Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 4, 2022
Last post: December 1, 2024 at 6:16 AM
Posts: 82
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odin isn't better than vandal or phantom stop it, he's just good

posted 3 months ago

he's referring to digital threat, a sight in apex that lets you see enemies through smokes

posted about a year ago

lmao bro was a discord moderator that time

posted about a year ago

i think that's just the ranked experience but the pros i know all are friends and respect each other and they rarely talk trash to each other unless they're really good friends

posted about a year ago

I can't believe this shit happened just because 2 dudes was beefing in a ranked game the build up is crazy 😭

posted about a year ago

gw tarik kata-kata gw, ngeliat qrt rrq gila ajg wkwkkwkw

posted about a year ago

kayanya lebih ke protes knp tenteng doang kena punish tpi flipjeder ga diapa apain sama orgnya

posted about a year ago

dari qrt orang jepang rata-rata pada ngejokes tenten masuk mrg atau ngomong "damn that's crazy", yg hate bani sama rrq paling 2 ato 3 akun doang jadi kayaknya aman aman aja

posted about a year ago

nah the team is actually nice it's just that dude

posted about a year ago

nah what do you mean by smells nice

posted about a year ago

there's not even an internet to begin with how did you expect them to know valorant

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

crow's utility usage is top tier even in Pacific the only one i see close to him in JP is popogachi and i don't see him leaving CR

posted about 2 years ago

i say syouta close

posted about 2 years ago

vici the next duelist turned controller monster

posted about 2 years ago

syouta and hiroronn is also cracked af, plus now they got joxjo who's probably the best igl in japan league rn

posted about 2 years ago

So they just announced that Champions will have 16 teams as usual but since there are only 3 leagues how do we split it?

I think they will put it like this : The top 4 teams from each league : 12

For the rest i can think either that China gets that extra 1 slot OR the region that won the Masters gets them an extra slot for Champions, example:
Let's say that a team from APAC won the Masters, the league APAC is granted extra spot for Champions by making both finalists of the Last Chance Qualifiers gets the slot for Champions, so Americas LCQ sends 1 team, EMEA LCQ sends 1 team, and APAC LCQ sends 2 teams and there you have the 16 teams for it.

posted about 2 years ago

anthem plays chamber for reject in lcq

posted about 2 years ago

W roster but i kinda hope they picked meiy instead of Anthem (no hate to him he's still an insane player)

posted about 2 years ago

probably seoldam or anthem they both play jett chamber

posted about 2 years ago

so Zeta adds barce as their 6th and Detonation consists of Suggest, Reita, Takej, xnfri, Anthem, and Seoldam who's back


posted about 2 years ago

bazzi plays initiator when in cr, but you can see he's pretty uncomfortable with it

posted about 2 years ago

boss boom kayaknya pernah tweet gitu kalo gamau jual player

posted about 2 years ago

full roster onic ga si, mungkin ambil yg dari ae kaya kush atau noxxy gitu

posted about 2 years ago

pretty interesting but idk if neth is willing to learn korean

posted about 2 years ago

i agree, most jp players are willing to go out of their comfort zone for their star imports to shine

posted about 2 years ago

god damn jp has a looot of flex players

posted about 2 years ago

neth : smokes
this guy can play almost anything but his best roles are usually raze and controllers, plus he is way too valuable to not be in the league
meiy : duelist
arguably jp best duelist, not a jett one trick he can play raze and neon and pretty good with them, also has a big value
reita : initiator+ igl
the one reason reject is a tier 1 team in jp this year, insane fade player and also pretty flexible, and same as neth he is too valuable to not be in the league
xnfri : flex
2nd best northeption player after meteor and one of the best flex in jp, he will playing the kay o skye role
derialy : sentinel
young and has a lot of potential, also can play any role but i think he would be a killjoy cypher main. pretty underrated player

a really good IGL and always willing to pick the suffering roles in the team, also fluent in japanese
had a good spell with cr and plays almost anything (his best are probably duelist and sentinel), and like astell he's fluent in japanese
underrated controller player and being the nth leader (not igl) he will bring a good vibes in the team

posted about 2 years ago

prx : the same roster but -jinggg +deryeon
rrq : fl1pz, monyet, lmemore, tehbotol, famouz
talon : foxz, sscary, sushiboys, ptc, wannafly
ge : prolly the whole squad -kappa
ts : same
drx : same
gen g : meteor, joxjo, k1ng, ts, Bazzi
t1 : same
zd : same
dng : xnfri, derialy, neth, meiy, reita

posted about 2 years ago

gimana nih langsung ketemu top 3 masters iceland cok wkwk

posted about 2 years ago

i kinda want to add foxy too but i just go with smth because i see people in jp seems rate him more than foxy

posted about 2 years ago


duelist : Nth Meteor, Zeta Dep, CR Meiy, DK t3xture, DRX Rb, SG something, ONS Bazzi
flex : Zeta Tennn, Nth xnfri, CR Meiy, RC Medusa
initiator : DRX stax, DRX Zest, Nth JoxJo, Zeta crow, Igz/DK Lakia, RC Reita
controller : DRX Mako, Zeta Sugarz3ro, CR rion, ONS zunba
sentinel : DRX Buzz, Zeta Laz, ONS k1ng
Operator : DRX Buzz, Zeta Laz, Nth Meteor, Zeta Dep, DK t3xture, ONS Bazzi
IGL : Nth JoxJo, Zeta crow, DRX Zest
coach : Zeta XQQ, DRX termi, Nth bail

posted about 2 years ago

well if edg struggled to beat reject or even lose against them, nth should be able to deal with edg without many problems.

thing is this game can be so random you see kone getting absolutely destroyed by nth in haven but managed to won against damwon in that map

posted about 2 years ago

if reject manages to win against edg tomorrow, then i think it's safe to say that jp will have 2 reps in champs

posted about 2 years ago

out of the 3 jp teams nth is the strongest and also tournament favorites so they have a big chance

posted about 2 years ago

nope it was always his dream to play in western countries ever since his csgo days

posted about 2 years ago

surprised you didn't put reject at the bottom considering how you really don't like em

posted about 2 years ago

15 he said himself on stream

posted about 2 years ago

you really think fnatic and loud facing the same competition? there's a reason EMEA got 3 slots bro

posted about 2 years ago

really? as far as i know the only JP team that gets hate sometimes is CR and usually rion is the target. never heard people hating on NTH

posted about 2 years ago

this is maybe irrelevant but you can see the point.

in Japan there's a wrestling show that have crowds but they forbid the crowd to shouts or making huge noises other than applause, so maybe this rule applies to every crowded events.

posted about 2 years ago

im hoping that cote s2 will actually make kei relevant

posted about 2 years ago

doesn't feel like 4th when we only beat fellow id teams in playoff

posted about 2 years ago

common makmu tak kentot w

posted about 2 years ago

dude's a tall gigachad handsome fella, why wouldn't he

posted about 2 years ago

onslayers kinda fell off this stage

posted about 2 years ago

mreka ngomong scrim yg susah tu lawan tim kaya gitu kemungkinan karena mereka ga ngescrim lawan prx xia atau tim tim sea lainnya keknya

posted about 2 years ago

sugarz3ro play vs liquid in fracture tower probably ignites the shorty plays in asia

posted about 2 years ago
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