Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 14, 2020
Last post: July 7, 2022 at 9:16 AM
Posts: 12

they're right now the second best team in BR, probably wont change roster just because of frenchise and i pretty sure they'll get the second spot (no one knows how many spots will be separated, if it'll be at least two in BR are LOUD and NIP) , plus, if they aply to frenchise, in NA i think is cheaper than EU

posted about 2 years ago

i think just NA and EU casters, others regions dont have this problem

posted about 2 years ago

Why people started with this? a few days a lot of people start commenting about it

posted about 2 years ago

Just to complete what you said about Aspas and Less, Aspas had a bad reputation due to accusations of cheating while playing CSGO, and it took him a while to prove himself an extremely skilled player. And about Less, as Coreano (streamer) said, at the beginning of valorant he was very toxic plus his age, so he couldn't compete before.

posted about 2 years ago

I think C9 made this as well with the champions skin prize pool

posted about 2 years ago

played once at the open or closed qualifier, split, at vct and masters only duelist atm

posted about 2 years ago

When playoffs starts, starting at 14/04 but doesn't have a date yet

posted about 2 years ago

he'll be benched at VK, looks like RglM will be his subbistitute

posted about 2 years ago

what i heard should be at least 3 players born at the region to play, but i dont have any sure about this info

posted about 3 years ago

Astra is still new to the game, they won't nerf anything. If her stars could be destroyed it'll be fine. 1 agent each two acts and one or two maps a year could be a good frequency

posted about 3 years ago

Feel the same thing, just a few weeks i started to play with it, never got the feeling to use

posted about 4 years ago

At the beginning was 4500, and fire rate was changed as well. The only problem i see it is when the match goes to overtime, became to risk to buy an operator withou shield

posted about 4 years ago