Flag: Mexico
Registered: August 13, 2021
Last post: April 21, 2024 at 2:06 AM
Posts: 496
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broo i thought they had the comeback in the bag, unlucky next match looks pretty interesting!

posted about 2 years ago

was he the same guy who got involved in some drama about cheating in a speedrun or smn?

posted about 2 years ago

are you enjoying KPI vs TQ?

also yeah i would go for zyppan although i dont see the necessity to change him, dudes pretty good

posted about 2 years ago

They doing a brazilian roster

posted about 2 years ago

this guy is trolling dont listen to him

posted about 2 years ago

nobody saw it coming, but EG is doing a brazilian roster

posted about 2 years ago

Boaster contacted me, hes sending you the contract as we speak

posted about 2 years ago

free fire

posted about 2 years ago

i love how the spanish caster always try to hype naming him "THE WORLD CHAMPION" but then you see his performance in game and isnt really that impressive

posted about 2 years ago

September treated me like shit, the only good thing was watching Champions at the office, hope this month gets better

posted about 2 years ago

well like Ethan said, nobody really wants to be the 6th man, thats the option for players that dont have any other chance

posted about 2 years ago

he knows whats his good angle and just went for it

looks pretty bad to his neck health tho

posted about 2 years ago

WTF pretty weird decision (because i dont want to say stupid). F for the brazilian superteam, it was a super good run

posted about 2 years ago

i like to watch steel raging and being toxic to his teammates, but i usually watch Hitboxking, Lucas rojo and starwraith

posted about 2 years ago

really weird to put benkai as a main duelist and jinggg as a sentinel, but this team was very flexible so i trust them

posted about 2 years ago

"being racist aint a problem" ummmmm

posted about 2 years ago

wait, he was the IGL for TSM? i mean i just dont think hes that impressive as a IGL or as a smoke player (compared to other talents available for franchise, obviously hes really good)

posted about 2 years ago

no disrespect to guimond but i dont think any franchised team is interested in him

posted about 2 years ago

lmao tbf at the very start of the team they actually did wanted to sing cNed but they said his english wasnt that good and that was a problem to the team

posted about 2 years ago

Ethan looked very promising with his arrival to former 100T roster, but i dont think he managed to maintain that hype. He worked really well with that roster and I think he also would have worked well with the curret roster. Maybe he didnt make the impression everybody was expecting from him and just kinda forgeted him

posted about 2 years ago

best answer possible

posted about 2 years ago

Primero que nada, quiero decir que me encanta VLR.GG y he disfrutado este sitio como un lector casual por más de un año. Sin embargo, estoy genuinamente preocupado que Riot se haya infiltrado en los foros. No me refiero a los admins y tampoco me refiero a alguien dentro del staff de VLR. Estoy hablando de los usuarios. No puedo creer que algunos de estos usuarios carecen de la capacidad crítica para alzar su voz contra Riot y meramente repiten lo que dicen sus amos. ¿Recuerdan cuando docenas de usuarios estaban celebrando el anuncio de franquicias sin ningún tipo de respuesta crítica de lo que obviamente iba a devastar a jugadores y fans? Es verdaderamente impactante cómo muchos usuarios parecen estar dispuestos a ponerse de rodillas y lamer la bota corporativa. El mundo está lleno de ovejas sin mente, pero no creo que éstos sean solo lemmins. Creo que son empleados de Riot en nuestro foro comunitario.

Tenemos una responsabilidad como comunidad de ser críticos hacia Riot. Los jugadores no, o al menos parecen dudosos de, criticar a Riot. Los jugadores probablemente están aterrorizados de hablar en contra de Riot por el miedo de ser puestos en la lista negra porque mostraron su disenso viviendo bajo un régimen totalitario. Tenemos que usar estos foros para generar conversaciones críticas que pongan presión a Riot para implementar cambios cuando sea necesario. En las próximas semanas, un gran grupo de jugadores profesionales y otros miembros que están detrás de la escena de la comunidad estarán creando una organización anónima pero colectivamente para ofrecer una respuesta pública en contrar de Riot. ¿Por qué es necesario esto? Francamente, Riot está siendo controlado por una elite corporativa nepotista que no entiende el juego a un alto nivel de jugabilidad y no buscan activamente buscar comentarios críticos de la comunidad. Este es el mismo Riot que aprobó el buff a la ares y que permitió que un jugador de CoD hiciera un algoritmo de MMR para nuestro sistema de rankeds de FPS en lugar de contratar administradores (y pagar por su seguro). Nuestra falta colectiva de voz como comunidad llevó a esta horrible situación que estamos viviendo actualmente en donde los jugadores que han estado grindeando por años ahora fuero están sin trabajo o esperando por más años para poder jugar según el reglamente de esta nueva era. Esto es solo la punta del iceberg. Evitemos otro colapso titánico como el de Overwatch, y obliguemos a Riot a evitar el fracaso que se ha convertido la liga de esports de League of Legends. El destino de este juego no está solo en las manos de una elite corporativa que aparentemente se aleja de la comunidad como unos tiranos. No debemos dejar que esta compañía que cultiva skins con gráficos elegantes nos distraiga de sus horribles problemas (¿no hay sistema de demos?). El futuro de este juego está en nuestras manos, y el foro VLR es nuestro micrófono (así como también Twitter y quién sabe más, en donde estaremos movilizándonos en las siguientes semanas).

Tenemos más poder del que pensamos. Quizás algunos de ustedes están conscientes de nuestros recientes boycotts hacia Madden. Podemos hacer lo mismo por Valorant, y nos organizaremos colectivamente en las siguientes semanas para ayudar a que nuestras voces no sean sólo escuchadas pero también sentidas (en sus billeteras). Riot, si estás escuchando, por favor escucha más. Necesitamos que escuchen y que dejen de actuar como tiranos. Amamos tu juego, no los amamos a ustedes. No confundan nuestro entusiasmo por el juego por nuestro entusiasmo hacia ustedes. Somos una comunidad, y nos aseguraremos que sepas que el poder no continuará solamente en sus manos. Esto no es una amenaza, sino una promesa. Con suerte verán esto como algo benéfico para la longevidad del esport. Háganse a un lado staff platino de Riot, los grinders estamos aquí para ayudar.

TLDR: Aprendan a leer.

posted about 2 years ago

curious at what would happen to Ethan

posted about 2 years ago

you like pineapple on pizza?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i thought the same tbh, i have doubts if he could frag the same way if he plays other roles... this roster seems kinda weird at face value ngl

posted about 2 years ago

i want onur to stay but i dont think is gonna happend :sadge:

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i dont see how shyy fits in this roster... are they gonna make him play smokes then? hes a really young player he could make it work but still...

posted about 2 years ago he tweeted this today former loud coach also tweeted this today

it has been well know that onur likes to switch teams because he likes to "challenge himself"

posted about 2 years ago

uh didnt know that, so they warned them and they go and do it again and then what? a penalty should've happened instantly, imo

posted about 2 years ago

i guess too late for a penalty now? from what im seeing they are gonna replay rounds

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for the clarification! still, kinda shitty you witness this happening twice and do nothing until the match is finished

posted about 2 years ago

Worst part is they did that 2 rounds in a row... so, they have to replay two rounds now? how tf does this work

posted about 2 years ago

oh my god not this bullshit again! now riot has to take this kind of decisions everytime a bug happens in a important round

posted about 2 years ago

the only upgrade from this roster is melser replacing delz1k... but i dont know that to think about the other two

posted about 2 years ago

closer than i tought, ggs rebels

posted about 2 years ago

this looks so tough for Rebels, im happy if they get a 2-1 tbh

posted about 2 years ago

ariana grande perfume were looking pretty solid considering they are a F/A team, some gc team should pick that roster (they beat Gen.G and TSM!)

posted about 2 years ago

Juliano looking pretty sick honestly

posted about 2 years ago

how much ping does the trash can have?

posted about 2 years ago

he really fucked himself by always playing with music, there was this tweet saying that Riot didnt allow to players to have background music during LAN matches... it is such a minor detail but i guess he just couldnt get into "zone"

posted about 2 years ago

i know! E MO TION is one of my favorite pop records ever

posted about 2 years ago

i really really reaaally dislike imagine dragons

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i've always perceived Nukkye as the one with the attitude's issues in G2

posted about 2 years ago

bro the one with the agents bans and the one with the snake draft looks so interesting, its better that they test this idea in smaller tournaments so they dont fuck their current format... im hyped

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

NOOOOOOOO i thought they had this one in the bag, i went to eat and comeback to this fuck me bro

posted about 2 years ago

i thought the same

posted about 2 years ago

remembering that video of bumpaah roasting Soar's CEO because hes constantly selling the team's best players

posted about 2 years ago

didnt consider this

posted about 2 years ago
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