Flag: Philippines
Registered: April 6, 2024
Last post: November 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Posts: 68
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posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Brother, at least you're not bias. I commend you for that

posted 4 months ago

Poor theia, she's about to lose again with the same people who destroyed her team last year lol. I think flyquest will come out swinging, if dodonut plays insane, it will somehow be a close match. But if dodonut plays shit it will be a stomped in favor of xipto.

posted 4 months ago

This might be a bad or brilliant decision, but I'm leaning more toward a questionable move. Based on the interviews I saw with sayf, the guy has such a huge ego, you combine that with less with another huge ego. Seems like a trainwreck.

posted 4 months ago

what a dumb format, riot always doing stupid formats. And they make sure that only 1 SEA team will get those 2 spots for champs. I think SISU will learn from their mistakes and will win over MIR if only the format wasn't so shit. This could have been XIPTO and SISU as representatives of APAC

posted 5 months ago

calling it now Xipto is already locked in for champs, I think one other team from SEA might get the final spot because MIR and ZETA are beatable, just base on results alone if SISU correct their mistakes and boba plays smart as a team then it's either the 2 of those teams that will get the final spot.

posted 5 months ago

sorry man

posted 6 months ago

When you realized that EDG finally won an international trophy compared to PRX, remember those days when EDG used to be a punching bag of PRX. Now they're world champions

posted 6 months ago

I think woot ducked down if I remember correctly, have to rewatch it again but can't blame zekken for that round he did everything he can, but his team couldn't carry their own weight, so I replay the round and woot dodge it going right

posted 6 months ago

zellsis ass is too damn heavy zekken can't even carry him, he didn't show up when he needed but let's be real most of the team didn't show in the third map but zellsis is just horrendous

posted 6 months ago

I'm not watching their live games anymore after their lose against talon, I don't think jessie is the sole problem of this team, it's the mental overall. Invy didn't show up, jremy didn't show up, vash has the reason not to frag but when your igl is out fragging you while calling the shots then there's definitely something wrong with the team.

posted 8 months ago

I've seen personal attacks here on specific players from TS especially from Jessie, being a critic and a hater are 2 different things, marami talaga hater kapag natatalo ka lagi, nobody like's losers in short but hating and saying nasty things to a player that you don't even know personally is a disgusting thing to do, I guess this Filipino habit is hard to change, it's like it's embedded in most of us and hopefully we change for the better.

posted 8 months ago

TS doesn't lose on a rematch, last time these 2 teams faced each other back when ndg and borkum was still on the team, and now oreo and 2ge are here to stay, and ever since the 2 came in, I have faith in TS and I'll double it down by saying 2-0 in favor of TS, I have no respect for a team(talon) that match fixed games just so they can avoid the best team, you're a pussy if you're trying to do that and have no confidence to compete against the best of the best.

posted 8 months ago

Out of all the old igl's FNS is the worst when it comes to mechanics, Ange1 has those days where he can out duel the best of the best, I don't know how that mother fucker does it but he has those days, Jessievash is the oldest igl currently if I'm not mistaken but compared to FNS, Jessie can frag and the guy is 34 years old.

posted 8 months ago

It's not like fns and s0m didn't play with crashes and Victor before, just admit it they're terrible. No matter how much time they get, they will still not make another international LAN because of how competitive NA is right now, if FNS can't IGL properly then what can he contribute to the team? The guy is a walking ult orb

posted 8 months ago

FNS thought he could save this NRG roster, but one of the biggest mistake is benching your best player who gives tons of firepower to your team, NA is so competitive right now that you will need guys in your roster who are mechanically gifted, FNS calling shots in this game is terrible, what can you contribute to the team if you can't even call properly and most of all can't frag. I wouldn't be surprised if FNS totally retire after this tournament.

posted 8 months ago

You guys got baited, it was an engagement bait. Rossy is a troll, if you ever follow him on his social media, he did not play mainly because they have no chance of qualifying anyway so he went home early and since carpe is their 6th man they also want to experiment with him, that's why you even saw izu on KJ on ascent because they're trying stuff, and they have nothing to lose anyway

posted 8 months ago

In terms of competitiveness, I would say no. But Rito needs those passionate Japanese fans and that money from them, so they have no choice but to keep those 2 teams in franchising.

posted 8 months ago

GE needs to get rid of polvi,benkai, and blazeking replace him with venka,techno and hellf, then you have a full indian roster in GE

posted 8 months ago

that venka dude is a good player, they need to surround him with good players also, with proper guidance with a great coach and a really good igl he will be the future of indian valorant, he is more promising than skrossi

posted 8 months ago

This will definitely affect his streaming career not even sure if he will still have one if ever he comes back, surely the brands tied to him will drop him, as soon as they heard the news. He should have taken that kick deal before this happened, now he's probably punching the air right now.

posted 8 months ago

yeah I remember that, He used sage in split against crazy racoons, but the point is he needs to get better using cypher and kj

posted 8 months ago

A GE flair, that say's about your hopium also, there are 4 SEA teams bitch and I said I want the very best of APAC, learn how to read and comprehend

posted 8 months ago

Is there a world where GENG won't qualify for champions and in the coming weeks we'll see a huge upset, if there is a multiverse just think about 3 SEA teams representing in Champions instead of 2 Korean teams, but tbh I don't really want that to happen because GENG is the strongest team in APAC right now and currently the reigning champ, so I rather see the very best teams that will represent APAC, nobody wants to see wimps getting destroyed in international stage, so hoping for the very best to qualify for champs.

posted 8 months ago

This is the second time I saw TS used gekko first one was a disaster when lenne sub in for invy on bind and drx destroyed us, and now wildoreo gives so much flexibility in the team, he can play flash and sentinel role, jessie needs to be flexible also, yes his sova is really good but he needs to be better with cypher and kj, he should keep practicing kj and cypher in rank games and get enough experience, surely he will learn a thing or 2 just by playing sentinel role

posted 8 months ago

It's the fucking posture, that MF playing like that is just so weird, they need to drop saya and get somebody else that will fill the needed role and put xcurate back on his usual role.

posted 8 months ago

They benched their mechanically best player just so fns can play with his old buddies, fns is a really good igl no doubt about that but just imagine the potential of Demon1 with fns guidance

posted 8 months ago

his hairline is receding so fast because of carrying too much weight

posted 9 months ago

yeah it looks like governor is about to take you somewhere but not to a championship, he's been chilling down in the scoreboard both maps so far

posted 9 months ago

These Mf's saved so many times in the first map and they're doing it again in sunset, it makes the game so boring. Saving with 4 man alive is crazy they didn't even try and what's worse is they end up losing the next round.

posted 9 months ago

What's your brutal honest opinion with this team?

posted 9 months ago

what are you 12 years old?

posted 9 months ago

Finally, APAC has finally won one trophy!!! It wasn't DRX, not even PRX but mother fucking GENG bitch! Happy for the boys, they truly deserved this trophy congrats GENG!!

posted 9 months ago

Same roster but almost the same outcome everytime, it's always almost but not quite. That's their storyline I don't think they will win an international trophy with how they play, yeah they're entertaining for sure but they always take unnecessary fights which cost them so many rounds, this is their brand already throw more rounds and win nothing.

posted 9 months ago

You live and die with W gaming, how many times has been proven that playing that type of style won't win them an international trophy, no doubt they're entertaining to watch but that's it. At the end of the day the goal is to win trophies unless they're happy with the way they are.

posted 9 months ago

why do you gotta do them like that haha but for real the stylist of these valo casters is trying to be hip and trendy but they look like grown men and women dressing up as teenagers

posted 9 months ago

I started watching CS because of Valorant but to be honest, the ambiance and the crowd support in LAN tournaments for CS is so much better. There's something about CS that excites me whenever I watch a grand finals

posted 9 months ago

they won't be winning I'm sorry to say that I have more faith in GENG than PRX

posted 9 months ago

Now it's clear to me that G2 is the Darkhorse of this tournament, to comeback after getting destroyed on the first map and then to crawl back in the second half of ascent, that takes a lot of mental fortitude. Not the first time they've done it, they also did it against PRX who btw is one of the favorites to win shanghai.

posted 9 months ago

Team secret definitely on a tight budget, wildoreo wasnt even impressive in the tier 2 scene, 2ge is not also an upgrade, if I judge this team on paper I don't think they're better than the top 4 teams in APAC (PRX, GENG, DRX, T1)

posted 9 months ago

the OP crutch king, I love watching the turks get tilted especially when they lose a round

posted 9 months ago

But invy is already their flex player, as you can see on the stats. He played mostly viper and raze and flash, invy plays viper on lotus, he also plays flash agents, vash only plays iniator roles, so there's already a clash on agent roles by signing this guy

posted 9 months ago

So they removed borkum and signed this guy, the guy doesn't even play smokes, I mean you can say viper is a smoke player but with the nerfed I don't think signing a guy who mostly play viper and iniator role is going to make a difference, the guy wasn't even impressive, TS should have bought out Papichulo instead, he's the best controller in tier 2 local scene in PH right now.

posted 9 months ago

can anyone tell me what's the credentials of dummy and why he was chosen over warbirds I mean, when warbirds took over the job you can literally see the difference on how the team works and how much was the improvement.

posted 9 months ago

If TS wants to build a really all filipino team they should have gone for papichulo instead, that guy is way better than borkum and wildoreo but oh well I guess you can't have them all.

posted 9 months ago

Here's the best way to fix the team, Jessie, Borkum and NDG out, Jessie's time in TS is over, he has so many chances already but always fails when the games matter the most, borkum needs to go as well because if he isn't fragging he has no impact at all in the game, lastly NDG not the best Filipino sentinel that TS signed, there are better players than him in the T2 scene in PH but I don't know how this guy got signed instead. They should rebuild around Invy and Jremy and so far, these 2 have shown massive improvement throughout the years, doesn't have to be an all-Filipino roster, pretty sure there are still better players in APAC that they can scout and bring in to the team.

posted 10 months ago

TS living rent free still in your head? they lose this game and yet they're running around your head that's a W

posted 10 months ago

Don't you think it's stupid that when gecko dies, little bro stays alive and still keeps defusing the spike. If KJ turret stops working after KJ dies then it should be the same with little bro, he dies with gecko at the same time. What are your thoughts?

posted 10 months ago

The guy is from Brazil and the org is from North America, not south America! So he is an import you dumbass!

posted 10 months ago
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