Flag: Philippines
Registered: January 27, 2025
Last post: January 27, 2025 at 10:42 PM
Posts: 5

They're pretty open to it, I remember having a lot of times where they went to events and did interviews

posted 1 month ago


The game is still pretty young, so most of us are still trying to work our way around to being "legit".

posted 1 month ago

From my experience, handle everything not related to the game xD. Scheduling for specific events, Announcement from the company or something. Basically the team's representative to matters not really related to playing the game at least

posted 1 month ago

Its almost always the former, sure there might be specific things an analyst is better at ( take vladk0r for example, god at lineups but can do other things very well too ), but we still need to be adept at other things "Coaching relevant".

posted 1 month ago

Yo, T2 analyst here with exp from multiple regions and Ascension Pacific here.

We basically either get delegated tasks from the HC, or bring specific skillsets to the team, be it data analysis, comp breakdown and creation, Vod duty, or simply lineups if needed

as for me I often handle using data sites like RIB to take key data for antis of our opponents, and help out the coach with creating or modifying our existing strats and defaults to make stuff better for our players

posted 1 month ago