Flag: Kazakhstan
Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: October 14, 2023 at 1:11 PM
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COMMON OR W!!!!!!!!!

they better still have zeldris and paincakes tho (those are their best players)

posted about a year ago

ngl budget doesn't matter. what is a player going to do? not play in tier 1?

also, their budget salary is still higher than other regions'

posted about a year ago

how does NA have so many good initiators and none of them are in tier 1

posted about a year ago


I got texerino and marved bc they're chet's friends

posted about a year ago

There’s no point in playing the guessing game with rostermania. Wake me up when it’s over and final teams are announced 🥱

posted about a year ago

Why are you saying non riot affiliated?

Most sports leagues’ pre-season games are affiliated with their league

posted about a year ago

it’s whatever team yay is on

posted about a year ago

hilarious how all the VCT on-air people are calling EG the worst org on twitter for not increasing salaries when they were giving away 2 million $ like a charity

posted about a year ago

asuna could go to zeta weeb ahh goofy ahh vibrator type aim blud probably thinks hes japanese now aswell so shouldnt be a problem

posted about a year ago

idk bang looks more consistent and serious. reminds me of Alfa and Leo vibe. I think that personality is better for tier 1

posted about a year ago

Notice how when he retired, everything went to shit??

coincidence? no

posted about a year ago

what is Sen's track record for being reasonable and not fcking up their roster?

posted about a year ago

expected. they have potential but didn't show results 😔

posted about a year ago

the issue is large companies deal with big numbers. they make a ton of money and spend a ton of money. if a recession hits, they will just lay off thousands of employees. if there is no recession, they will hire thousands of employees

I think the Guard players were paid more than tier 1 teams when they were operating

posted about a year ago

maybe. they are a sports team company so this is up their alley

posted about a year ago

The Guard's parent company is worth $12.75 billion

posted about a year ago

pretty sure they're just getting re-signed if they aren't poached by another team

posted about a year ago

I'm sure EG wants to re-sign their squad

posted about a year ago

this isn't really a valorant specific issue (besides the inflated valorant salaries). the economy has just been poor this year and it is the end of the season so contracts have to be renewed

posted about a year ago

sounds like a fun job rn

poach some expensive players or find t2 talent

posted about a year ago

true. many orgs don't capitalize off their players or do a shitty job doing it. EG gets zero views on their socials and terrible merch

posted about a year ago

hopefully this off-season is the reset and it goes back to normal

posted about a year ago

Riot started a giant franchise league in peak covid recession plus the Valorant hype caused orgs to spend way too much money on salaries

this was bound to happen; many people were laid off in other industries, and now it is esport's turn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EG isn’t a stand alone esport org. they’re owned by a rich investment firm who likes to cut off inefficient spending

posted about a year ago

it’s not really the franchise league’s fault (although it did inflate some salaries). these companies are just broke from covid recession

posted about a year ago

unironically, those are the best orgs bc the owner will spend whatever. they aren’t esport companies struggling to maintain their revenue (100T, c9) and they aren’t sub-businesses of giant companies that cut out unnecessary spending when a recession hits (guard, EG)

posted about a year ago

have you heard of a little something called Covid? we shut our entire economy down and esports is like giving away free money. honestly, I’m surprised it took this long

posted about a year ago

players probably got it

posted about a year ago

it’s called Covid and esports makes no money. nothing to do with valorant recent events

posted about a year ago

just saw the EG news lol. literally Guard 2.0

EG is owned by peak6 (big Chicago investment firm)

covid recession => realized esports is negative $ => cut the sub-business

posted about a year ago

but yes many orgs are going broke bc covid recession which popped esports bubble

posted about a year ago

kinda depends. there are esport company orgs like c9 and Sen who go broke to keep their entire company alive. then there are orgs that have parent companies like Guard and EG who have hella money but choose to stop wasting on esports

posted about a year ago

idk. I do feel like NA teams struggle with imports (old c9, nrg, Sen)

but EU is the opposite; fnatic imported across like 6-8 countries and they're good

posted about a year ago

all of this for a t3 player is wild

posted about a year ago

one of these NA teams needs to scrap their duelist and pick up aspas

posted about a year ago

honestly, that works out for all parties. g2/guard was missing an aggressive duelist and nrg was missing an awper

only downside is leaf is technically not on a franchise team anymore

posted about a year ago

also, they have cryo. don't need yay

posted about a year ago

ok but get rid of fns, asuna, and maybe eeiu

posted about a year ago

lower salary in contract

posted about a year ago

to be fair, EG was king of budget picks and keeping the same coaches/players after terrible results

thankfully, they proved themselves recently, or else ethan would be kicked for saying that lol

posted about a year ago

weird. I read the same thing and it said “our window for third party tournaments” right under the title. how did you miss that?

posted about a year ago

What other org can bait all of Chinese esports with “noob team”?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it is exactly what it sounds like. I think today is the start date where teams can sign players officially

posted about a year ago

worst comeback ive ever read

posted about a year ago

holy mid

posted about a year ago

better coaches

once players switch to coaching and become a little more professional in their decision-making/prepping, valorant teams will be tremendously better

posted about a year ago

ok Riot_Valve_the_GOD_games

posted about a year ago
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