Flag: International
Registered: February 4, 2024
Last post: February 28, 2024 at 2:24 PM
Posts: 33

i drink decaff but like 3 a day

posted about a year ago

when the casters, the audience, or the teams playing no longer care about a "tier 1 vct pro match", you know your format sucks. the casters are literally not even paying attention to the game anymore, KOI is saving for no reason, it's just so pointless.

posted about a year ago

throwing stones when you live in a glass house.

demon1, a russian, carried NA into a championship trophy. and nobody knew of him until potter picked him up. what does that say about the tier 1 NA scene? this is why looking at val like this is stupid.

posted about a year ago

nahh the sage actually makes me mad at this point. i remember seeing it last year thinking, "okay this is outdated but maybe they got something". nope, it looked horrible.

1 year later, and they're still playing sage. even deadlock is better than sage. idk how their comps are decided but i find it hard to believe the players are happily CHOOSING a sage comp in the year 2024.

posted about a year ago

people said the last year team looked good on paper but everyone basically agreed that the team this year was middle of the pack at best. if liquid goes through the season as an average team, that's the expected result.

nAts is the only real "star player" on the team but a sentinel can't carry a team especially if they have a bad day. compare that to a team like NRG, FNC, Loud etc... who only have top-tier players. its not even close.

posted about a year ago

is still playing sage on Icebox in a month I'm going to start rooting for DFM

posted about a year ago

somebody said that potter could probably get better results with the same rosters TL has had. i wish we could actually run that through a simulation because I can't tell if TL is just doomed to choke or if it's genuinely a coach problem

posted about a year ago

each team plays eachother today

posted about a year ago

nats was also top 3 sentinels in champs despite being eliminated early but ok

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if we overreact based on this map, TL would have to kick nats and build around mistic. who wants that

posted about a year ago

i only noticed it as soon as vct started cause id usually be going to sleep by now. could be maintenance then. but damn what kind of timing is this xD

posted about a year ago

every day at this exact time my internet slows down for like an hour. its making watching the games at this time annoying af because my stream keeps buffering. anyone dealt with the same issue? need to fix this.

posted about a year ago

you ain't wrong but riot doesn't price skins this way for those reasons. skins have been overpriced in this game forever, they just won't stop because they make millions a year from it since enough people continue to buy.

how long have they had those pointless "20% off" discounts on their radianite section knowing damn well they are still overpriced so people will just buy the battlepass anyways.

posted about a year ago

head of strategy ig but either way to go from winless with dfm to masters with geng is good for his portfolio.

posted about a year ago

beat the allegations. gg

posted about a year ago

Japan streams are always just as popular, if not more popular, than the main streams for Pacific events. W fans.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i am willing to give him a couple more games but he's definitely been struggling for a while

posted about a year ago

when this is the quality NA has to give us

posted about a year ago

demon1 was right

posted about a year ago

clean skin does not = makeup

yall need to take care of your skin ong

posted about a year ago

vitality could have won this game if they made just one or two less mistakes. they looked good.

posted about a year ago

as much as I wanted TL to win this wasn't even close. NAVI masterclass

posted about a year ago

found it whilst looking for the schedule for matches

posted about a year ago

fr who are these guys

posted about a year ago

Japanese food imo. I like how many meat/fish dishes they have.

posted about a year ago

benjy threw a molly, he woulda died anyways.

posted about a year ago