Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 4:30 PM
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Just found out they lost 3 of their players and had to put fucking Xand in. Gg it was fun while it lasted

Don’t know much about the new hires but Xand is a blackhole level downgrade

posted about a year ago

good point

posted about a year ago

Furia is what happens when you get a 5stack duelist team, no brains

posted about a year ago

hating furia is always a W

posted about a year ago

what? sorry the way this is worded is weird, what are you talking about?

posted about a year ago

yeah i just like ranting

posted about a year ago

when did fem teams play internationally against each other?

posted about a year ago

gringo literally only means foreigner, it can be used in positive neutral, and negative ways.
Saadhak is my favourite gringo
You are a gringo
and know that you undertand, go Fuck yourself gringo

posted about a year ago

NB dont get affected, atleast male NBs, female NBs do though

posted about a year ago

fuck gringos

posted about a year ago

TLDR, want see girl play, but girl treated like disabled

posted about a year ago

one thing that fucks up your argument, is how for newcomers overwatch is frustrangly pointless to play, like if you dont outright understand the game you fell like you have no impact, newcomers dont really have a simple short term objective. if you arent playing a dps agent your bullets feel like confetti, in valorant your small objective uis get a kill, which is much easier to accomplish and feel rewarded by it since you can switch weapons (Judges are a noobs best friend)

posted about a year ago

Long text incoming.
So one thing Valorant taught me is that girls are also grimy chronically online sweatlords, which leads to a confusing situation. why are girl pros not doing well against T1 teams? when in ranked they seem fine?
No structure, shitty trainning, way too much shit to handle other than gaming, and a dreadful bubble.
The GC allows for visibilty but actually curbs fem teams progress, since they only play against each other , one tournament that exemplified this consequence was the Elite Cup in the brazilian scene where the fem teams got hard-countered, they werent in the pro meta, they were in their own, like a bronze and a gold, they play different matches when it comes to strats.
Mixed tournaments are what will truly help fem teams other than the basic of orgs giving them staff (Psychologist,Analyst,Head Coach,Assistant Coach, and throw some HR in there to make sure the coaches arent trying to get into the players pants) to help. The LOUD treatment basically, where the org actually focuses on management and the players only have to focus on trainning.
there are in valorant atleast, girls that play really well, i personally see in them the same problem players like Qck or Xand have, either ego or lack of proper mentoring, which isnt a girl thing since Furia for example is a prime example of both (God i fucking hate Furia), no proper strating and the vet players are arrogant af when it comes to recognizing mistakes and changing..
If more talented Pros like Fallen, Sacy, Saadhak mentor them in prime trainning we could see some pristine gameplay from fem teams in main tounaments like masters and champions.
im just tired of seeing good players like Daiki being shoved in the "special" box because its "visibilty" and "inclusive". fuck off, i wanna see her in a mixed team beating the shit out off gringos man

posted about a year ago

TL literally always chokes dude, them and fnatic had a bad time against FURIA, fucking FURIA, I hate furia but thats an L on Fnatic and TL's record, disgusting

posted about a year ago

Female Team Liquid is better than the male team, cope, seethe, mald.

posted about a year ago

I literally didn’t mention any BR teams at all because my issue is that you annoying fucks underestimate every other fucking region

posted about a year ago

because every region has been constantly underestimated and continuously proved themselves, but EU and NA keep acting like dipshits

posted about a year ago

because every region has been constantly underestimated and continuously proved themselves, but EU and NA keep acting like dipshits

posted about a year ago

optic didnt qualify for franchise and there is no way the players would stay

posted about a year ago

my favourite players are from TBK and CTC, but nice try. also pretty smoothbrained of you to insult my region when your team needs my players to go back to the spotlight

posted about a year ago

Valorant wont die that easily because of what type of game it is. OW2's hype is basically the same as Halo infinite and others, we are at the honeymoon phase right now, when the sponsors end shit will die down, OW wont flop but it will not stay at the same relevance it is right now

posted about a year ago

almost every reply in Sentinels roster announcement are BRs begging them t5o give Pancada back so i dont think we will like Sentinels,
also we havent forgotten the Zombs debacle, fuck you zombs

posted about a year ago

you literally listed 3 good teams on asia, wich one is objectively the most consistent, while NA's best continuously flopped after their good runs.
both Fnatic and Liquid managed to suffer against BR teams
Leviathan won against most of these guys too

posted about a year ago

because i dislike this shitty supremacy take? fuck you

posted about a year ago

scream hasnt done shit in the last tournaments, there is no balls for you to lick

posted about a year ago
Why do you guys still do this shit? Fnatic has been flopping every tournament, they arent bad but they dont deserve this overrating, same goes for TL and SEN, yes SEN has Tenz and Pancada and Sacy, but that doesnt mean they will play well together, just because you have talent doesnt mean your team will have cohesion.
ALSO, FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP PUTTING SA AND ASIA TEAMS SO LOW, you guys have gotten your asses kicked by them so many times, delete your ego please, holy shit.
every tournament is always the same shit, you guys overestimate your region, the teams are nowhere near the level you perceive and then you have the audacity to act as if the wins you got where easy... they werent, both teams played well.


posted about a year ago

Wait so you think talking about how you will fuck your colleagues partner is a reasonable thing? what context did he say this in? also why tf kyedae and tenz, thats like threatning a sheep, sheep dont do anything, why tf you angry at a sheep for?

posted about a year ago

antes mamar o bonoro e lulo doq tirar foto com furia

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

o mais infuriante é que SÓ TEM DUELISTA NAQUELE TIME

posted about a year ago

pqp bando de safado arrogante tomannocu

posted about a year ago

i think its related to that unfunny chile meme,

posted about a year ago

Eu acho que os caras da TBK ou um player novo scout tipo o Less ou um cara de outro game tipo o pancada

posted about a year ago

Loud really gonna get disbanded man… the br fan can’t be happy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Não é nenhuma novidade que as lines de MIBR e FURIA atualmente estão questionáveis, porém, segue aqui lines que eu acho que não passariam tanta vergonha na franquia

Nova MiBr
Ryotzz ou Shion
Pleets ou Matheuzin

Nova Fúria

Embora eu ache que a Fúria ainda sim vai passar vergonha, a MiBr me soa promissora com essa line

posted about a year ago

Eu não prestei atenção nele no jogo, mas a mira dele é boa geralmente? Pq daí poderia ser realmente uma joia a ser delapidada

posted about a year ago

PedrinhoSR, makes me laugh everytime

posted about a year ago

(Refeito) ele é não binário pelo jeito, no Twitter dele tá escrito, pelo que me lembro o game changers incentiva minorias a jogar por isso que ele deve ter sido aceito pela Riot.

posted about a year ago

Pra quais times eles jogam? Quero procurar os stats

Edit: puleule tava muito mal contra TBK mano, tem crtz q ele vale a pena?

posted about a year ago

Who tf is rossy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Quiet trembo

posted about a year ago

Yeah, isn’t NB a gender thing? It’s not sex, we have male female and intersex, tf does gender have to do with rosters? Isn’t the main argument for separate competitions the possible biological advantages? Then why take gender into account? Gender is behavior not physiology.

posted about a year ago

meus compatriotas brasileiros e latino-americanos em geral, que players do latam vocês acham que poderiam fortalecer times to cenário brasileiro? (Já que Leviathan e KRU provavelmente não irão mudar muito)

posted about a year ago

Tf is a non-binary team? I’m pretty sure there isn’t enough intersex people on the valorant scene to have that many teams

posted about a year ago

yes, only tbk will be worth watching

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wtf aren’t they satisfied with? What can Furia and MiBr offer that LOUD can’t?

posted about a year ago

Actually not, sadge

posted about a year ago
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