Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 22, 2023
Last post: November 26, 2024 at 11:34 AM
Posts: 47

They have better win-rate against DRX this offseason, according to termi

posted 3 months ago

He took a photo with faker today

posted 3 months ago

Talents in Korea can prosper because of academy(prospect) systems. Hundreds of players who wants to debut as pro go to academy and coaches teach from the fundamentals. T1, GENG and DRX all have about 100~200 prospects are currently learning the basics and by having scrims and getting feedbacks. The best of the best gets promoted to the main roster, and DRX who started valorant division for prospects first is starting to find success promoting Flashback and Athan. They knew they are going to succeed in Tier1 because they have immense amount of data during their academy days.

posted 4 months ago

They give higher salaries than other orgs, have one of the best facilities for an esports org (individual streaming room, karaoke, gym, 24h medical check/therapist, professional chef and snacks), and even assists players to find career path after they decides to step down from competitive scene (streaming contracts, coaching staff or in esports scene etc)

So many reasons for Korean players to prioritize T1

posted 5 months ago

He's going to be a streamer for T1 next year

posted 5 months ago

K1ng is doing military service
Luz was former SLT I believe but no idea where he went

The best choice for GenG seems to be finding new Karon from trials

posted 5 months ago

I doubt it will happen next year but if it happens, it will be due to cutting expense of expensive venue/production.
Bangkok is likely candidate of managing VCL SEA split3 and holding masters next year so there might be lots of prep going on there.

posted 5 months ago

Yoman is confirmed staying in NS for split3.
But Munchkin is probably resigned so not really worried about igl.
Next year's performance will depend on finding good enough sentinel to replace Meteor's spot.

posted 5 months ago

Termi said they are planning to participate on 2~3 events for this off season
So they are probably going for East Asia Tri Cup later this year
and TEN Global invitation in October since they are not participating in Redbull

posted 5 months ago

Gwangju Esports Series event was held 2 years ago inviting VCT Pacific teams (DRX/GENG/Zeta/Talon)
They are returning this year with KR vs CN series

11/2(SUN) ~11/3(SUN)
Venue: Gwangju Esports Stadium

Invited Teams: GENG/T1/EDG/Trace

Prize Pool: $30,000

11/2 : Bo3 between KR vs CN teams
11/3: Consolation Final (Bo3) & Grand Final (Bo5)


posted 5 months ago

Sylvan is pretty much confirmed for T1
and DRX is promoting Leviathan from their academy
Munchkin probably resigned with Gen.G

T1: Buzz iZu Stax Meteor Sylvan
DRX: Mako Flashback HYUNMIN Free1ng Leviathan
Gen.G: T3xture Karon Munchkin ? ? (Going for open trials)

posted 5 months ago

T1 might go for meteor. He posted goodbye to Gen.G in instagram.

posted 5 months ago

It's possible. According to TS discord, they said there was a buyout.
There's decent possibility that invy was picked up by another team

posted 5 months ago

so summing up all the rumors, T1's new roster is going to like:

iZu (duelist)
Buzz (flex)
Stax (igl/initiator)
Sylvan (controller)
? (No idea about sentinels - Free1ng Hopium but unlikely)
and Carpe as 6th

How does it look for next season?

posted 5 months ago

Yes hosting esports takes a lot of money and they need sponsors to sustain challengers
Japan has tons of corporates and Korea's corporate is investing alongside with the League
but it's hardly getting any profit in Korea and it would be more difficult to gain sponsors in SEA market when it's not profitable
so riot is cutting cost and merged the league
they will consider SOOP's investment as a good opportunity

posted 7 months ago

Nope pacific would be similar to last year: Using their venue and production team
I'm looking forward to it because observer and production this year was mediocre

exclusive streaming would be only available for VCL

posted 7 months ago

SOOP is investing tons of money in valorant
They are trying to expand their global platform to SEA so it might be true
I heard they are already doing it for VCL Thailand so it would be a similar case

Also they are trying to regain production of VCT pacific for next year
and hosting off-season event SVL (SOOP Valorant League) is confirmed

posted 7 months ago

Yes they thought it was a testing process
riddle's ceo said it

posted 7 months ago

She's half Korean btw

posted 7 months ago

No it was him who said it was rape while there was no mention of it in the translation.

posted 7 months ago

He's the first person to literally say that player 'raped' without consent in tldr
then it got spread onto all over the places

posted 7 months ago

RIP butterfly

posted 7 months ago

He was the first person to say that the player 'raped' in his original megathread (translator emphasized that he didn't use the word)

the post says that it is unclear if DRX is going to be taking actions outside of Korea
but is investigating how the rumor spread out
so he might not get punished but is definitely on the DRX's watchlist

posted 7 months ago

judging by previous posts, he seems to knows insiders of vct kr and Korean orgs

posted 7 months ago

intentional or not, he's the one who spread all the rape allegations in the first place
if Butterflyeffect is Korean, he's fked

posted 7 months ago

No but he literally said 'a Korean Esports player allegedly raped a minor without their consent'
in the original post accusing scandal then the rumors spread onto everywhere

posted 7 months ago

Literally said
'a Korean Esports player allegedly raped a minor without their consent' in the original post
everyone is believing it

posted 7 months ago

First person to post it in vlr and said the player raped a minor

posted 7 months ago

yeah but OP using the word 'rape' in the original thread mislead lots of people
even something's gf is accusing DRX player as rapist

posted 7 months ago

You can clearly see it isn't confirmed but it is clearly biased when translated into English
they intentionally spread non-confirmed rumors now the damage is already done
people found about initial translator and reported to the org
if the writer is Korean citizen, they are able to find out if handed to investigation

posted 7 months ago

Stop spreading misinformation
you are the one who accused the player that raped in the first place and spread rumors to english forums
when there is no clear evidence of the situation
hope you get sued by the org

posted 7 months ago

project a gallery (subforum of dc)
users in this forum are quite young and talks more freely (similar to shitaraba)
fmkorea is somewhat more strict in regulation and currently not discussing this topic

posted 7 months ago

The guy who was on the side of accuser, conveying into foreign forums translated the accusation to very misleading
and people are believing the player raped or something
but after the official statement and Korean forum showing evidences of doubt of the accuser,
the guy who did this propaganda is deactivating twitter account.

posted 7 months ago

Yeah currently Korean forums are not believing the accuser right now.

posted 7 months ago

Yes it seems to be the similar case, judging by all other contexts

posted 7 months ago

IAM just announced that they are having sudden roster change, announcing tomorrow.
Maybe Zest got an offer from another team?

posted about a year ago

This venue is only for kickoff
They are doing it on different venue on regular split

posted about a year ago

He's joining FPX

posted about a year ago

Not sure since he didn't post anything but he is likely to move as assistant coach like people said in the previous rumors. He's 27 and thought moving on as a coach later in his career so it would be a good opportunity for him to start and gain experience under competitive team and coaching staff.

posted about a year ago

People are saying this in tieba/weibo. Rumors are saying that JDG won RA's buyout yesterday afternoon so stew headed to China. Not sure who's sticking together or not but their sub spitfire is rumored to be going to AG.

posted about a year ago

It's rumored to be JDG according to chinese sources.
Since their coach got signed as well, RA's core seems to be moving together.

posted about a year ago

There is a speculation that iZu is likely to sign with T1.

According to Japanese community, people thought he signed with Crazy Raccoon being spotted with their members ingame and staying in Japan.

He was going to participate in all star event Rage Valorant in but 4 days ago he posted that he could not go due to urgent issues and went back to Korea.

Today, iZu was spotted playing custom mode in Xdll's scrim without any related japanese pros. Apparently, T1 also had scrims today.

T1 had many chances to play in scrims against JDT during this season, so they might have considered iZu as the best option since then.

They do have saya and Ban as duelists but saya and most of the T1 members need to go to military in the next 2 years so they need to get upcoming talent for roster change and role swaps.

Recently T1 was confirmed to play against KC in 9/16 in Europe, and this seems to be the reason why he can't get to japanese event held in 17th.

Although this is just a speculation as of now, hopefully we'll get the news soon and see him play on the event next month.

posted about a year ago

DRX don't scrim with Korean teams ever since one of Korean team leaked the result. Not sure about GENG but DK is also known to be really conservative team. The reason why t3xture got to GE was because DK were not willing to give their ace player to other Korean teams.

posted about a year ago

T1's coach autumn had Q&A session on the stream after they qualified and there were some interesting takes. He's the content of the whole stream:

He was flamed by the viewers for calling timeouts and not talking, but this is a misunderstanding because he actually does talk but the camera catches him after 40 seconds, after he's done talking.

There be more 3rd party tornaments later this year and next year.

I usally call timeout to block opponent's momentum and talking about leading during timeout.

T1 had lots of option when getting into franchaise and they decided to pick up players who's used to Korea.

Carpe's really professional on his mindset.

Our playstyle's rolemodel is PRX

Xeta's igling is exceptional

We had NA bootcamp to before this season to gain fundamentals

At lockin all region had different read on the meta; Asia had the best understanding and NA had the worst. (But result says otherwise: fundamental issues...)

We changed our read after having scrim with loud.

We had long term view this season to qualify into masters.

At lockin since we didn't have much experience, we tried to play considering every possibility so it was difficult to gain results.

Joe Marsh (T1 CEO) is really good with us

We want to play with every teams in master

We played against almost every team in the pacific region in scrims but we never get to scrims
with DRX, GENG and Dplus. We tried to but we got rejected.

All pacific teams are really good on scrim but the most impressive teams were EDG, PRX and JDT(Japan Challengers)

EDG is really a strong contender

JDT had better result against us in scrims. We improved alot by having lots of scrims with them and they are almost like our partner team. I think JDT is the strongest team in challengers.

When ASE's ace player is on their high's, we cannot stop them

It is sad to see Zeta picking mostly ascent&haven. (Maybe they had better result on other maps against T1?)

If PRX ban away maps properly, they are No.1 in the pacific

Playing split against DRX is giving away the map. Also I don't think DRX is hiding strats last match.

Mako's No.1 controller

RRQ is a good team

I think chamber can be used in lotus

Munchkin's aim was so good in NA bootcamp that people thought that he was cheating

Leaf is the best player in NA

posted about a year ago