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Registered: June 10, 2023
Last post: March 8, 2025 at 10:58 AM
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posted 10 months ago

Lew needs to chill on the adderall usage.

posted 10 months ago

how tf did I get 0.05 for the first map??

Like my stats were not that bad compared to the rest of my team and their respective ratings.

posted 10 months ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

not wrong, tec still have a higher chance over AG

posted 10 months ago

30th of February 1943

posted 10 months ago

same as the chances of g2 beating loud

posted 10 months ago

idk, how to know??

posted 10 months ago

thanks, I had a typo and meant 33-25

posted 10 months ago

dogshit idea

posted 10 months ago

they will probably try harder next time as nobody likes being one of the worse teams.

posted 10 months ago

that's not the only way. Your proposing something that is way less likely.

instead you have g2 lose 2-0 and nrg lose both games and nrg can't win more than 1 map combined so they lose like 2-0 100t and 2-1 eg.

After this sen will make it assuming that they beat furia 2-0 and get a decent amount of rounds off them.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

you're in the wrong.

1) it is not an over reaction to try and spread light on this situation as it can destroy flyuhs reputation. It's like the wardell situation for me, both flyuh and wardell weren't the ones stream sniping/ being creepy but they were queued with the one doing the stream sniping/ creepy messages; this holds wardell and flyuh as partially responsible for this and especially since they are supposed to be role models. I won't compare them any furthur though as wardells situation was much different as he knew in advance that he was queued with a stream sniper whereas flyuh did not know his brother was going to say those messages. Flyuh also can't just not queue with this guy as it's his younger brother and if flyuh wants a healthy and good relationship with his brother then discontinuing to play with him will negatively impact his relationship.

another reason I don't find this an over reaction is because I would objectively find that it's important to try and get rid of the creepy and weird people in the valorant community and if it's done by trying to expose them in a twitter post then so be it. Just a side note I would find that since flyuh was queued with his brother and it was his brother who was being inappropriate but also in the next swiftplay there was no more creepy stuff being said then I would be heavily inclined to believe that flyuh did nothing wrong in this situation (obviously flyuh could be lying about the fact that this was his brother but I highly doubt this is the case).

2) It seems a lot of your argument was just saying that tswiftfan is over reacting but another one of your popular arguments is that you find the stuff that flyuh brother said to be just a harmless joke and so there is no point in making a massive twitter post about this. I would disagree however as joking about fucking a 12 year old is not a light hearted joke and jokes about pedophilia and this kind of behaviour can normalise or trivialise the serious nature of child abuse, this can be harmful to survivors and society as a whole.

I understand some people like dark humour jokes but pedophilia and fucking someone who is 12 even if the other person is above 14 is illegal and is morally wrong, so joking about it can be seen as condoning illegal and harmful behaviour.

this is why the joke is harmful and has some weight to it.

I would take some time to consider why it is morally wrong for a 14 year old to be fucking a 12 year old and why this joke is harmful.

posted 10 months ago

probably not bait since fair

posted 10 months ago

the maps are just designed to be super retake heavy which is why I think the chamber meta was more fun.

posted 10 months ago

idk fut are good but if they keep playing with these dogshit comps they will probably start to lose soon

posted 10 months ago

ye, my biggest problem with the games would be the maps. I think every single one is shit but I like the abilities and they are all pretty balanced right now

posted 10 months ago

btw just out of curiosity what do u think would make the game less stale and more fun/challenging

posted 10 months ago

if that does happen then yes it's the lurkers fault but from experience this rarely happens. Maybe this is just EU ranked idk.

posted 10 months ago

ethans igling looked super mid and the role issues was not the biggest problem with their loss but rather their fundamentals looked terrible and they had no depth in their game. While I do agree demon1 looked super uncomfortable on raze and was probably the worst player for nrg during that series he was not the reason they lost but rather just one of the many reasons.

posted 10 months ago

I mean if a guy is lurking and ur executing without him it sounds like that would be your teams problem but if you communicated with him that your executing soon and that they need to start to get some value of the lurk then he would probably either come with you for the execute or speed up the lurk and so he's able to get some flank kills

posted 10 months ago

pancada did not fit on the team in terms of roles, vibes, team chemistry, and playstyle. I still think he is a top tier player but the cope I'm referring to is that I don't believe the reason why pancada didn't perform was only because he was put on a different role.

posted 10 months ago

envyz point is not about enjoying life but rather I assume he is implying that pancada partying could be affecting his professional commitments and reputation.

If you are sick your goal is probably to get better and the responsible choice is to lay down on the partying so that you can get better.

If envyz only point is about the validity of pancadas sickness then I agree with you but I'm assuming it's not

posted 10 months ago

lurking reyna is fine but lurking jett is a problem. most of the time people know what they are doing and know how to lurk but it's normally miscommunication or lack of communcation that makes the lurk have no impact or your team getting no value off the lurk

posted 10 months ago

sounds like major cope

posted 10 months ago

u can still have major impact by lurking? It's only when ur team commits to taking a site in which lurking can become problematic but lurking is very good for map control

posted 10 months ago

Ayush__ response is not addressing any of the issues that envyz has and instead the way Ayush words his response is attacking envyz which doesn't make sense considering he isn't attacking envyz point

posted 10 months ago

not his point

posted 10 months ago

If SR play the worst franchised Chinese team, do they win or lose?

posted 10 months ago

thats crazy

posted 10 months ago

ag aint good, tec or tyloo make it over them probably

posted 10 months ago

not possible lil bro

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

tenz and cned peak hit different

posted 10 months ago

fly high king 🙏

posted 10 months ago

I love chet, how can he easily bait so many people this well. Truly on the level of happiness_ master

posted 10 months ago

chatgpt exists

posted 10 months ago

just a confidence issue

posted 10 months ago

why isnt he in the top 3?

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

its def a problem but its not the biggest one

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago
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