. is riot blind thhat they cant see from the last masters that all 3 representatives of emea are in the top 8 while this fluke loud team (best br team btw lol) got eliminated immediately

yea thank you riot, cant fcking wait to see again these weak af sa teams get eliminated immediately

posted about 2 years ago

why i cant see tsm in this past comments lmao, the copenhagen crowd literally chants it despite them not going in a single lan tournament

posted about 2 years ago

nah no one knows. vs xerxia, ts pick haven vs onic, ts pickk breeze vs prx, ts pick ascent. no one really knows what map will ts pick and what xerxia will ban against them

posted about 2 years ago

csgo major is not even similar to val masters no? in terms of the tier of tournament. DOTA also has major and its more similar to what valorant has coz its the same tier of tournament

posted about 2 years ago

all mfers who have SEN in their ign

posted about 2 years ago

NAHH thhis fireee

posted about 2 years ago

fcking ecos man. the most easy rounds and they cant convert

posted about 2 years ago

Mfs who dont know how to utilize his util in matches and just all aim dont wanna play him

posted about 2 years ago

idk bruh, he can frag on anything and i believe hes good on kay0 given that hes a ex-csgo player. if i would build around a team, i would choose sick. that man is so flexible and being a flex is important in this game coz meta always changes

posted about 2 years ago

soon as i see sick an option, thats alrdy a brainded take. hes the most consistent player on that roster who can play all 3 roles maybe even sentinels if he want to

posted about 2 years ago

bro said mmr like this some rank games lmfaoo. who the fuck cares about vlr rankings

posted about 2 years ago

it takes time. i hope sea can win the next masters coz for sure viewers and popularity will also increase in the region

posted about 2 years ago

wow no one mention my boy Shanks out here. Whanks Whanks Whanks Whanks Whanks Whanks Whanks

posted about 2 years ago

chemistry?? my guy, 4 of them play together for more than a year now and you still talking about chemistry XD

posted about 2 years ago

no way sentinels will upset PUGSTARS

posted about 2 years ago

unironic to see shahz talking about tsm at the start of the year that they can qualify in 2023, now that theyre struggling to qualify here XD

posted about 2 years ago

roza is the main igl but gmd also calls

posted about 2 years ago

i think someone (a pro maybe s0m but i forgot who it is) needs to have its post goes to a certain number of likes just for FNS to stream.

posted about 2 years ago

bruh they literally replace seven w/ a duelist that is botfrag lmaooooooo. it is understandable if only hes like in the middle but botfrag mate? might as well act like a skye dog than go duelist lol. letting go of seven when hes the one carrying them last vct XD

posted about 2 years ago

shut the fuck up weeb

posted about 2 years ago

If u based it now, most westerns doesnt give a fuck anymore in next matches coz all eu is gone and maybe na still watch w/ optic. If they bring it to asia, pretty sure many would still watch especially japan. Even i in SEA cant watch matches this master coz it literally starts at midnight. thhey should try bringing it to asia next time.

posted about 2 years ago

If loud will be the first to be out in playoffs. just merge the latam and brzil for god sake. so much wasted slots

posted about 2 years ago

I think valorant is like comparable to moba. Just like in dota2, its not really like the best player who wins but the best team is.
We cant really there whos the greatest player but we can if we talk about the greatest team. its like even your team has the best mechanical players in each position, if theres no chemistry in between, you wont be the best.

posted about 2 years ago

what did calypso posted for it to get the most downvoted post? lol

posted about 2 years ago

i mean bruh, which free agent do u think is better than wardell. literally no one

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

note that aint saying kayo is the meta rn for all of the maps, just saying on ascent and breeze coz kay0 is more picked than skye. the best teams who qualified pick it so it must say something why theyre winning and ghost gamng also have similar comp and maybe thats also the reason why they won.

Also, im not only talking about kay0 at all. im also talking about Corey not the best option for a jett role coz we can see that hes struggling entrying with it. We know that his raze is better and also im sure, his kay0 is better than his jett so why not put him on kay0 instead. thats why im suggesting to put roza on jett coz he always practice it and hes the aggressive type entry player that can make space w/ it

posted about 3 years ago
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