TS 2-0 CR
FS 2-1 C9
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2023 at 9:25 PM |
Posts: | 8691 |
It seems pretty funny to be specially seeing someone that makes millions tweet about something like this
https://mobile.twitter.com/Casimiro/status/1467303049844699143 LMAOO
He said "poor" btw.
How do you dont know that others countrys specially (sadly) others south American countrys use to be racist towards us lol (i dont agree with the guy saying hes racist im Just explaining)
I agree with you but why are you asking for that... Youre weird asf
I was gonna type in the original post "he beated his girlfriend" but i dont know if its correct so i just used another word..
Now hes gonna get threats again.. i feel bad fr
Maybe i worded It wrong but damn Sorry
I know that?? Lmao why are you guys being toxic at me
Yeah i saw that but u cant deny that the history could be different without the pause and etc.. i understand why people are mad but some people were actually Just being toxic for no reason
Yeah ure right but thats not zombs and Shazam lmao. And im pretty sure both of them have their dms closed
Stop with bs. No one has ever said something bad about tenz in this whole situation. In fact people were complementing him since he carries zombs.
Shazam didnt even say if he was getting death threats neither did zombs and yall are saying they are getting threatned in the dms and shit lmao. And death threats is known in cs not valorant since hltv and csgo is so much worse its crazy
He was agressive with his ex gf and got sent tô jail thats It.
Noone sent death threats to noone. Zombs got called bad and that he gets carried. Thats the max i saw
Theres 0 proof of that. Even if It did happen racism and xenophobia was happening to us in twitter and mostly in Twitch so i dont see Ur point.
Clearly we are in the right. Noone in brs side was being toxic till zombs said what he said. Maybe theres some childish people talking shit but most of us are only asking for a simple ban since its in the rules. If you cant accept that ur literally based.
Im not joking about mental health lmao. Im saying its corny about him being Sorry for being Brazilian(??) When literally we are in the right side and hes not even the one getting attacked like wtf..
This is the most corny shit Ive ever seen in my life damn
Mano eles tão zoando o ntk porque ele bateu na namorada. N dela.. wtf
Idk maybe first people like you stop making posts and in replies being xenophobic. That would work
Pica isnt poop LMAO
Because hes being disrespectful and its in the rules...??
Started what? Do you even know what he said? Its a meme my guy.
Ur literally trying to create hate between the 2 teams. We are cool lmfao. Just shut up
No we didnt (because from which i remember we didnt make a post calling the entire region shit kekw)
He was literally shit 5 years ago tho? I dont agree with the original poster using this as proof or whatever. But Shazam was actual horseshit
Blz irmão. Quando me mostrarem uma prova dessas ameaças aí eu me calo. Porque pelo oq eu sei n tem uma print até agora mostrando na dm dos caras ou no caralho a 4 de um BR dizendo pra eles se matarem. No máximo vi um "newba do caralho"
Thats why hes the goat and zombs is literally the worst player in sen
Maybe because hes a viewer and not a pro player so the rules doenst apply to him??? Omg!!!
Kkkkk sim MT certo. N vi nenhum pro br falar merda no Twitter contra os caras. Agr o imbecil lá vai e fala que a região inteira é uma merda e ele tá certo? N fode porra, vcs aí tá defendendo quando os gringo tá falando que o Brasil vai perder pq eles n são brancos lá na Twitch
Its literally in riot rules are you special lmao
You act like pro players doenst influence people lmao. What zombs said is hate speech. And its in the rules so its wrong. Also i didnt see a single BR person telling them to kill themselves so stop with this bullshit which is literally the only excuses yall use for defending your 1/15 player
Funny how yall only blame brazil. Didnt see any pro talking about the blatant racism and xenophobia on twitter and Twitch. And yes zombs deserves a ban hes dogshit anyways
I mean youre actually so dumb and weird so i think ur really baiting
Zombs wont say any of this shit in their face 🤣🤣
Noone thinks like that but go off since youre a aim specialist 💀
Ué mas ele tem umas das melhores
But if scream said that yall would be talking shit about him 24h/7 on twitter. Stfu
U probably didnt even know who he was before my post lmao. Aleksander has easily one of the most cleans and correct aim in valorant. Also alot of pros says he has one of the best aims
But he literally does have top tier aim. You cant win clutches against the best teams in the world without top tier aim smh
Ah yes. ALL the clutches he won to this day were ALL based on his intelligence and not his aim right lol
Tell me why i made this then delusional blicey
This is not ranked to best to worst btw.
Ur best team almost Lost to our 3seed lul stay mad and go to Halo sport