Flag: Europe
Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: December 20, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Posts: 8


posted 3 months ago


posted 7 months ago

DFM clears

posted about a year ago

Furia was the first team to bring Viper-Harbor on Haven and DRX on Icebox

posted about a year ago

This team created so many different interesting comps on different maps and made them work

  • Ascent Meta Comp
  • Viper/Harbor Meta (w/ Furia and DRX)
  • Pearl Meta Comp
  • Their new comps without any sentinel
  • Gekko comps when he just came out
  • Strange Neon comps in 2023

What other strange LOUD's comps do you remember guys?

And which comps will LOUD play on other maps (Sunset, Icebox, Breeze, Lotus) do you guys think?

posted about a year ago

FUT gonna win something this year... they have almost the best turkish roster they could ever do.
The only change they can make is to replace ATAKAPTAN with Alfajer (but it's impossible).

FUT are trying some new ideas, they have really cracked players:

qRaxs might be the best KAY/O player in the world,
yetujey has really crispy aim and was good on Fireflux,
MrFalin's IGLing isn't the best, but probably top 4 in EMEA
cNed definitely one of the best Jett/Op players in the world
and ATA KAPTAN also great.

Of course i'm not serious, but you have to think. FUT is very underrated

posted about a year ago

I want to look at different comps, defaults, execs and retakes that teams used in VCT 2023 Season, so i kinda need to know what to watch.
Here's my opinion from what i've seen through the season:

Ascent - LOUD, EG, BBL (not the best mechanical players, but they still strong on this map)
Bind - Sentinels, Fnatic (before the played Chamber)
Breeze - idk honestly, but feel like Acend were playing it very well recently
Fracture - EG
Haven - NRG, Leviatan, Fnatic (i prefer viper comps)
Icebox - LOUD, DRX
Lotus - Fnatic, LOUD, EG
Pearl - NRG, NAVI
Split - EG
Sunset - Rare Atom, Sentinels

pls dont recommend me watch Paper Rex games

posted about a year ago