...derke was in the grand finals of the first LAN
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | February 14, 2022 |
Last post: | June 6, 2023 at 3:08 AM |
Posts: | 1199 |
...derke was in the grand finals of the first LAN
Old: Derke, TenZ, Aspas, Yay, Cned, Heat (All were at one point called the best itw)
New: Demon1, Something, Who else????
Suggested New Jetts: Qw1, Jzz, Foxy9 (I disagree)
im pretty sure that core is shao, zyppan, angel
Its either
FNS, victor, crashies
Saadhak, aspas, less
Boaster Derke
Stax, rb, mako
Any cores that I missed?
aint no way he said EG management needs to get fined when he has a sen flair. Your team ain't got no sub
food disappeared as soon as they started playing with a fat white guy. coincidence?????
FNS + Victor + Charles Rashies + skinny asian guy + fat white dude
chiwawa, is the best EMEA FA i can think of
idk, Fut played better against fnatic
bro, Lev is clearly missing something on the leadership and mid rounding front, kru doesn't look this lost. They have great player quality, but clearly the leadership isn't quite as good
kingg is a great player, but hot take, he isnt a top tier IGL, def bottom 2 in americas
hes trying to stay relevant SO HARD
they only need to win 2 matches, and one of those will be against furia
so people would stop calling them the ugliest roster in all of valorant
pa i ting!!!! gam sa hae yo (im pretty sure, this is thanks)
similar to smashign the bottle, i fear that will harm my finger
thank you juho, I am gratefu lfor the encouragement
My finger is stuck in a beer bottle. WTF do i do. I am very drunk, but i dont think smashing the bottle is the right idea
i think you could! go acheive your desires! unless its murder, dont do that
im on a computer but pretend this reply is the nerd emoji
i would like to eventually, but i heard korean has an alphabet so i decided to learn it first, but the alphabet is so hard in korean, how tf do i spell "frog" in korean
Im learning korean and it is very hard, does anyone have any words of encouragements or tips? Anything is appreciated!!!
whenever i see women inmy game (subway) i tell she to make me a sandwich (i am 14 beers deep) it irk me to no end to see woemn
i bind it to my phoenix smokes button when i am sova on breeze
men must be biologically better at gaming. Think about it using facts. over the 3 thousandish years humans have existed, men have had the sole purpose of playing video games, so naturally we evolved to be better at them. women on the other hand evolved to only want my money and clout >:(. Women dont have penises (third appendage to you controls) which is another disadvantage. on top of that, when girls play gaming, they play stardew crossing and animal valley. i cannot think of any logical reason other than biology. and dont say a toxic culture around gaming, a numerically lower player base, less opportunity to play semi professionally, orgs searching to hire women only for all female rosters, typically a later starting age for gaming, or stigmatization for girl gamers. Those reasons dont count
sidenote, why do women avoid me in public?
words are important in what we say, but also what we dont say. Even if accidental, its important to realize that some comments are inherently distasteful at best and can ultimately be subconsciously hurtful to people when repeated constantly
w woman has the implication that women having Ws isnt the standard, what w woman doesnt say (by the fact that it needs to be mentioned) is that most women are L women and L women are the standard
bro stfu this is the most incel thing ive read today
bro cant stop taking Ls even out of the server
wtf man, i just voiced an opinion that isnt even controversial
id argue saadhak and sacy were a better duo