There are some pretty absurd trips Cypher can do right now. The idea's just to get rid of a few of the more annoying ones while keeping Cypher viable (this shouldn't change too much tbh)
What a lot of pro teams have been doing is picking up Cypher trips and putting them in other places, which gets them a ton more value than if they just kept it there (kinda like how Viper orb used to work on maps like Bind and Lotus). The idea is to deny that kind of thing, because it's kind of quietly making Cypher a lot more enticing. Anderzz (one of FNATIC's analysts) explained this in greater detail than I can provide, so check him out if you want more info on that
One of the biggest downsides to Killjoy compared to Cypher is her range restriction. It seems to me like the biggest reason (or one of the biggest reasons) why a big portion of pro teams are opting for Cypher on every map, even traditional Killjoy maps
Sage's biggest problem is that she's overpicked in ranked and underpicked in pro play. This is because heals are very very good in ranked but almost always negligible in pro. The rest of her kit (other than her ult) is great though, and her expertise in stalling would be great if she had a complete kit for it. A molly is perfect in my opinion, because not only can you use it to keep people from going past your wall (like the slows), but it would also be incredible combo'd with a slow (molly + slow combos are generally very very good). This version of Sage might be a tad overtuned but if it means Sage sees less pickrate in ranked and more pickrate in pro then I'm all for trying it