Flag: United States
Registered: June 16, 2024
Last post: September 23, 2024 at 9:37 PM
Posts: 12

why would u put mindfreak on senti to sign another smokes?

posted 5 months ago

americas(all unordered)

tex, tenz, zekken, valyn, johnahp, aspas


riens, benjy, chronicle


karon, meteor, munchkin, texture


smoggy, chichoo, (KK grandfinals)

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

why does everyone underrate yoru? legit he gets p decent value on this map that imo puts him equal to neon

posted 5 months ago

he is back in na, played with him
i think he is f/a rn or contract expiring soon

posted 6 months ago

lowk been just chilling in ranked but soon go on grind again

posted 6 months ago

LOL funnily enough vandal is like 15ish deag 12ish, but peak 600rr
straight up tho, hard mode bots is just horizontal flicks and there are countless ways to minimize the need for horizontal flicks in game

posted 7 months ago

this is next level hating and altho i like fenis i can respect this

posted 8 months ago

all of this being said, sometimes a player just can not click a mouse to win. and tbh, that may not always be their fault, but it is definetely an improveable skill and consistently bad fragging indicates that the player may be just bad. maybe better as a coach or smth

posted 8 months ago

judging people solely by vlr or spike rating is kinda bullshit: it doesn't take into consideration so many different things. if you play an initator agent, like skye or kayo, your flashes could get like 0 value just because of how the other team plays. if they play completely retake every bombsite that you util dump, you waste your util (because the IGL, NOT THE PLAYER, usually calls for util) and get 0 value. you might be doing your job perfectly, but because your igl is not locked in on the other team's thinking, your stats suffer. other games, your flashes might be perfect and you get big numbers and big rating values. in essence, its not always one player's fault that they play bad: other team might just counterstrat/play against your strengths really well, or you get outbrained and stratted hard. dogging a player because they had a bad game or low stats is just bleh

posted 8 months ago

also, it kinda makes sense if you think about it: you always see the site anchor on ct, typically the sentinel, having to deal with massive hits all the time. duelists have the opposite role on offense, where you have to deal with the stack that is potentially onsite. both are in charge of getting kills and value despite kinda being 1vX positions, and so it makes sense in a way that duelists switch to sentinel.

on another note, there are certainly different types of duelists. some, like aspas or something, would be better on agents like kayo or gekko because they are still part of the site entry. it's part of their playstyle inherently to aim duel and bully their way onto the site with util and trades. usually, they will be with the pack and be able to entry/trade their way onto a site. especially on flex like kayo, which usually means going out first if no duelist. however, other duelists, like prime yay and demon1, rely on being the 2nd one in or taking isolated aim duels. demon1 needed jawgemo, yay needed victor, to take the space at first so they could just swing and get 1v1 duels while they were too busy dealing with vic and jawg. these types of duelist thrive in 1v1s, so playing sentinel, a role with lots of passive waiting and 1v1 lurk fights, would make sense. however, the other type, in my opinion, the more aggressive duelist will be better playing a flash entry or just straight up sticking to duelist

posted 8 months ago

in a way sentis make more sense because you fight lots of 1v1 engagements on the t side lurk, usually without any util, which favors the player with better mechanjcs. so that means the duelist guy will probably win those. todays meta a bunch of sentinels take fb/contact because of just how lurking works and that first kill is hella valuable. on ct side, your util on kj and cypher doesnt need the much brain after its placed, so you can just kinda rely on positioning between duels(which duelists are good at) and raw mechanics. also, additionally support agents find value in staying alive for a long ass time, like omen and his smokes, but sentinels dont have as much of that util

posted 8 months ago