Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 7:11 PM
Posts: 680
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posted about a year ago

Who hurt you bro? We all need to laugh in life😂😂😂

posted about a year ago

What? Is that not your sense of humor?

posted about a year ago

Oh really? I had no idea. Can you send me some of the other ardiis clips? This guy is too funny man😂😂😂

posted about a year ago

Surely the Aspas hate in this thread will age well

posted about a year ago

You missed the news?

posted about a year ago

Sick’s gonna get the boot soon

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sick is so funny man

posted about a year ago

This confirms that the pro scene in general thinks that sick is a joke

posted about a year ago

Since when is the game dead in the water? What are you talking about? NA Challengers viewership is insane. What are you talking about “dead”?

posted about a year ago

Putting the showmatch after gets less clout. What are you talking about?

posted about a year ago

Kiss me right now you prophet

posted about a year ago

do any of you actually give a shit about fut, or do you just pretend to support the underdog whenever they are playing close or beating a team from na or emea

posted about a year ago

viewership 📈

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he actually has to make people laugh in real life, while your humor consists of posting on internet forums

posted about a year ago

"manipulate the bracket so one region has a better chance of doing well"

posted about a year ago

Tarik confirmed on stream yesterday that simple will be watch partying with him for the navi vs secret game today

posted about a year ago

can you clip a short section and translate it?

posted about a year ago

Nope. Leo Faria said that it was either this or nothing on the Wisemen podcast. They have to set up all the leagues in person and get team housing and facilities set up. There would be no way to have qualifiers for a masters.

posted about a year ago

There was never going to be a masters

posted about a year ago

Frod or eraser, who you got?

posted about a year ago

"If I'm correct this symbol means that you're "small" is the way to say that your enemy is "small" compared to them (saying that you're getting rekt) not sexual way.

"You're too small to be seen" some shit like that, they do this to say that when someone is not playing well, so they cannot "see you" since you're underperforming."

posted about a year ago

you are such a piece of shit, racism against brazilians, japanese people, and you're probably a fake flagger too just to get people mad at indians

posted about a year ago

"If I'm correct this symbol means that you're "small" is the way to say that your enemy is "small" compared to them (saying that you're getting rekt) not sexual way.

"You're too small to be seen" some shit like that, they do this to say that when someone is not playing well, so they cannot "see you" since you're underperforming."

posted about a year ago

fuck you piece of shit

posted about a year ago

that isn't what that means at all, lmao so you are the one being racist to japanese people by even bringing this up and to brazilians by calling them barbarians

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

"random person" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64122628

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

imagine if sen made the finals, the viewership would dwarf anything we've ever seen

posted about a year ago

literally the opposite

posted about a year ago

they aren't "suddenly acting so wild" they were always just degenerate terrible people

posted about a year ago

let's beat EU KEKW

posted about a year ago

Already got more viewers wdym

posted about a year ago

Open your eyes lil bro. The Russian channel doesn’t even hit 100k these days

posted about a year ago

Look back through the predictions the last time these two teams played. You were called delusional if you thought Loud would even still be in the upper bracket, then they 2-0’d DRX and won the tournament. This will likely be a 3-0 or 3-1 for Loud, and they will probably win the tournament.

posted about a year ago

They’re definitely better than mibr, I think they can win vs t1

posted about a year ago

Csgo’s viewership all came from Russian bot farms which had to be turned off because of pootin’s war

posted about a year ago

Stockholm 2.7
Antwerp 2.1
Rio 1.4
Paris ???

posted about a year ago

Even sentinels zeta would be the most watched match ever

posted about a year ago

Mark my words, no cs tournament will ever hit 2 million viewers again

posted about a year ago
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