Flag: United States
Registered: January 6, 2023
Last post: February 17, 2023 at 8:21 PM
Posts: 2

The minima bundle is hated so much, at this point, they should just remove it from the game. It literally looks like something straight out of Tesla and it looks really ugly. Just my opinion

posted about a year ago

I believe CSGO is superior to valorant overall because of it having more maps, better community, replayability. And more realism. I think csgo has a better community because the community makes so many custom maps, mods, guides, and servers. Valorant only allows games from its servers and I assume it is pretty difficult to create custom maps. I understand valorant is fun but I think playing 8 maps over and over again is kind of boring. I know CSGO has nine maps but the maps in csgo are more competitive and better map layout. I feel like valorant is fun to play for about 1 hour then you get bored, but with csgo, I can go about 3-4 hours without getting bored. I believe csgo is more realistic because of the graphics. The graphics feel very nice for me while valorants graphics are too simple for me personally. I also think csgo is better because valorant is made by the same company that made league of legends, and league of legends is a bad game.

Here’s a list of some stuff that valorant did better though

-Better skins
-More optimized
-Better agents
-Cool menu
-Doesn’t blast music in your ears when you first launch the game

posted about 2 years ago