Flag: China
Registered: September 8, 2021
Last post: May 1, 2022 at 7:02 PM
Posts: 10

200 rounds of OT both teams pass out TSM auto quals

posted about 2 years ago

They need an actual fucking manager

posted about 2 years ago

glitchpop classic
ruination ghost
rgx frenzy
ion sheriff
oni shorty
gaia marshal
radiant crisis bucky
elderflame judge
sovereign stinger
recon spectre
protocol bulldog
spectrum guardian
champions vandal
prime phantom
singularity ares
blastx odin
reaver op
ruin dagger

posted about 2 years ago

1) 21
2) 9
3) Split
5) Yoru
6) Neon
7) No
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) Subroza
11) hoody
12) 1. Gambit 2. Liquid 3. FNATIC 4. ACEND 5. C9 6. KRU 7. NV 8. DRX VS 9. XSET 10. VK
Tie Breaker: 76
13) Derke, Cned, Cryo
14) Liquid
15) Gambit
16) DRX VS

posted about 3 years ago

should be a good match tmmrw

posted about 3 years ago

ye I don't know what SEN is thinking saying "we don't need a coach". There's a reason every single team in any sport has a coach. Shazam can't be igl, jett oper, sova, coach, and analyst all at once and it's pretty obvious through his performance. There cockiness and lack of strats could have easily been curbed if they had someone to give a outside perspective. They'll have a good chance of winning if they actually get someone to manage their gameplay

posted about 3 years ago

Les go <3 :D

posted about 3 years ago

I_am_Ugly :D
Nukkye, sheydos, Boomer Hiko

posted about 3 years ago