Flag: Australia
Registered: April 29, 2023
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 2:57 AM
Posts: 351
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no but i was thinking of the french painter monet

posted about a year ago

u changed it in task manager?

posted about a year ago

will u carry?

posted about a year ago

they werent

posted about a year ago

its not like shaq and kobe were the best duo either in basketball

posted about a year ago

i thought it like like a french word thats why

posted about a year ago

then turn that off?

posted about a year ago

wouldnt it be mon-aye?

posted about a year ago

prison coloney aye?

posted about a year ago

thats why i said in my opinion

posted about a year ago

a non binary person is someone that doesnt feel like any gender imo i think its weird

posted about a year ago

if sacy steps up they will win

he is one of their biggest factors and when everyone is playing to their best ability he is either 3 or 2 best player on the team

unfortunately he hasnt been playing too good luckily tenz and zekken are carrying rn

posted about a year ago

they NEED to run this comp but they wont, sentinels don't really have weird comps they just have the basic comps but perfected them

if they do run this and have can run it decently they will win

posted about a year ago

tbh i think icebox is = too and their bind might be = too because of new comp

posted about a year ago

no way they pick sunset first after TH destroyed them on it, they would pick lotus probably

posted about a year ago

it depends how old you are if you’re old you come from cs if your young you come from fortnite

valorant is a lot of peoples fist pc game too and come from fortnite on console

posted about a year ago

fortnite is the biggest game itw what do you expect

posted about a year ago

fr one of the players that deserved an FNCS the most along side like clix, mrsavage, thomashd but unfortunately he was also in the hardest region in the world

posted about a year ago

one of the most influential fortnite pros of all time and one of the best to never win an fncs/championship

also apart of the most known trio of all time MMB

posted about a year ago

If they win a masters or championship then ig yeah idk who else could also he in the talking

posted about a year ago

i have the script buddy, dont play wit me

posted about a year ago

that wasn't going to be the team

instead of sinatraa is was going to be saadhak he wanted to leave loud after champions same with aspas but decided to stay

then once saadhak chose to stay with loud they also trialled leaf aswell but then the stuff wit eg happened so they poached demon1 and ethan leaving narrate with no team so kc picked him up

posted about a year ago

he wasnt tho

posted about a year ago

tbh i think sen or kc will win

posted about a year ago

tacolilla to aspas

posted about a year ago

only drama comes from sen and riot cos of back to back games

posted about a year ago

how does caffiene keep people up? that shit makes me tired asf

posted about a year ago

You can’t argue that they had the toughest road to qualify in the world. Then to come to Madrid and draw with TH and KC only KC which besides maybe GENG are the 2 best teams there. Only KC could be comparable when it comes to difficulty qualifying because they had to go through TH and FNC but even they aren’t amazing teams because Sentinels beat TH and FNC hasn’t been the same since Tokyo losing in Champs but also almost losing to Cloud9 and Redbull Home Grounds. TH easily qualified, GenG easily qualified besides losing to PRX but was put into the easiest group, PRX easily qualified, EDG qualified easily and idk FPX might have been hard but they aint winning shit.

posted about a year ago

Yes but I’m also counting their Kickoff run

posted about a year ago

It WILL be the greatest and hardest masters/champions run of all time.

posted about a year ago

Pretty much mine but I had SEN losing, Karmine Corp look too good and SEN struggled today unless they manage to make N4RRATE struggle and Sacy and JohnQT step up they will lose but Karmine Corp may troll because they didn’t do amazing against FPX and have also lost to TH 13-4 twice.

I think FPX may win against LOUD because they didn't look too bad against KC they just need to stop trollling and I have a feeling LOUD is gonna troll

posted about a year ago

yeah when Sacy looks likes his champs self and TenZ looks like his 2021 self they are the most entertaining team to watch and they are completely unbeatable

posted about a year ago

i mean baked beans are far from bad but wtf is spotted dick?

posted about a year ago

get some blood puding or what ever it is called

posted about a year ago

hmmm something is strange

posted about a year ago

We’ll see, I still got PTSD from all the times Sentinels were expected to win but somehow manage to choke.

posted about a year ago

i mean those are sentinels best maps too, no one else theyve gone up against was very good on those maps besides nrg on sunset

posted about a year ago

marved is still good, he just gotta get into rythem again ig but it could also be a thing where he can fits fns igling better kinda like yay

posted about a year ago

what are their best maps? i didn't really watch much emea cos of time zones i just know their sunset is crazy good

posted about a year ago

zekken and zellsis aren't leaving sentinels. Zellsis has stated he only signed a contract because he fuck wit sentinels and obviously a generous offer and unless tenz is packed up, zekken isnt going anywhere, i see those two as a package deal

posted about a year ago

This is definitely going to be Sentinels toughest matchup as these two teams play good on the same matches and tbh can go either way. In order for Sentinels to win though, you need TenZ and Sacy do their thing, the match relies on these two

posted about a year ago

Less is also on a worse team player wise so obviously he would have better stats

Louds Ratings
less - 1.15
tuyz - 1.10
cauzin - 1.01
qck - 0.96
Saadhak - 0.89

Sentinels Ratings
zekken - 1.15
TenZ - 1.10
Zellsis - 1.09
JohnQT - 1.08
Sacy - 1.06

posted about a year ago

i mean zekken is the best player in NA, tenz isn't far off

posted about a year ago

thats what makes sentinels so good, no is specifically a standout player but they are all good, no one plays bad

posted about a year ago

fr thats the biggest downside of Valorant, its literally rinse and repeat nothing else to do

posted about a year ago
  • The pAncada situation isn't bad, they are letting him go to any team without buyout so he can play.

  • ShaZham situation was weird, I think both parties were iffy

  • Dapr was the worst being told he will stay

  • Roster mess wasn't their fault, TenZ delt with issues, dephh chose to retire

  • Obviously if your team is losing you have to make changes

Esports like any sport is a business, what they are doing to be the best and ultimately they have succeded

posted about a year ago

how the hell is sentinels so highly earned, they havent even been to a riot international event in 3 years

posted about a year ago

you can run it on any map with agent deviations

the main idea is for kayo to supress site so you can get onto it fast, gecko to get plant/defuse without using anyone and viper to quicky cut site for them to run onto it.

if this doesnt work you regroup and you still have all the util because you're only using a viper wall, gecko blind and wingman, aswell as kayo knife. Also a lot of teams nowadays play retake so it wouldn't be so far fetched that you can get site easily.

posted about a year ago

whats counter strike got to do with it?

posted about a year ago

there are definitely counters but there are many ways for the execution to work, also different variations in it so its hard to counter start

the core idea is do everything to take site as fast as possible before the defenders have a change to take it, then run to safetly and play there

That is why you have kayo to supress any sentinel util so that gecko can get the spike down, aswell as viper cutting the site in half

posted about a year ago
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