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Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2023 at 9:25 PM |
Posts: | 8691 |
Ah the game where he just got OP ecofrags? Yeah right
Scream still better stay mad that ur trash failed cs player didnt won
Nvm youre the kid who literally hates on every team except sentinels.
Funny how yall North americans says "its just crouching" but when any team from others regions do It to yall and lose the round or the match, i see a bunch of pressed people talking about "karma" and talking shit about the team and the player. Embarassing.
oh its tenz with the insane 12/20!!!!
oh look a tenz fanboy
Go Tell Ur ídol to use the op since hes trash and doenst get 1 kill with a vandal or Phantom kekw
Confidence? Sick literally was tbagging and died to the Spike. This is toxic not confidence.
Dominating LMAO 6-5 literally uses excuses to be toxic
job: agree with every post that hates on tl or agree with every post that scream is bad and tenz is jesus himself
His potential was shown years ago when he played Phoenix and reyna
Lmao 0 iq take. Tenz is a player who plays for damage and kills. While scream is a team player that most of times igls for the team. Do u really think scream wants to play jett in these maps?
Breeze is one of the best maps sentinels has. Bind is the worst for tl. Ur point?
scream also and the others players the OP saíd also have. Braindead take.
Gets 1 good match = best in the world
Ok nerd go spam "POG" in chat while tenz gets op eco frags
Ok and? Im talking about the Lucky plays that won the rounds. Tenz noscope. Zombs killing Full blind on the last bullet, tenz killing in the smoke and etc
Shazam literally said that he needed a coach so he doenst put all stress on him and also to get callouts he cant think about. If u think he called ALL 3 timeouts Ur delusional
Not talking about How he wasted ALL timeouts for nothing
Yeah because rushing b last round is totally a good call lol
Its been 2 matches and Ur saying hes been terrible. Just stfu
Idk but It def hit 150k views at the main stream Nvm its at 200k.
No lol they are just shit. Others teams just needed time.
I dont like tenz but Ur a Gold and hes at the Champions. Dont talk
Lmao both were super low and link was defusing nothing special
All deaths of scream was dying thru smokes or while dashing. Tenz had ALL the chances and still whiffed every single bullet and then whiffed at soulcas top
So pressed for what? Noone said this tenz fanboy
Nah that was worse than what scream did in the entire match
Ur braindead. Tenz and most of duelists plays better at ct.