Flag: India
Registered: September 27, 2022
Last post: September 11, 2023 at 2:36 AM
Posts: 58
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If you not considering my goat 1leaf you must be trolling

posted about a year ago

Does anyone know whats roaster changes gonna be happen in NA?

posted about a year ago

Zombs is on his redemption arc

posted about a year ago

Sen does not done well in any tournament after they got rid of my goat zombs

posted about a year ago

It has to be sen and ge these guys always overhyping their player and when they did not perform they just hate on them without a break LOL

posted about a year ago

My guy wilding for placing nrg above c9

posted about a year ago

You are right but the thing is he himself claims he is the best and underrated . He also told this in vct video . The thing with him he plays good against bad plater and thinks he is on top of the world.then again when he whiffs he just make excuses

posted about a year ago

Ohh yah i just noticed 💀

posted about a year ago

Ge cant be replaced because bring a whole community of india to valorant as a team they are bad but as an org they provide great value to riot

posted about a year ago

Yah waiting

posted about a year ago

No way bro said nrg>c9💀

posted about a year ago

Most sane eg supporter

posted about a year ago

One of the smartest player in valorant pro scene

posted about a year ago

Bro even c9 have 2 rookie players just admit it sen ruin every player which come to them the thing is they dont know how to form a team they need a nice coach and a better igl thats it. But they always go for clout

posted about a year ago

Wardell has only “operator skill”💀

posted about a year ago

I agree but i was saying that he plays every role skye as a initiator viper as a smoke kj as a sentinel and put perform most of the player whose main agent pole is the same. It is very rare that a player show same level of consistency on different agents thats why i said he is underrated.

posted about a year ago

Top 2 has to be aspas and leaf

posted about a year ago

In my opinion leaf is one of the most underrated player. He is consistently Performing on every role one of the best duelist in americas same level as aspas and yay. And better than tenz…

posted about a year ago

Lmao true

posted about a year ago

Who says xset was a good team?

posted about a year ago

Well its 60-40 60 for fnatic because boaster is a good igl with good fragging power but where as daph is not good as a fragger ( i am not sure about his igling skills ) as we saw in redbull tournament.

posted about 2 years ago

My twitter account got suspended and i have done nothing not tweeted a single tweet and still they permanently ban me any solutions??

posted about 2 years ago

Shots fired🫡

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Why no one talking about him? Definitely one of the best player in valo the guy can literally perform on every role. his duelist is crazy, fragging with viper, winning initial fights with kj. Man a beast

posted about 2 years ago

Where are you Brazilian bozos?? Saying c9 and yay is washed ,now what🤡 . NA wining matches against EU in ‘EU’

posted about 2 years ago

Bro really comparing fns with dephh💀

posted about 2 years ago

Cs fans malding in the texts. Ohk no one can take over cs💀

posted about 2 years ago

Ohk genius u are talking about sen and nrg .sen has two loud player so there will always be a communication gap between them how hard they will try. Nrg has optic core but you are forgetting they do not have yay and marved now. optic team was good as a whole not by 3 players. Fns=vanity if you look up there matches they were always close if fns has a upper hand in igling then vanity have a upper hand with firepower so it makes them equal. Leaf is far better than zekken. Xeppa ,zellsis top 5 initiator. Yay is yay. And also dephh is a weak igl if you look c9 vs xset not even 1 match is won by xset. C9 is not overrated they are the best team in na now with mce and the amount of fire power they hold.

posted about 2 years ago

But leaf and xeppa are far better than crashie and victor

posted about 2 years ago

Bro said zekken is best duelist💀 ohk zekken is best duelist dephh is best igl sen is best in NA its pointless to argue

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine telling every one zekken>leaf while leaf shit on your whole xset core when they were up against each other. Depph never won a match against c9 neither
Your coach. And somehow according to sen delusional fans they are the best coaches and igl LMAO. Sacy and pancada are great upgrade to sen no doubt.but being so delusional that deph and zekken are better than leaf and vanity. Where as leaf considered a top 5 duelist , and vanity is the 2nd best igl in NA after pujan.

posted about 2 years ago

Avg rickyindian tweet

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao this one💀

posted about 2 years ago

I personally Think that forsaken and jingg are the best duo in valorant the firepower they bring is insane but with lack of discipline they are not affected in the last championn

posted about 2 years ago

C9 anyday thay have a crazy roaster now

posted about 2 years ago

Leaf is not a crack oper he has crack aim with rifle c9 does not have a main open since tenz have gone now yay can be their main oper and if you watched earlier matches of c9 leaf does play flex agents and was good with it. Zellsis pick is somewhat questionable but vanity should have something in mind thats why he choose zellsis we have to wait and watch

posted about 2 years ago

Vanity is there as a control and igl so no marved in c9 , and also c9 roaster is decided
-yay as a chamber
-leaf (main duelist ,sometime viper because he likes viper, or maybe skye )
-xeppa(main initiator)
-vanity (main controller)
-zellsis (flex or secondary duelist when yay playing jett)

posted about 2 years ago

Me too bro🙏

posted about 2 years ago

Well as marved is not joining sen and subroza is a free agent is there a possibility he can go to sen or sen maybe approaching himbecause he is a smoke player and add more fire power

posted about 2 years ago

C9 is actually a super team they got yay a consistent player
Leaf top 5 duelist way better than victor
Xeppa a power packed fragger
Vanity 2nd best igl after fns but with better fire power
Zellsis i mean zellsis is zellsis
If this does not make you to think c9 is a super team idk what will

posted about 2 years ago

U must be smoking some real shit

posted about 2 years ago

-Leaf can be a entry jett when yay is playing chamber
-yay on chamber if chamber meta dies then yay on jett and leaf can play viper pretty well and sometime kayo
-vanity plays smokes no question about it
-xeppa main initiator (fade/kayo) he is very good at it but in case of agent like breach and sova i think he can play these two also with proper practice and when xeppa playing sova zellsis goes to kayo
-zellsis(secondary duelist/main sentinel) he can play raze in maps like bind and kj cypher when yay is not playing chamber

posted about 2 years ago

I think c9 roaster is stacked but need someone to play breach and sova and 100t is also good but not sure they are choosing another igl over stellar

posted about 2 years ago

Normal braindead vlr user💀

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think chamber meta gonna die any time soon as long as he has an op he will remain relevant but in some maps where yay can not play chamber i think leaf will play viper or something else

posted about 2 years ago

Malding over the roaster changes💀

posted about 2 years ago

I will pick xeppa raze over zellis man is killing machine with it

posted about 2 years ago

Who’s gonna play breach and sova? Leaf can play entry jett when yay is playing chamber and also viper sometime in maps like bind/fracture . Vanity will play always smokes because he is godly in it, zellis can switch to sentinel role and flex and xeppa can be flex /raze main but who will play sova and breach?xeppa or zellis?

posted about 2 years ago

Some one with brains actually

posted about 2 years ago
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