Flag: Australia
Registered: April 29, 2023
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 2:57 AM
Posts: 351
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definetly, most games I play it has those ranks

posted 3 months ago

This would work on a map like Lotus, because there are could places to throw a knife safely, especially because there are only certain areas the defender can hide

posted 3 months ago

kayo is ownly popular on certain maps, maps without kayo this would work possibly

posted 3 months ago

Sage is one of the lowest picks agents, plus that won't stop all lineups

posted 3 months ago


Basically, you have Kayo knifing the site making it so any sentinel is supressed so everyone can run onto site, with two flashes it should be easy, aswell as have viper wall cutting site so you can run onto it, aswell as Brimstone smoking the usually smoke points to hold off defense. Then you have gecko use his abilty to plant spike then every runs to main or somewhere safe. Now you have 5 agents with mollys, plus viper orb, plus flashes, plus killjoy vulnterbility and one some uses their mollys, they watch to make sure no one pushes them, keeping everyone else safe. As long as you quickly plant and get safe, it would be pretty much impossible for anyone to win a round like this. Also this could work on defense, because you could just do lineups for any common places where people hide, flash out then, gecko abilty defuse while everyone holds angles.

This might be a dumb comp but theoretically could work

posted 3 months ago

the original team was built during the chamber meta so once TenZ was forced back into duelist, zekken was forced to iniator and it fucked up the team

though with johnqt they would be more flexable seeing as dephh refused to play sentinel meaning the team could be

TenZ - Duelist
Zekken - Duelist/Init
Sacy - Initator
Pancada - Smokes
Johnqt - Flex/IGL

I mean this team is really good but i like the way things turned out with tenz becoming flex and zekken on duelist

posted 3 months ago

They have much more depth now and every player is performing well and comfortable on their roles. Last year they relied too much on one person to carry (usually zekken or Marved) but this year everyone is performing well and instead of one person playing amazing and the rest playing mediocre, everyone is playing good. This is why players on Sentinels don’t standout unlike players like Aspas or Oxy where there teams bring them down. This is also why Fnatic and EG did so well because everyone performed well together.

posted 3 months ago

I only said that because everyone said that before KickOff. Everyone said the same thing about EG and Cloud9 last year theyboth performed well

posted 3 months ago

Could go either way, but Sentinels have played more games and are more ready. I wouldn’t be suprised if LOUD wins.

posted 3 months ago
  1. Sentinels - Played and beat all the best teams in Americas besides LOUD, also beat PRX in offseason aswell as other teams. Even though LOUD beat them, after the amount of games they’ve played against high level teams, I believe they are at their peak right now. The only problem is there map pool doesnt feel that deep but the maps they do play, they are elite on them.

  2. LOUD - Pretty easily made their way to Madrid, even though all games were kind of close. All players are playing really good. They seem to struggle in first 2 games but in the 3rd they easily win them also Quick seems to be struggling.

  3. Karmine Corp - Coaching staff really brought a team of Tier 2 players and made them the best in Europe. Every game was convincing and apparently they are on like a 150 win streak in scrims. Good use of Yoru too and making new team comps. Don’t reallly watch EMEA so not much to say but from what I’ve seen, they are playing really well.

  4. NRG - Individually, best team in the world, best jett, best initators, best flex and best controller in the world of 2023 and 2022 aswell as having a world class coach. They are only hindered by their insane ego problems. Demon1 thinks he is the best too do it, Chet thinks he can just antistrat anyone, Marved thinks he is the top g, crashies thinks every other team is ass same with Victor, the only humble one is Ethan. If they can become humble and grind the game, they WILL be the best team.

  5. GenG - Playing really really well going into Madrid, haven’t seen too much of them but I think they can do well in Madrid, I really don’t believe they’ll place on the podium though,

  6. Fnatic - I mean its Fnatic, they got placed against Karmine Corp who are playing really well. No matter what, with this team they play really well, hopefully in the EMEA league they bring it together and gualify for Masters Shanghi.

  7. PRX - They are really good but they seem to have lost rythem since losing Jinggg and haven't adjusted well to having Monyet. No one has been playing above average, they’ve been good but nothing special.

  8. TH - Their Lotus looks really well, MiniBoo and Boo have been playing like crazy, Benjyfishy on the cypher looks really well, Riens playing in a different country on 50ms ping has been clutch. I could easily see them doing even better than this but I also haven’t watched much EMEA so I can comment on it too much.

  9. EDG - from what’ve seen KangKang is stil, crazy and looks like he has improved but as a team they aren’t looking amazing and have trolled many rounds and struggle against bad teams. They look alright but I dont see them going very far in Madrid, but who knows, they suprised everyone last year.

  10. EG - Literally a bunch of bums + Potter and they took LOUD to 3 rounds. Could definitely see them improving for Americas league. They have probably Top 3 best coach in the world but could struggle seeing as they are in Americas which is easily the best league.

Don’t violate me too hard if this is an ass ranking, I don’t watch too much Valorant but this is just my opinion.

posted 3 months ago

he was born in America and grew up there

He isn't Russian

posted 3 months ago

what do you think he wouldve said ‘oh nrg will win and well lose gg’ u dumb ash

posted 3 months ago

they bouta pull out sum crazy for nrg

posted 3 months ago

i honestly don’t think 100t is anything spectacular, after what potter did with EG last year, anything is possible

posted 3 months ago

they definitely are, LOUD almost lost to both SEN and LEV, NRG is ready good but idk ig i have a feeling they might be underwhelming

posted 3 months ago

im looking at off season too, C9 were playing really well and like i said bottom four are interchangeable

posted 3 months ago
  1. LOUD
  2. NRG
  3. SEN
  4. LEV
  5. EG
  6. 100T
  7. MIBR
  8. C9
  9. G2
  10. FUR
  11. KRU

Top 4 and bottom 4 could be interchangeable but as of right now, thats how i see it

posted 3 months ago

if they work on their offense and broaden their map pool i think they could be top 3 itw

posted 3 months ago

even forreal if sentinels win yeaterday today (whichplease leave they esshould win both help games but it would be a sentinel-no thing to throw) and go against nrgd loud hello me

posted 3 months ago

it’s unfortunate only 2 teams quaify, especially in a stacked regions like americas

posted 3 months ago

how is demon1 an import?

posted 5 months ago

fr never been bit by anything in australia, go to school in america u get bit by a bullet

posted 7 months ago

i barely see anyone hate on him, especially seeing as he was one of the worst players last year, a lot of people were still attached to his 2022 lcq/champs performance

posted 7 months ago

if wee had the same population as china we would have the same amount of players too and as you said, riot supports it way more than other regions

posted 7 months ago

even if they were mxs is a really good team, they looked like the best team in the second half of challengers but choked playoffs then this season they've ugraded their roster, its not like they are versing one of the average teams in challengers

posted 7 months ago

fn better then valorant, valorant too repetitive, fortnite constantly changing switching stuff up

posted 7 months ago

i mean why would americans learn about that shit anyway, its not like we learn about native americans here

posted 8 months ago

I deadass havent seen a scary spider in years but there are a lot of tiny spiders and daddy longlegs are frequent
I also have never seen a snake besides in the zoo
a lot of australias reputations are over exaggerated

posted 8 months ago

MF DOOM, kayne, eminem are my personal favourites

posted 9 months ago

I think this Champs was really good, the cinderlla story of EG was fun, wondering if FNC would sweep the year, PRX and Jingggs final run, I just wish the finals was closer, but still better than last years.

posted 9 months ago

Grand Final wise, Jawgemo for sure, but tournament wise, Demon, he was by far the best player of Champions, especially in such a large sample size

posted 9 months ago

thats just valorant in target fanbase

posted 9 months ago

new champions vandal isnt even the best champions vandal lmao this one is so shit

posted 10 months ago

talent wise Oliva Rodrigo
look wise easily oliva rodrigo, Ortega is overrated asf

posted 10 months ago

vandal looks weird asf, kinda distracting
knife is ugly asf, regular kunai is way better

they keep trying to go better than the last but keeping getting worse, 2021 Champs still on top

posted 10 months ago

pls be Australia

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

This is a really good roster, personally, i don't see tenz, zekken and marved leaving as i think they all played well this season but i do see sacy and Pancada leaving as pancada is kinda wasting his talent and sacy would leave if pancada leaves (probably going to MIBR)
and if they get the igling off of Marved he will start fragging more
I also hope they implement PRX playstyle as TenZ, Zekken and Marved are all great fraggers and aimers

posted 10 months ago

SEN should keep TenZ, zekken and Marved
pAncada has played pretty mid as Sentinel and would like for him to join another team as Controller
Sacy will leave if pAncada leaves

With the opening in sentinel and initator role they should get a good fragger igl to get the load off Marved.

With coaching, pls fire Kaplan or they should incorporate the PRX playstyle as I think these players can benefit from this playstyle as this trio are all great fraggers

posted 10 months ago

they got the time wrong, same thing happened to me

posted 10 months ago

i missed sentinels match cos vlr said it was the second match then i wake up at the time and theyve already played tf

posted 10 months ago

their best player has taken a break so they have a new player they are getting used too

posted 10 months ago

yeah but that was yay on chamber, ardiis performed really well aswell on chamber, but they had built their playstyle around that and now they can't play jett at a high level anymore either, also ardiis plays kj and shit, yay doesn't, yay would just fuck roles issues up more

posted 11 months ago

you can tell who is winning based on the walkout lmao

posted 11 months ago

fr pacific is easy to know because most of them were top teams before, the only emea team i know is Acend

posted 11 months ago

probably pacific

posted 11 months ago

better dig her up (bruh u edited it)

posted 11 months ago

im pre sure he is joking lmao

posted 11 months ago

I have faith that it can be close but yeah, Fnatic will almost certainly win, EG just need to make sure to win Split, Ascent and Haven to win because Bind and Lotus they will get demolished

posted 11 months ago
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