Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2023
Last post: December 16, 2024 at 2:51 PM
Posts: 26

Pancada é um bom jogador, mas não me leve a mal, ele está longe de estar no top20 mundo. Ele é sim um dos melhores brs, pra estar no supertime, tem de estar entre o melhor dos melhores, entende? Vejo o pessoal falando do havoc, mas não vi nada demais nele até agora, é um ótimo jogador, assim como pancada, mas está longe do nível aspas,heat e etc.

posted 2 months ago

Heat in kru> Made kru first place in Americas. Before that he was top1 in br ranking a lot of times, he and aspas were the kings of br ranking. PLAYING FLEX AND INITIATOR
HEAT in furia> Furia is looking in best phase and he is playing SENTINEL.
MWZERA in gamelanders> always topfrag with DUELIST
MWZERA in Furia> Topfrag when playing duelist, when playing smoke, and when playing initiator.
Its so obvius that aim>>>>>>>role.
Its not like league of legends, that one rule is a lot difference from another, in VALORANT have difference yes, but not that difference.
I'm ascendant player in pc and console, and can carry in platina in any role, same with aspas and others carrying mid pro players.

posted 2 months ago

I'm looking at the status and dont see havoc with "that perform", heat and mwzera 90% off the time will get first and second in status. He is a good player, but not a top20 aimers world. Sacy and mwzera can igl, they already play smart.

posted 2 months ago

Thats not how it works, you can put an ascendant main smoke in radiant and he will make his team lose. Same with this players, you cant compare a medium pro player aimer, with a top20 aimers world, the gap in huge.

posted 2 months ago

Thats bullshit, you can put any of this players in any role, and they would still top frag. Mwzera had played smoke before and still topfrag furia, same with heat in other roles.

posted 2 months ago

Why not create a br super team again? I said that in 2022, that unless we have a superteam, we cant win a champions tournament again.
In 2022, based on the best aimers i said:
DONT MATTER if its not their main role, what matters in this game is AIM.
NOW in 2024, maybe i will take sacy out and put Cortezia, but i dont know, because i think aspas would play better with sacy in team (SINERGY)
2024 TEAM:
Old Loud had aspas,sacy and less, and now furia has mwzera and heat, imagine that 5 players together!!!

posted 2 months ago

Derke is playing really goood

posted 6 months ago

Less is still a good player, he cant carry his team alone, but still a top 10 aimer and top 5 sentinel for sure.

posted 6 months ago

Where is Less? Only because Loud didnt well, dont mean he isnt top 10 aim world anymore.

posted 6 months ago

Tenz in 2021
Yay in 2022
Aspas in 2023 and 2024 (VCT)

posted 6 months ago

Of course Brazil would won
Aspas- duelist
Sacy - initiator and igl
Heat- flex
Less- Sentinel
Smoke- mwzera. Explanation: pancada has more experience as a smoker, but o still think ability and reaction speed win in this game, and mwzera is a superstar.
. This team have the best brazilian players in skill.

posted 6 months ago

Aspas was 1st stats in Lock In, Vct americas and second in champions, and you are saying he is top10 and Less top2, oh my god... the haters.

posted about a year ago

If you are saying about the entire years, Aspas 1st, he carried Loud in Vct.

posted about a year ago

Aspas is way better, eg lost 1 time and Loud 3 times, thats why he has better stats, when your team loses you kill less. Its not a 1v1 game, aspas clears demon1.

posted about a year ago

C9 got better without yay, and you guys treat him like a god of val, he was just abusing absurd OP chamber. Aspas always was the best, 1st in Vct America stats, 5th in champions, but we lost 3 games in champs, so obsviusly when you lost, your stats go down; its not a 1v1 game, his consistency is the best.

posted about a year ago

Funny, Aspas is way better than both.

posted about a year ago

Aspas is better

posted about a year ago

I like that

posted about a year ago

Yeah, you have a strong point.

posted about a year ago

A lot of people dont like him, because of how undisciplined and childish he is. But if we can manage that, he is one of the best aims in Brazil

posted about a year ago

Sacy and Less are totally capable of being an Igl

posted about a year ago

We are now seeing a team like PRX, in which all players were main duelists. And that proves a point I've always said, what matters most in Valorant is the aim, knowing how to play in other roles, players learn quickly, even more at a professional level with intense training. Taking that into account, what would be the best possible Brazilian team? What would be the best Brazilian team, if we could form a world cup team.
Names that come to mind:
Aspas > Probably the best in the region, if not at least top 3 guaranteed, he showed good evolution since that Aspas who only ran from Reyna.
Sacy> He was always in the top Brazilian valorant, whether with Vikings, Loud or that team before Vikings, was it Red? I do not remember. In addition, it stands out for its game intelligence, Eg's COM reminded me of it yesterday. In addition, he has always been in the Brazilian top ranked, already reaching the top 1 and top 10 multiple times.
Heat> Perhaps one of the choices with the most repercussions on my list, for me an aim as good as Aspas', but totally undisciplined and psychologically weak. He proved himself several times a good player in Vivo (when they were robbed against Ascension) and he got top1 several times in the Brazilian Ranked (as Aspas)
mwzera> One of the greatest players in Brazil, in the first year of Valorant he was the inspiration for everyone in Brazil, even Aspas were his fan, he started to decline when he changed from duelist to initiator. But it dominated the Brazilian scene in the 1st year and was always in the top 10 of the rankings with a good winrate.
Less> He was always in the Brazilian top 10 ranked, and he has an absurd aim, he started to stand out more in Loud, since in the previous team he was very young and had not won many titles, but it's no wonder that saad and sacy chose this demon of the ranked.
If we managed to discipline Heat and put Less or Sacy as Igl, I believe that this would be the best Brazilian team.
honorable mentions: raafa xand tuyz Cauanzin Saadhack frz Qck Pancada

posted about a year ago

I dont think saadhack is that good, he plays ok for international level, but who carry Loud is usually Less and Aspas, maintain that 2 players core and Loud will always be a strong contender. Not saying sad, cauanzin and tuyz is bad, strong players, but you can change them for orher strong players. I like a lot mwzera, sacy and heat, because they are strong aim players and can shine in game like the core Loud (kill 25-30). The problem is the first one is solid on furia (remember mwzera was the strongest player during first year of val in Brasil), the second one only wants money, but has a great mind for igl, really inteligent and great aim, and the last one has a insane aim like aspas, but is so undisciplined, dont like to train and fight with the coaches.
My brazil dream team is:
Sacy on initiator and igl
Mwzera on flex (controller)
Aspas duelist reyna-raze
Heat duelist - jett
Less - sentinel

But like i said, heat is very hard to deal with, if not heat, i like pancada as controller too

posted about a year ago

Have you watched the last game? They let something advance every round in B side, so they know everyone is entering A. No one to punish an operator advance every round.

posted about a year ago

Based on what? LOUD won champions, Loud best team 2022.

posted about a year ago

Aspas - duelist
Mwzera - initiator/ 2o duelist
Sacy - sec initiator and igl
Less - sentinel
Pancada - controller
Saadhack is a good igl, but his aim is not god tier like the others, i dont think being an igl is an excuse to perform badly most of the times. I can see sacy being an igl and getting good kda
Obs: Cauanzin is a great choice too, because sacy and less, in that case mw or less has to be the igl.

posted about a year ago