he stated in Universo Valorant (spanish podcast) that he doesnt like to get too comfortable and is always looking forward to new challenges
as a Lev fan, i really hope he doesnt leave but lets see what happens
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Registered: | August 13, 2021 |
Last post: | April 21, 2024 at 2:06 AM |
Posts: | 496 |
he stated in Universo Valorant (spanish podcast) that he doesnt like to get too comfortable and is always looking forward to new challenges
as a Lev fan, i really hope he doesnt leave but lets see what happens
No, Sick stays in Sentinels...
In all seriousness, i was just trolling but really excited to see who are they picking up
yeah like, Riot went full "Yes i give you the league hometown, no you will not have a single team in it"
Roles: Yay (Operator), Cryocells (Chamber), Sayaplayer (Jett), leaf (Flex) and tenz on smokes
100T ec1s and babyJ, calling it now thank me later
bro trying to stirr up drama out of pure imagination
i also dont think Tenz and Yay would work out, for different reasons tho
from what i have been reading, no
not the biggest G2 fan here but i really liked meddo and hoody hope they get picked up in another team
wow didnt know NRG had that amount of money, i dont follow esports outside of valorant
I kinda ended up liking Loud at lot solely by this guy, seeing so emotional after winning the grand final warmed my heart. Based manito + fuck people who only cares about ACS
holy shit, like, literaly? i have never seen his content but sounds like a major asshole
as a common viewer, do you think his opinions are mysoginistic?
yeah like i said, really hard to tell what woulda happenedd, its only theorizing at best, but really unfortunate to Xset that shit happens in such a crucial round
Yeah what the fuck, I mean i dont want to say thats the reason they lost this match but it def' fucked them over
yeah if he doesnt die first he actually pulls up really good plays
Yeah thats also a really valid point.
yeah i think they need to reduce the duration of his cooldown, also the radius (only for the ult, trademark is fine). Maybe force him to buy "packs" of bullets for his headhunter (more money investment)
as much as i am a Lev fan, i kinda agree with this. Taco's good, and he really can pop off from time to time, but sometimes he doesnt show up at all. The last two matches from Leviatán were all KiNgg's carry (and he used viper twice!)
Yeah i support this 100%, i was just commenting that it wasnt just dephh complaining
Sykko also said some stuffs about the tech pauses... that Optic has been abusing them both online and LAN
nice taste m8! i knew it was only matter of time until someone posted Death Grips! also nice for black midi and the garden and we have some similar taste in hip hop with denzel, peggy, tyler kanye and kendrick
nice math rock there, i really like tricot i actually got the chance to watch them live a few years ago!
Nice post bro, Loud really fucked up Lev's mental with that comeback in Icebox. It also doesnt help the fact that these teams scrims so much against each other, Loud def' had the right reads.
GG manito.
fuck the emea delusion, zeta beating leviatán?????
have you read holyland? martial arts + street fighting, old manga... i dont remember where i read it tho
this looks like a dragon
edit: it wasnt correctly formatted when i commented this XD
to be fair it seems that Loud was willing to help him with his troubles... Onur is just the kind of guy that takes his ideologies too serious (nothing wrong with that) so he made a whole drama on Twitter and Loud just decided to drop him
mixwell reacted to that tweet on stream... he was at his home doing wachtparty while he was supossed to be in Germany
that twitter account is fake as fuck my dude
bro for real Shyy is just 17 and hes already farming these pros
aguante onur vacuname esta gabacho qliao
nice one dude good quality shit
he really is an explosive person in Twitter, but yeah i dont disagree entirely with his points of view
being honest i thought they were gonna classify through the lower bracket but yeah LEV in playoff was a no-brainer to me
he isnt even that bad of an anti-vaxxer, he has vaxxed for other stuff he just thinks these covid vaccines were poorly handled
hopefully you also jinx the paper rex prediction vamos leviatán conchatumadre
yeah ill say viper for strongholding B site and Astra could defend A and mid with her stars