Flag: Japan
Registered: April 21, 2024
Last post: April 21, 2024 at 6:18 PM
Posts: 27

I don't think you know what an illness is.

If you require treatment to feel normal, you're ill. Anything else would be cosmetic surgery and PEDs. Last time I checked, trans people are not bodybuilders, they don't take hormones to compete in Mr. Olympia, they take them to feel normal.

posted 10 months ago

before writing this, i had thought that gender dysphoria wasn't considered a mental illness, but looking at some medical journal entries, it might be?

Sexuality-based mental disorders have no scientific basis, so there is no real consensus. Homosexuality was removed for this reason. Problem is, if you remove one thing then you can make the argument to remove everything else, you also then eliminate an identifier for someone's behaviour.

The question then becomes, is it better to recognise this as a disorder and provide treatment, or leave it alone?

posted 10 months ago

Nope. At least as of the most recent update back in 2021, Bob confirmed that trans-men were not welcome in the GC league and that they hoped this would change. It has been 3 years and I haven't heard of any trans-men in the scene...Have you?

posted 10 months ago

I remember reading about this.

GC is not for marginalised groups, rather it is "no men". If you've ever tuned into the live chats, the GC community is often toxic towards the male player base whenever trolls are around; "this is why I hate men", "why do men", "these men just can't handle women are better" etc. Whenever I watch these games (as a guy) I'm just wondering if they realise a good chunk of the people tuning into these games are also men. Whatever.

Trans-men are treated like regular men, and as such are no longer marginalised (I guess).

posted 10 months ago

I said this and got downvoted...Riot is obviously is going in a direction that will eliminate players who don't agree with gender ideology, and leave just a player base which either is a part of, or conforms to gender ideology. It doesn't really matter what people think, the company decides what it what is right or not.

posted 10 months ago

You should be careful with mixing in biology with new-age gender ideology. The majority of gender ideology is not founded upon objective science.

For example, we do not know why a human being would be born with a sexual orientation that is counter-intuitive to maintaining the human race (being gay), biology does not explain that. In the same way, biology can not explain why someone would believe that they are the opposite sex. That is what the mental health field is for and none of the sexuality-related mental health disorders have a biological and objective basis. Being gay was removed from the sexuality-disorders because of this but they really should have removed all of them if they weren't playing politics at the time.

Bit of a rant. Just don't like seeing people make arguments that seem to imply this stuff has objective proof to it. We understand that some people are different, and we should accept that within reason. That does not mean how they think is supported by science. This is why people will often troll and say "well, I think I'm another race", or "I think I'm a cat". They are stress-testing the science of gender ideology and it falls flat because there is very little of it.

posted 10 months ago

Isn't the tech job market pretty small in general these days? If anybody wants job security they're probably better off doing a public servant job like healthcare or police.

posted 10 months ago

I don't know man. It's the middle of the season, every other league is hosting serious games and GC (who wants to be taken seriously) is playing an off-season gimmick? It's horrible timing, if nothing else.

posted 10 months ago

Brought this up myself an hour ago: This is not a good look for an event that is being praised as a fairly major women's e-sports event.

posted 10 months ago

I wish I could argue with this but as it stands GC has been stagnant without much evidence of the players or the quality of their games improving. We've been talking about Florescent forever as the stand out GC player. In other leagues, you have quite a few names trading blows which is what you want in a competitive environment.

posted 10 months ago

Was watching RyanCentral and he talked a little bit about how can't take the RedBull event seriously for women's e-sports when it's a gimmick tournament. Having tuned in to a few games, I understand what he means. This event has gained some decent journalist attention as a big event for women's e-sports but it lacks competitive integrity. It's an off-season joke tournament in the middle of the season when every other league is playing serious matches.

This is not the best look for women's e-sports. They could have done the same event without the gimmick and used this opportunity to showcase Clove or something, "clove must be picked" would be an alright twist that maintains competitive integrity. Instead we get GC players tripping over their feet on ranked triple duellist comps.

Maybe it's not that serious. Maybe the players don't care this much. Maybe I wasted my time writing this.

posted 10 months ago