wtf is ALLAT
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 18, 2022 |
Last post: | August 21, 2023 at 8:32 PM |
Posts: | 33 |
1 - pitbull and hamsters
2 - lasagna
all i can say is that it was easy
its ok, im moving to valarant since the other fps is really hard and this one is easy
clash of trash
now he can be offended without people saying he's just a kid
its crazy how easy anyone fall to these baits here KKKKKKKKKKKK
i wasnt know these details
is it a "cultural difference" to have the worst teams? both in csgo, valorant, football, volley... history
3-0 SECO
n cuspiram no s1mple burro foi no sdy e aposto que tu nem sabe quem é
its because its not time to sleep in brazil yet, just skipping the boring ones
Garbage? No, no, no. Garbage is still praise. Garbage is still a praise to Riot. They are not trash, they are worse than trash.
But why? Ill explain why. Im talking about the VCT // Lock In, the tournament organized by Riot. Yes, about Valulrant.
When you arrives at the events place, you need to discard EVERYTHING in your backpack. This even includes an umbrella. Lets assume you travel to see your team. Yeah, you will have to throw your backpack away. I saw a lot of people hiding backpacks with clothes in bushes near a street. BY THE WAY, ITS INCLUDES WATER, FUCKING WATER. You understand me?
By the way talking about water, on the first day of event, Riot said that you could bring sealed water. However, after the third day of the event, you could no longer bring sealed water. If you want water, you have to buy water from Riot, however the water is hot as fuck. Okay, I threw my water in the trash. I want to drink water inside the event, how do I do it? You need to make a card. The Riot card. The card costs about 6 or 7 reais (almost 2 dollars). After having purchased the card, you will now have access to purchase some products. I went to buy my water then. A 300ml bottle of water cost about 10 reais (3 dollars). That is, you spent about a little more than 15~20 reais (5 dollars) to drink a 300 ml bottle of water. That shit is absurd in Brazil, a country where you can buy 500ml of water for 2 reais (0.30 dollar cents).
Apparently, if you went to the event after studying in school, you couldnt get into the event because you carried pencils with you. You had to go home first, then go to the event.
We entered the event. Okay and now? It does not have air conditioning. Air conditioning is not turned on at the event. Imagine 40 degrees of heat, which normally happens in Brazil, and then dont have a fucking air conditioning at the event. There was not even a single fan.
About things promised during the event... what things? There was no meet and greet, there was nothing. You leave your house, go to the event and then go back to your house, you dont even go to team stores.
The event format is the worst ever. There were players who came from the other side of the world (countries in Asia), played a single MD3 and returned to their country.
I also tried to go eat after the event, but Riot security told me to leave. I couldnt bring food and I couldnt buy food there either.
When leaving, You can exchange the Riot card for water or iced tea, but its just a 100ml glass of water. You also cant order an Uber from inside the arena. You are forced to order an Uber in the middle of the street. The security guards put you out of the arena.
I dont know if Im missing something (which I certainly am), but congratulations, Riot. Your event was the worst event I've ever been to. And no, its not Brazil faults. We do events every single year, international and national events every single month, since Rock in Rio to esports events and this shit never happened before. The event was not organized by the Brazilian Riot, but by the North American Riot.
I will never complain about ESL again. ESL seems like a dream compared to Riot.
tldr: riot trash, garbage
are you brain damaged