Flag: Netherlands
Registered: August 21, 2021
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 4:04 PM
Posts: 47

Unfortunately a bar.

posted 10 months ago


posted about a year ago

Shao on initiator is top 2, we all know his main role is initiator he just has to play smokes on one or two maps and sentinel on another

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Its just the seating arrangement, and the IGL normally sits in the middle.

posted about a year ago

JohnQT is a decent shout, he would fix the role issues Sentinels currently have on their roster, and we all know how significant 'role issues' can be.

posted about a year ago

JohnQT is definitely the IGL, and playing for Sentinels not only means he gets a pay rise, he also improves his own brand exponentially.

posted about a year ago

To be fair, once the transfer window opens, 100T can pick up Yay for a lot less than before the season.

posted about a year ago

I think they might just be trying new roles. All they need to reach playoffs is top 6, and seeing how bad EG, Sentinels, 100T and Krü are it seems like a simple feat to reach. Come playoffs they hopefully stop trolling, put fenis back on Viper and KJ, put Crashies on Skye and let Ardiis cook on Jett.

posted about a year ago

You heard it here first, Kanpeki to DSG

posted about a year ago

Bro is a menace

posted about a year ago

Has to be DRX + k1ng instead of Buzz (when considering them the sentinel player)

posted about a year ago

Mazin over the GOAT, Mwzera?

posted about a year ago

NRG should probably just drop FNS and get BabyJ as IGL

posted about a year ago

The only question is if he would have enough passion to put in the work to anti-strat and prepare for other teams.

posted about a year ago

Marved was primary IGL on the OG Faze team with Rawkus, Babybay and Corey + he has learned a lot under FNS's tutelage

posted about a year ago

Would have been any iteration of the FNATIC roster up until Lock/In, but has to be DRX now.

posted about a year ago

Over FNATIC and Paper Rex?

posted about a year ago

Stellar is on fire recently, but FNS calling is the best in the world.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Chet used to be on NRG + they are all already close friends

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like they are unlikely to get an insane sixth man, but if they do want one JohnQT could be an option.

posted about 2 years ago

Jawgemo - Duelist
Dicey - Op
Valyn - IGL
Trent - Initiator
Ethan/Nismo - Flex

posted about 2 years ago


  1. NRG pick up Ardiis and stick with S0m
  2. Sentinels pick up XSET core consisting of Dephh, BcJ, Zekken and Marved + Dapr

I think that EG should drop their whole roster bar Jawgemo. Pick up Valyn as IGL, Trent as primary initiator, Ethan as flex and Dicey as a Chamber player. Alternatively, they could consider Babybay as an option, Supamen instead of Ethan (although I rate Ethan highly), JonahP (maybe as sixth) or even Sayaplayer or Eeiu as a replaceemt to Dicey. I personally think the aforementioned roster would probably be the best, as there is already some chem there. The conclusion is that EG have to drop their roster though, they realistically only have T2 talent, with the exception of Jawgemo.

posted about 2 years ago

Apparently Nukkye was seen trialing with them. Although Sayf is probably the better Chamber and sentinel player in general, Nukkye is not much worse and far more flexible.

posted about 2 years ago

I heard Ban was technically considered as the import

posted about 2 years ago

No Dicey either? He’s a top 3 Chamber in NA. Boostio becomes redundant with Dephh as IGL, so maybe Dicey instead?

posted about 2 years ago

C9: Leaf, Xeppaa, Vanity, Yay, Zellsis
100T: Asuna, Bang, Cryo, Derrek, Stellar
NRG: Crashies, Dicey, FNS, Supamen/Som, Victor
EG: BcJ/Ethan, Bdog/Tex, Jawgemo, Trent, Valyn
SEN: Dapr, Dephh, Marved, TenZ, Zekken

posted about 2 years ago

Its been pretty close between those two the last few months. Nats at his peak is easily the best player in the world, but the consistency has been missing the last few months, whereas Sheydos has been mad consistent.

posted about 2 years ago

Sheydos has to be on a franchised team. Arguably the best M3C player over the last few months.

posted about 2 years ago

-AYRIN +Supamen
Dicey's probably to NRG, so bdog

posted about 2 years ago

He is for sure going to EG

posted about 2 years ago

Jawgemo (Duelist)
Dicey (Chamber) - Maybe bdog
Valyn (IGL/Smokes)
Ethan (Initiator/Flex)
BcJ (Initiator)

posted about 2 years ago

Basically all other rosters are confirmed except EG and SEN? So then sentinels should definitely consider Marved, Zekken, Trent, maybe some of the ex ghost players and build around that. IMO,
Tenz (Chamber)
Marved (Smokes)
Zekken (Duelist/Flex)
Trent (Initiator)
Dephh (IGL/Flex)

posted about 2 years ago

Definitely feel like people forget how good Nismo is. He basically plays the same roles as Victor, just better. Arguably as good as Zekken in the roles he plays. He is probably the best Kayo in NA as well, bar maybe Asuna.

posted about 2 years ago

S0m (Move him back to his OG role of smokes)

Although I love Ethan and would love to see him somehow fit into the roster, even if he deserves to be on the starting roster maybe as 6th man?

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like everyone is forgetting about the GHOST players. Aproto, Koalanoob, JohnQT and Nismo are all good pickups for a starting roster, and otherwise at least as sixth man.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like this is a good shout. Zander has shown his potential in the past, is most likely not getting picked up by any other org seeing as how there are arguably five better IGL's out there, and with Sean 'Sean Gares' Gares molding Zander into a better player and shot caller I think he could develop into an insane player, even if he would have to learn a more flex role.

posted about 2 years ago

Na only big D followed by the icey. But if anything you could almost argue that Dicey is on the fringe of S tier Chamber players.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like you could add JohnQT to the Chamber players,and after his performance in Stage 2, Tex should arguably be A tier. He was better than Boostio and TenZ and on par with the other two. Not sure about NeT, Mitch and Wippie as Chamber players either. On any other sentinel they may be considered B tier.

posted about 2 years ago

Probably because they require the most coordination

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty sure Zest was IGL until Copenhagen, when Stax became IGL.

posted about 2 years ago

Depends on whether you have night mode on or off.

posted about 2 years ago

Imo Faze, NRG, 100T and EG are the best teams in LCQ, and having beaten NRG, which will result in the elimination of either EG or NRG, the winner of LCQ is probably between Faze and 100T

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago