Flag: United States
Registered: January 21, 2023
Last post: April 22, 2024 at 1:18 AM
Posts: 8

"NRG exists" yes and they got absolutely pooed on by Lev

posted 10 months ago

read the room nobody is thinking about furia rn man

posted 11 months ago

we don't claim them

posted 11 months ago

Man predicted it perfectly

posted about a year ago

Zekken is a great player who had a bad day. The guy has already proven himself, you people are so reactionary and have no "solution" other than "-x player +y player". He's also very valuable because he's a good flex, but with TenZ out, he has to stick to duelist, which he's also great on but again had a bad day. Sen also seem to be struggling with setting up their entries.

posted about a year ago

True, but they kept him because the roles made more sense.

posted about a year ago

This is genuinely the first time I was not suspicious of being jebaited by this.

posted about a year ago

Yeah the fact that Sen's losses are to two great teams who everyone thought would win anyway isn't a terrible thing, especially considering they had a great potential to take down Lev 2-0, even with TenZ (and even Sacy) not at their best. That being said, I'm glad Kaplan doesn't seem to be taking it as "welp we're losing to great teams anyways who cares" and more so in a mindset where he sees a world where they could even beat Loud (I'm not sure I believe in that yet but we'll see)

I also think people are forgetting Marved has said he doesn't want to move to LA, instead wanting to stay with family--Optic allowed him to, but I'm pretty sure Sen would make him move to LA. I think he also said he isn't sure he's into competing full time atm; I could be wrong and Marved could have a change of heart, but people are one-dimensional if they fr think TenZ being on the roster will be the reason they lose matches.

posted about a year ago