Flag: Brazil
Registered: September 19, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 10:01 PM
Posts: 17

i think that is the problem

posted 2 hours ago

Maridao levantando e amassando o koalanoob de jett depois de ter saido pra ir cagar seria 🔥

posted 2 hours ago

raafa is 30 yo, hes probably retiring...

posted 2 hours ago

this normal, every team has they first try, even LOUD had this, they can do better in the future

posted 2 hours ago

yeah man, like, they just got chocked, on VCB we didnt have LAN games and dont trained to this type of situation

posted 2 hours ago

nah bro, at this point some brazilian stole ur mom and your gf 💀💀

posted 2 hours ago

Like, i saw the game and i think that LukXo is such a good player and i think that the franchises should open a space for he, what do u guys think abt it

E pros brasileiros, qq deu com a Hero Base, se nao tivessem chocado, teriam feito um ascension bom?

posted 2 hours ago

2G 3 - 2 M80

I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!

posted 2 hours ago

bro, check your post history

posted 2 hours ago


posted 3 hours ago

pior que a 2G eh a unica que pode salver msm tlgd? a Galorys veio muito despreparada, nao fez bootcamp, nao treinaram como deviam por conta do visto, ai fica foda, tem que ver VOD do sacy e da jett do aspas na breeze e GG

posted 3 hours ago

bro wth u have with brazil man 😭

posted 3 hours ago

South NA 💀

posted 3 hours ago

The fact is because Galorys doesn`t had a bootcamp and time for training like the others teams because of the VISA of the players

posted 3 hours ago

this might be the minority, even the ORG cheers for them to sucess, most of the teams has this minorities, when they favorite player of the org leaves, they start to decrease the players

posted 3 hours ago

This would make sense if we were in 2023, nowadays no one hates them for that reason, even almost no one supports LOUD anymore because they only follow those who are successful, nowadays we are more cheering for the players than for the teams

posted 3 hours ago