Flag: New Zealand
Registered: May 21, 2023
Last post: June 17, 2024 at 11:20 PM
Posts: 2

berlin and izu in top 5 smokes?? mindfreak clears, both atleast

posted 8 months ago

😳 H-h-hello... I am totemo shy desu(kyaaaa~ im blushing 😳) Wakatta Wakatta be confident orewa!! 😡(GOMMENE! vlr community is kowaiiiii~). K-konichiwa vlr minasannnnn.

I make this post to present myself(uwu please dont tear me apart vlr community 😨). First of all is everyone daijobu ? Me I am daijobu, arigato for asking(teehee~ vlr community not that kowaii after all!😋). I recently join Sentinels because I daisuki Tenz-kun but there is problem! he is engaged with kyedae-chan!?( 😱😱😱😱😱 wht do orewa do!!!! OTOKEEEE~~).

So today i come and ask you sentinels fan how can I steal him away from Kyedae-senpai?(KYEDAE NO BAKA!!😡😡). how does it kanjiru when tenz hugs you!! Teehee~ minasan johnqt cuddled with tenz-kun!!!!!! us sen fan totemo totemo jealoussss(johnqt-san no baka!). Omo omo guys what do i do!!! my shinzo DOKI DOKI SURU!!!!!!!!( dareka help!!! i will die if i keep feeling this way ~nyaaaaa)

ara ara i feel so proud of letting my feelings out(gambare sugoii-chan!)

gomene gomene 😋 im such a clumsy baka~

MATA NE SEN CITY 😁 my second kazoku! 😁

posted 9 months ago