Flag: United States
Registered: April 27, 2024
Last post: October 28, 2024 at 4:56 PM
Posts: 27

Watching - TH, Sen, 100T, C9

Hate watch - EDG x100000, G2

posted 4 months ago

ban is the only fucking one who did anything alongside primmie lmfaoooo not his fault crws is handicapped

posted 4 months ago

sorry man would you rather me post

posted 6 months ago

yeah but the difference is i'll never let that blind me from a good performance from him or EDG. 90% of vlr is full of mfs like that

posted 6 months ago

blame riot, they'd rather hire good looking girls who can do 70% of their job correctly (not jen, shes a beast) rather than some average looking dude who does it at 100%

posted 6 months ago

yall take this shit way to serious man it's sad. i hate kangkang & the way he looks like a little boy but you dont see me on here crying about it. a champs game just went to a bo5 and yall are just on here talking shit, not even reflecting on the game or KangKang's insane performance but rather just shit on an entire region & team because of what a couple randoms said on and ik yall are gonna come in here saying ur not serious & it's just jokes, but some of yall really take this shit to heart and shit on the players who grind their asses off for our entertainment. it's just weirdo behavior all around some of yall need therapy

posted 6 months ago

he is fucking horrible. literal walking ult orb.

posted 6 months ago

i thought it was because they weren't franchisable enough under tgrd so they got delegated then g2 signed them and they became t1 again

posted 6 months ago

what a stupid fucking post. ok you don't like them? click off stop being a bitch about it

posted 6 months ago

This game showed me nothing of potential from FPX. Blowing 2v5's, pushing Benjy, two thrifty losses, it's a shit show. They can aim well but what does it matter if they have zero discipline? It's like China makes it a point to show how dogshit & far behind they are from the rest of the scene. Miniboo & Benjy had one of the worst series' of their life yet Life somehow did worse. It all begins with the coaching. Who's fucking bright idea was it to put Life at duelist & AAAY/Berlin on smokes. They deserved this loss & if they don't get disciplined quick they're gonna be bounced out by the mid ass Sentinels. GGs

posted 6 months ago

why can he only get kills with an op LOL merchant

posted 6 months ago

pearl & split with icebox being removed ugh riot never thinks about us sova mains

posted 6 months ago

big 3 in tex, mazino, and aspas really put the teams on their backs here. lev's attack is too good but they got their head in the clouds vs G2 a disciplined defensive team, hopefully they learned from their loss and gives us a good one tmr

posted 7 months ago

blud thinks hes akinator
did this mf just say curry?????

posted 7 months ago

koreans bro. they are robots designed to grind the gears off of whatever they put their mind to. another reason is they've could've seen all their loved ones around them working their asses off to make a living for their families. that's not limited to the pacific region only, they just get worked harder for lesser.
tldr: it's better than home

posted 7 months ago

currently? im gonna say benjy, he's killing it. t3xture was hitting some insane shots vs g2 aswell. who's been the most consistent? less. who's has the best peak of all time? probably prime demon1

posted 8 months ago

there's a reason he doesn't stream at the same time as tarik anymore. this tweet was useless and just ignited a dead flame for no reason. fns is a 30 year old drama baby money whore who gets bitter when someone doesn't agree with him that's why he stopped coming onto tarik's stream younger players like boostio and marved would come on and make his callouts and predictions look like childs play

posted 9 months ago

ohhh ok gotcha. I see on there's only 2 slots for NA, so other than the winner of the grand finals, who makes it? the team that lost?

posted 9 months ago

so i see 100T & FNC won their games today and are going to Shanghai but there's still 7 other teams in their brackets and I'm just curious as to why they're still playing. Is there some sort of reward to whoever wins the Grand Finals? How many teams go to Shanghai? Do only the lower round losers get eliminated?

posted 9 months ago

jesus christ he killed him lmao crazy i found outt kendrick droppd it thru vlr,gg

posted 9 months ago

i made an acc cuz u dumbfucks were saying genghsta got his sweet revenge he didnt get shit done yay is still gonna have a career at the end of the day

posted 9 months ago
  • genghsta is soft and is more butthurt at the fact that he was playing bad enough for yay to suggest benching him in the first place rather than the 10k bribe
  • yay is either a genius or idiot depending on if he offered the bribe in a dm or text
  • 10k is a lot of fucking money, you have to be playing really really shit for someone to offer your coach 10k.
  • the clip in the tweet is useless
  • fns is a certified yapper
  • you can't do something on someone else's time and think it's "revenge". if you're so confident that this will end his career (which is why he's doing this let's be real) then do it after it happened. don't do it when you're some B tier "pro" player.
  • genghsta is a spoiled crybaby who was given everything and once he got a taste of the real world he folded
posted 10 months ago

there's no revenge in what he's doing. it's been 8 months if he's still mad about it he's an emotional bitch.

posted 10 months ago