I've personally always liked Cadian, he's been through some rough shit during his career honestly would be glad to see him win.
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Registered: | February 11, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 12:35 PM |
Posts: | 680 |
I've personally always liked Cadian, he's been through some rough shit during his career honestly would be glad to see him win.
lil bro no one cares about your parasocial relationships with Tarik
I mean his dad isnt apart of his life though, so having some input on this in his position makes no sense
brotha if you had your own biological father react this way to something you were pursuing in your life, guarantee it would not feel good
could you fill me in on those methods for loans, engineering is killing me rn
Well I meant to use this thread as sarcasm but now its cringe, I literally could care less about his eu vs na shit
Now people are running neon on fracture due to Victor that is funny asf
common leorge leddes L
Honestly I could see an upset happening here, people were sleeping on the new EG and Jawgemo
Sen 2-0/2-1 LG, don't see it going the same way as last time where they choked bind defense with Rawkus now in the system.
TSM 2-1 I believe in the boys
bro on fracture and on split he has performed consistently well on raze, the only reason they lose split is because the team as a whole sucks at it. Quit living in the past brother you still have the gambit flair on when M3C exists.
the only ones shooting bodies the last two times they played was akrew not anyone on sen
its always a constant with you isnt it kristof
yeah lets just do another couple scrims after 2 bo3 for elimination at 9pm eastern right my guy...
dude i remember that game vs TSM shit was wild
Like I said, the NA scene in general all have the fakest fans, The Guard, Sen, V1, all these frogs are so weird.
wait nvm I thought this was a sen thread (no their year is over outside of outside tourneys)
its literally all the fortnite kids, they have no other saviors
his job is basically to just sacrifice for the team as everyone comes out, its controlled chaos in a retake which Sen takes advantage of. Good plays on Haven fr.
Sick will always be my best player in the world
the zombs format always gets me
silver he said lmfaoooo, have a nice day bro
he is the sole reason why T1 is not in closed and TSM is I'm sorry to let you know brotha
bro how many times are you gonna post this
this is pretty fair, I see a lot of that on early T1 this year, like with Seven and Pwny.
I feel bad for thwifo man he deserves a better team, for some incomprehensible reason they decided to put one of the best sentinel players on sova.
listen I like TSM, but I don't think we can argue this since Regi exists...
Wardell doesn't actually have any plans on going pro again soon. He said on stream that he wants to set up a coaching service for valorant players looking to improve thats different from just one on one coaching. He wants to set up his own lan center for people to learn there and to be honest that's a pretty cool idea for a pro like him to give so much insight on the game personally to people.
you do realize how much money TSM has in order to buy coaches/players right?
Eid mubarak brozzer (still got 2 more hours tho for me)
thats not exactly what their saying, take Rawkus for example who wanted to coach for Sen, Faze as an org probably set and insane buyout for Sentinels to buy, who knows what the number is but most insane buyouts are close to Tenz numbers. Obviously Sen isn't a ginormous org, so they can't go around spending millions and millions for every single member.
they just beat them twice in upper bracket and in grandfinals complete victory of every game. Undefeated.
wait where is this from twitter?
thwifo literally is the only reason that team wins games,
unlucky about pwny's internet tho
prolly exactly what happened with Rawkus
come on now we all know steel is doing nothing for T1