Flag: International
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 6:45 PM
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sure, as soon as more agents come into play it's likely we'll be seeing a preferred role selection prior to queueing ranked; imo a mix between both league and overwatch (and probably just overwatch) is the way to go, proved to work... not gonna say perfectly, but as good as it gets

posted about 3 years ago

if you had the opportunity to edit a staged video wouldn't you be able to slowly aim to people's heads and speed it up after to make it look godly?

i mean, im pretty sure a multimillion dollar company wouldn't advertise a new season with cheats on

posted about 3 years ago

it's staged

posted about 3 years ago

dont get me wrong, i think its one step in the right direction, but it seems hesitant; adding rng will just make some players keep playing duelist as they were before, with just a little added delay to the rest of their teammates
there's many ways of changing this system and making it a little better, we'll have to wait it out and see how riot ends up changing it

posted about 3 years ago

im a delusional_delusional_sentinels_fan1_fan

posted about 3 years ago

is it clever for instalocks tho? to me it feels like they just added rng to decide whether the instalocker will get to instalock first or even 2nd or not

posted about 3 years ago

cypher is literally a dead meme

posted about 3 years ago

this feels actually a lot better than just adding rng to who picks first

posted about 3 years ago

the only thing that changes is that it goes from letting anybody instalock to leaving it to rng

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

mother russia rule them all

posted about 3 years ago

100%; but it is too hard to make a perfect matchmaking system that leaves everybody happy

i think riot is going in the right direction trying to aim for a more precise way of having diversed lobbies, still this will only help lobbies add a little rng to instalock duelists (if they get placed #1 anyway they will get the duelist they would get in the first place, so its just rng based)

posted about 3 years ago

sure i agree you;

i feel like having a preferred role based system just allows the queue to detect what's lacking, that way we could have a similar prefer role queue like overwatch had, which pointed out which roles had faster queues and which had longer; and on top of that, you could have a similar system as league has, pointing out that if you choose an overpicked role you may be randomly filled in a different position

posted about 3 years ago

im not worried about filling roles, imo the cascade picking just leaves the picking situation in an rng based system where some players will sometimes get punished having to fill a role they may not feel comfortable playing, ie: initiator, sentinel, etc

for a system like this to work, you need a similar system like league uses to not enforce players to fill random positions every other game, but choose from one to two roles they may want to play, that way cascade picking works just about fine

is it a solution to instalock duelists? sure it is, but it adds a different variable to the game; i guess we'll have to wait and see how it works out

problem for a preferred role based system is there are not as many agents as of right now to ensure diversity in queues, thats all my opinion tho

posted about 3 years ago

tbf i literally play every other role except for duelist, which I usually just let someone else play, since I've rarely found a game where nobody wanted to play duelist.
I mostly play both initiator and controller

posted about 3 years ago

i think it turns out unfair for the players that will end up filling roles 99% of the time, it just won't work

posted about 3 years ago

never its closed for good

posted about 3 years ago

yeah its full of delusional_sentinels_fans smh

posted about 3 years ago

man got used to do that and refused to learn to be comfortable

posted about 3 years ago

this is what trying to get shahzam hop on your thread looks like

posted about 3 years ago

not valid

posted about 3 years ago

ratioing your ratiod that was nice

posted about 3 years ago

ngl most of the times i felt like i was in a slump i tried to analyze what was it that i was doing wrong,

mostly i realized i started to rush sprays or kills and hence i was not strafing properly or just spraying accordingly

i would say once you realize what is it that you stop doing right when u get the slump you can try to just give yourself a moment to focus back into the good habits of gameplay

posted about 3 years ago

thats what she said

posted about 3 years ago

i dropped from immortal 1 to d1 in 3 days, iirc i lost about 12 games in a row, felt despair and the urge to shoot my nutsack and eat it, thankfully season ended before i could drop to iron

posted about 3 years ago

its average bro

posted about 3 years ago

oni and thats it

posted about 3 years ago

only pc

posted about 3 years ago

Source: ThePsych0

posted about 3 years ago

TL;DR: NA's problem isn't place of birth but rather egotistical mindset.

posted about 3 years ago

yo same

posted about 3 years ago

immortal logitech g pro

posted about 3 years ago

mega W take

posted about 3 years ago

I think it adds more diversity within the meta, knowing key agents would get banned almost 100% of the time such as Jett/Sova; so we would start to see some diversed combination of agents and find out about some synergies we might've missed along the way.

The only problem that I see right now is it isn't as big of an agent pool just yet to add bans, unless it's like 2 for each team or 1.

posted about 3 years ago

common hekzy W

posted about 3 years ago

well, both sens and grip matter; without grip there's no movement, without sens there's no movement, so yea, they're one and the same

posted about 3 years ago

how else he gonna be a millionaire tho

posted about 3 years ago

devve to astralis? the return of the capybara lover?

posted about 3 years ago

they should buy you too

posted about 3 years ago

I would advise you don't try to reflect your success on Valorant ranked based on your rank, as it doesn't just depend on you to rank up unfortunately. Diamond is a pretty good milestone to sustain, my advise to you would be to just focus on each and every other round and try to win just as many games as you possibly can. Anything else will come along the way.
And yes, there's so many immortal players who have absolutely no idea how they landed there, except for those who bought the account of course.

posted about 3 years ago

I completely agree with all of that.

posted about 3 years ago

although i highly agree with you, i feel like it has more to do with a build up ego (not for everyone, of course) than with money.
while it is true that these players make a lotta money through streaming i would say it is not enough for them to just stop focusing on pro level, i would say is just being intoxicated with this streaming/pro status fame they build thanks to some succesful tournaments and their streams that makes them just lose focus on keeping themselves up to form to perform against other teams/regions.
it would be a little naive to think that just because someone's born in NA or in SA or wherever else they just instantly become worse than some random kid being born in EMEA or wherever else, mostly the mindset that goes around from player to player in those regions is what truly intoxicates the whole scene and makes most of these NA situations just fall short from being the very best or at least big contenders for most or every other title out there

posted about 3 years ago

you mean copium scandals?

posted about 3 years ago

i think this is the earliest we are from knowing whether a br team could land in a vct finals
this pure speculation leaves us nowhere as we havent seen anything new just yet because there hasnt been any new tournaments at all

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

common akamirosario w

posted about 3 years ago

they woulda won champions with getsys in a sweep series no cap

posted about 3 years ago

taking you didnt watch the first masters

posted about 3 years ago

how's this even a thread, of course LoL worlds are far better than Valorant's champions
although, by comparison, the first LoL worlds are absolutely utter garbage in comparison to valorant's first world championship

posted about 3 years ago
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