Flag: Chile
Registered: September 27, 2024
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 3:14 PM
Posts: 3

spacca leaked at the livestream, and some NA reporters

posted 4 hours ago

están probando a varios jugadores diferentes, ya que queda mucho tiempo hasta el próximo campeonato. los torneos de pretemporada no son tan importantes y pueden usarse para probar a los jóvenes prospectos.

posted 4 hours ago

MIBR next week are going to try zanatsu (ex red canids) and Siduzord (actual stellae gaming player), siduzord being IGL and flex and zanatsu DUEL
LOUD have already tested lukxo and sato, and are looking forwards to a coach, they already tried panique and the next name is BLD(ex stellae gaming player)

posted 4 hours ago