Demon1 is really bad on raze
Flag: | Vatican City State |
Registered: | November 30, 2021 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 5:22 PM |
Posts: | 203 |
matatudonafaca upcoming brazilian controller main brimstone
If this guy is choking now in a off season tournament imagine when the season start
Is he the same guy that was the son of the org's owner in ascension? Really weak
Only Less and Derke you can say that are stars, the rest never won anything and never were the best
The fact that he's getting paid for this is awesome
How the fuck you miss the omen ult on the spike? This guy is getting paid for this LOL
If they lose is beacuse they deserved bro, wtf
This guy is getting paid to play like a bronze being the main duelist lol
I need a little of what you're on
yeah, with the pov of the others he can coordinate the team better
The guy wanted to be the franchise player lol
If my teams neon is 4/18 in my ranked I'm quitting
at least rich knows how the human body works (he is/was in med school)
In other words, if they aren't pronet they will win but they lose
ntk played a Masters and just didn't played a Champions bc people put pressure on the org (Vivo Keyd)
O trabalho do cara é fazer análise dos jogos, se alguém fez merda ele vai criticar. Tem uns torcedores da LOUD que acham que é proibido receberem crítica, se doem com tudo
The last round of the last map shows that it's not just the coach
It's funny that they're facing the worst team in the league and if they lose today finally people will accept that 100T is bad but if they win, the NA fans will think they're going to Tokyo
O round já tava no fim quando o tuyz caiu, tinha uns 3 da loud vivos e deixaram defusar, eles aceitaram quando não tentaram matar o defuse
This guy is kinda nice on the initiator role, imagine if he stop being a smoke player
Eles perderam pra Fnatic que tá ganhando fácil de todo mundo, perderam mapa pra mibr e c9 mas ainda assim eles falam que é o melhor time do mundo e querem matar quem discorda. Se perder aqui vão continuar a mesma coisa
If he's a good igl or not, we all can agree that he's not a tier 1 player when you look to his performances, always negative.
The roles changes were clearly to make him comfortable. Zekken is good as an initiator but as a primary initiator he don't offer much support for tenz make plays, wich is something that Sacy is really good at it. A team with the 2 best controllers of 2022 and none of them is playing the role.
Solution: Sacy IGL and Marved replacing dephh
they changed to make depph comfortable but he still bad
They changed pancada and sacy roles just to make depph comfortable and he's still playing like a iron
Who is the 2022 Champions winner and mvp?
Yeah Sentinels, putting the best controller in the world to play KJ will get your problems fixed for sure
It's BR against EU, why they would support fnatic?
In Brazil it's illegal an event don't let people enter with a sealed drink or food so they can only buy inside. I don't know how that would be called in english but it's like forcing people to buy from you
I think he's good to be on a roster but not good enough to be playing the "star agents" like jett and chamber
O único motivo de não terem ido pra o mibr foi pra pegar números, o Sacy já falou isso lá no início do ano que ia ajudar nas lives e redes sociais. Fora isso a org não fez diferença, ganhariam do mesmo jeito, é o mínimo que poderiam oferecer pra eles já que ganharam tudo. Dar hate nos caras só pq aceitaram propostas melhores é coisa de criança mimada
A parte que acho mais engraçada é toda essa criançada falando que eles já ganharam dinheiro com os camps e salário em 2022, por isso não deveriam ir atrás de mais dinheiro. Nessa lógica era pra eles aposentarem se não precisa ganhar mais dinheiro
Pleets? Sério? Não vi um jogo bom dele pra justificar ter nível de franquia
I get that he's a big name but in terms of gameplay he's not that good
Bro, why people hype Mixwell so much? It's been 2 years and the guy still just average
Final Level is the owner of GL, they have a lot of money too