Flag: Canada
Registered: March 23, 2021
Last post: November 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Posts: 546
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agreed, ty sir

posted about a year ago

Reads like FN Slover 911 srry cant unsee

posted about a year ago

I hope yall are right tbh, but as a long time TL fan I've learned not to get high hopes. I still doubt, there are better teams

posted about a year ago

well that explains why you don't get it. it's okay, math is hard and so is haven for you

posted about a year ago

why are so many liquid fans delusional? Im a liquid fan but sorry, they not #1

posted about a year ago

you dont play it right then, I catch b rotates on haven ez every game, just like breeze

posted about a year ago

B haven works exactly the same way, they have to rotate thru b or spawn. just like in breeze they have to go mid or spawn. haven is just better in every other way

posted about a year ago

they should not have won against Canada either, lucky af it wasnt a draw or loss

posted about a year ago

born in Canada here, I support England my country of descent

why? Canada never in my life been a player in the sport, Im glad they doing well, but if they make playoff and play England, I cannot cheer for them, support England my whole life how can I stop? prob same for him

posted about a year ago

why on earth would anyone care what someone else calls it?

posted about a year ago

found your issue - thinking. you're doing it wrong. plz just don't breed

posted about a year ago

brain is ded

posted about a year ago

2iq take, but ok

posted about a year ago

FNS and Chet bout to farm ardiis' eu knowledge and evolve the game

posted about a year ago

pepperoni and bacon strips

well done

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dota and valorant are not the same genre... bro put the hard stuff down, stick to the smoke like me

posted about a year ago

derke calls yay daddy tho

posted about a year ago

I hate boaster, I cheer against him always

posted about a year ago

dota isnt even the same game genre, and literally no1 with brains in cs community said that. delusional nerds that couldnt cope with fps games not being the most popular esport said that. valorant will still never be as big as cs, its ok to cope however u need tho

posted about a year ago

Im just curious how they get these 'facts'. Do they pay 600 guys to try and then when that one guy can do it their like ok we got the stat! you can all go home now

posted about a year ago

never in life will a crappy game (valorant) overtake the god of all games (cs)

posted about a year ago

guess you dont realize how many people love esports. pros are celebs to many, have been for decades, get with the times.

posted about a year ago

rare Sen fan W

posted about a year ago

I get it that it sucks losing badly, but this guy is just a phoney.

What I don't get, is why 30 minutes of losing in your life, is worth spending double that to complain, let it go. does it really happen to you that often? doubts

Don't get bend out of shape over phonies, they aren't worth your time

posted about a year ago

more like yungbased

posted about a year ago

would rather watch JasonR no cap

posted about a year ago

generally what you put into the universe is returned to you

probably experiencing that. consider putting something different into the universe

posted about a year ago

Ye allowed to be anti semite

Everyone also allowed to shun and ridicule him

hes suffering the consequences of his choices, thats what he likes to call cancel culture. most people make excuses for the things that happen to them like ye does, real strength is knowing you fucked up, and owning it

posted about a year ago

"the have to these 3 every game"

posted about a year ago

was not expecting that

posted about a year ago

big W

posted about a year ago

going for promotion this oct, 10k raise, big if true

posted about a year ago

Tex only guy staying IMO

They'll sign another smoke, maybe supamen, tex, fns, victor, crashies?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ppl hate shahzam because he rats on ppl for matchfixing, after matchfixing himself

posted about a year ago

TL. ride or die

posted about a year ago

xD thats all pro

posted about a year ago

the lesson to be learned here: the value of discretion. or as they say, loose lips sink ships

posted about a year ago

deserved. he sorta did get a second chance but doubled down. what I do like though - is that he still owned it like a fucking man, is facing the consequences with his head held high about what he should be proud of, and aware of his mistake, able to learn and as he said, get back up. good luck Carlos

posted about a year ago

Dear Carlos

play stupid games, win stupid prizes. better luck next time

posted about a year ago
  1. If a high school group of friends makes a team and becomes better than all franchises, they can't play vs the best teams in officials

  2. they can beat every franchise team in scrims every day in and be hands down the best team, no franchise can just 'pick them up' as a 5 because they have contracts in place with other players already.

  3. so you're removing the potential for a group of ppl to become the best team in the world, and play in officials against the 'best teams in the world' and you think franchising is good for amatuer or pro competitive scenes.

yeah, kids can get picked up out of that team, and that can now be a pivot point for some players to launch a career, but that group cant achieve success together the way a group in my day could

posted about a year ago

sure. but how does a kid build a team with his friends and become #1 in the world? oh, they cant. ever. sorry kid.

thats not the esports I grew up with, or have interest in supporting. it may end up being the new normal and I'll just be a grumpy old man but, it's honestly a shame that experience is no longer gonna be possible for kids

posted about a year ago

maybe unpopular opinion but.

I am NOT a fan of this crap

posted about a year ago

pretty sure sgares and ddk are on the same page with this one. the current team has been given a chance to grow, and has grown faster than expected, in a very structured manner. changing any one individual now will set them ALL back, with no guarantee they can grow back as fast as they are growing now. Give them all a chance to find their peak imo, and by the time they get to that point, making a change wont pull the team as far back as doing said change now.

however, not often are there this many available so that could change things. hope they keep team together.

posted about a year ago

are you okay alitmanus? do you need to chat about anything?

posted about a year ago

ya. They are building a big Gaming Arena here. sadly it will take many years and prob no1 will come here for CS or Val once its built

posted about a year ago

likely to happen now that Heretics will never reach another LAN event?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if he's "garbage" and Mako lost to him, what does that make Mako?

posted about a year ago
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