Flag: Australia
Registered: January 17, 2023
Last post: February 17, 2024 at 4:25 AM
Posts: 72
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yeah ur right I think I got too bored with tech pause. Probs not the place to post

posted about a year ago

NOTE: This is talking about the Dokibird- Nijisanji situation, if you're not aware of the whole thats fine, I'll try to TLDR it but its pretty long but I'll try to make it as short as possible

Basically it has come to light a vtuber was being heavily bullied and harassed in the company she was in (Nijisanji) to the point where she tried to commit suicide twice. Theres also reports she had to pay 200k out of her own pocket last year for projects because the company refused to pay as well as getting blocked from doing events and projects. Theres numerous other reports of mismanagement and corruption, some might be speculation, some might be the truth but i wont get into it here otherwise its gonna be an ALLAT.

Where does 39daph comes into this?

She started yapping to her offline chat about how she thinks dokibird is lying. Imo its fine to be skeptical, but the thing was that she makes a lot of baseless assumptions which really doesnt help her point. Examples being her claiming how its fucked that dokibird started a witchunt to other streamers within the company without any evidence because she claimed that she was harassed by her coworkers. (source 1) (source 2) (source 3) (read from bottom to top). However Dokibird NEVER stated publicly that her coworkers harassed her (in fact it was implied it was management). She NEVER named any individuals and she even told her fans to not harass anyone. In fact it was her former company themselves who leaked that she was harassed by her coworkers Source

She also says this which is an absolute fucking crazy conclusion to come reach tbh

She also drags Sentinels in this by posting merch advertisements in the midst of all this giving them insanely bad PR by practically linking her statements to Sentinels đź’€
Look at the backlash

I skipped over ALOT of stuff so if anyones still confused you have every right to be, if anyone is interested in more info about 39daph x dokibird these 2 videos cover more abt this specific situation

If you're interested in background info then alot of big youtubers covered it such as asmongold and moistcritikal

Im sorry if I ruined anyone's day with this long ass paragraph considering that vct is finally back and we should be happy, I just found it sorta fucked that she said all this and then DOUBLEDOWNED after getting confronted. Like she has a fairly big following + associated with sentinels, even if u truly think dokibird is lying u gain nothing by publicly stating all this shit. You’re literally defending a black company with ABSOLUTELY nothing to gain except damaging ur reputation even further.

TLDR: 39daph needs to stop yapping

posted about a year ago

Bros not getting that 99.95

posted about a year ago

This is actually fire

posted about a year ago Would be cool if they made this design into the actual team skin

posted about a year ago

1337 is leet

posted about a year ago

They’re getting inspiration for the new meta fr

I expect vitality to cook with the new brim, omen, cypher, iso and kayo comp

posted about a year ago

Why is the vitality coach on vlr clicking on a thread named “Daddy’s ranked” in the first place 🤨📸

posted about a year ago

Because throughout NA and EU I alone am the greatest spy - Ardiis (probably)

posted about a year ago

I’m not saying ethan is wrong, I’m just saying that they heavily relied on their sub team to “pose” as an enemy team, simulating the opponents strats and playstyle so that the main team can get used to them and therefore counter them, which is basically the same as anti stratting.

What I’m ultimately getting at is that they DID antistrat just maybe not in a traditional way

posted about a year ago

Isn’t forcing ur team to act out the exact same play style and use the exact same strats as another team so that your main team can get used to them and counter them the exact same thing as anti-stratting?

posted about a year ago

Idk if u meant it as a joke but zekken and katarina are not siblings

posted about a year ago

Isn’t moist already partnered with shopify? Can they still partner with another team or is MxS a different kind of partnership

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i was having fun at the waterslide when suddenly i noticed a big shadow covering the entire pool i looked up and there i saw him, Ardiis. He was coming straight for me, he jumped into the pool and the velocity of the wave that followed knocked me unconcious.

When i woke up i was chained in a cold and dirty room and there he was, streaming the popular shooter game VALORANT on Twitch while talking to his chat, somehow he managed to say the word "bro" 254 times in just 3 sentences how is that even possible?? I quickly realised that the chains were actually made of chocolate, confused (and mainly hungry) i started licking and sucking them as fast as i could and managed to crawl out of the room -that i presumed was probably his mothers basement- while remaining unseen.

I searched around the house for an exit and i quickly found the front door. As soon as i exited the building i saw a horde of angry Brazilians holding blowtorches and pitchforks chanting at ardiis and calling him a racist and a loser. I didn't really care so i tried to get out of the scene as soon as possible but just as i was about to step out of the house, ardiis put his enormous hand on my shoulder and whispered with a soft and melodic tone in my ear "You're not going anywhere pumpkin pie" and "Daddy's gonna take care of this swifly". He stepped out of the house and suddenly yelled "WATCH THIS" as he flamboyantly dashed into the air and suddenly made 5 knives materialise around him. He used the knives to effortlessly tap every single brazilian in the area.

I was so afraid, blood was spilled everywhere. When it all was over ardiis looked in my direction and i knew that it was over, if they didnt stand a chance, then i wouldnt either, so i just gave up. Ardiis started walkingin my direction each step making the ground shake. When he got to me he just sat down on me saying that i got cold and he needed to warm me up. After a while he took me inside the smelly basement again and took his clothes off. He started smelling me and licking my ear, and then he suddenly got very embarrased and told me i can just leave.

Turns out that this was a huge misunderstanding, this whole time he thought that i was a chocolate egg and he wanted to eat me. The disappointment on his face when he realized the mistake he had done was palpable, a tangible testament to the depth of his sorrow

posted about a year ago

Bruh I have not seen a single person think tenz is more popular than faker

posted about a year ago

Jexen back on BLG again, no clue what happened but ig it worked out

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Chem exam đź’€

posted about a year ago

That’s pretty lame if true ngl

posted about a year ago

“It’s gonna be unexpected” they said
“I can’t wait for everyone’s reactions” they said
Bruh BLEED yay was like one of the most commonly guessed why did any reporter think it’s gonna be unexpected? 💀

posted about a year ago

I honestly have to agree, not because of the taste, but because I’ve had 7/11 slurpee 2 times in my life and I’ve gotten sick the day after both times 💀

posted about a year ago

I see them around once every 2 weeks give or take. Surprisingly I don’t see daddy long legs that often, instead I get black house spiders a lot. I don’t remember the biggest ever spider I’ve seen but the most recent “big” spider was like 3-4cm wide

posted about a year ago

So from what I understand an unnamed t1 player refused to play with mel because she is a woman, but is there any hard evidence this is the case? I’m not doubting whether this situation happened, cause it’s obvious it did, I’m just wondering how they know the player didn’t want to play specifically because she’s a woman and not just that the player didn’t want to play with her because he didn’t think her skills were up to par, who also just happened to be a woman. Because one is blatant sexism and the other is fair game at least imo.

Like I can see how a player saying “I don’t wanna play with her” can be misinterpreted as “I don’t wanna play with a woman” instead of “I don’t wanna play with her because I don’t think her skills are up to par” ykyk?

Not taking any sides here just wanted to ask if there’s any concrete evidence pointing to one side.

posted about a year ago

Demon1 was was scouted by DSG’s coach cause he had a good rep

posted about a year ago

How r they gonna be communicating with their team????

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It’s honestly weird how they care so much about him tbh

posted about a year ago

I just watched ep1. I like the casting but the show is very different from the anime. Not in the plot but vibe. They made the characters very edgy and it seems like the shows trying to take themselves pretty seriously.

Imo it’s alright so far but im really not that far into the series so idk

posted about a year ago

Anime’s pretty good but I don’t think someone who hasn’t watched anime will like it
I distinctively remember watching it a few years back and hating the mc the first few tens of episodes, it might be pretty frustrating for some people lol

posted about a year ago

They playing with Deadlock patch or nah?

posted about a year ago

Ngl the storyline would be sick

posted about a year ago

Bilibili Gaming

posted about a year ago

Spesh đź’€

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fuck it… -dephh + tenz

Just pug it out or some shit at this point, if the games gonna look like ranked anyways then just get 5 ranked demons, they literally have nothing else to lose

posted about a year ago

Yeah nah that shit was straight assssss

posted about a year ago

yeah makes the team seem very arrogant, which unfortunately attracts quite a bit of hate

posted about a year ago

准备开始学中文 Tenz!!

posted about a year ago

If u look at every game since the new roster’s inception Tenz has always either top frogged or scored the highest player rating except for the 2 bad games so idk where ur coming from here

posted about a year ago

B-b-but they were the best F/A team in the world!!!

posted about a year ago

his wasn’t working ig

posted about a year ago

Anyone know how much tenz benches? I heard he’s been hitting the gym recently

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In an ideal world yes

But this is higlhly unlikely after Kaplan specifically mentioned how dephh did a really good job in his post match tweet + Sacy isn’t comfortable igling in english

Edit: oh shit didn’t see the tenz igl 💀

posted about a year ago

I feel like if tenz is staying there wouldn’t be any need for secrecy tho and she would just say it outright

posted about a year ago

He’s saying emea only has 2 good teams

posted about a year ago


Get tenz off first entry (doesn’t matter if he’s still a duelist or not)
Get zekken on first entry
Ideally still put tenz on op but idk how viable that still would be with the agents he’ll be playing
Sacy remains on initiator
Dephh on smokes
Pancada on sentinels

dephh is gone then Marved would of course go on smokes
Only problem is that we don’t have a full grasp on Sacy’s igl ability and whether his performance would drop BECAUSE he’s igling

posted about a year ago
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