Flag: United States
Registered: September 9, 2021
Last post: October 10, 2022 at 7:26 AM
Posts: 46

Luka doncic

posted about a year ago

Turkey would have won if they had alfajer

posted about a year ago

We’re talking ab cuz Russia he’ll never get visa

posted about a year ago

How do I put on a flair

posted about a year ago

They’re roster is literally better than m3c -.-

posted about a year ago

Love the cycle of vlr kids saying kick blank player because he does that have amazing stats even though he can contribute on multiple diffrent levels that we have no idea about then blank player gets kicked the team underperforms and vlr kids start dickriding blank player

posted about a year ago

Saying nossy just shows what a casual fan u are who doesent deserve his shit opinion

posted about a year ago

If u listen to their coms he doesent really bring a lot of ideas or anything

posted about a year ago

Since when is a top 3 finish bad

posted about a year ago

Ayrin has been underperforming so far in 2022 and I feel like skuba is a clear upgrade and can push xset another level like cryo did

posted about a year ago

Skuba to xset

posted about a year ago

Babyj too low mocking way too high

posted about a year ago

Bro 3/5 tenz shaz dapr

posted about a year ago

They won’t because they are an experienced team not like that he guard who were a team of rookies

posted about a year ago

I totally agree this game does not define how good either team is. If xset win this tho this does prove they can win the big match even if optic aren’t at their best

posted about a year ago

C9 xset faze shall I go on

posted about a year ago

Optic yay
Nrg som
Xset zekken
Ghost nismo
100t bang
Eg jawgemo
Lg bdog
Faze dicey

posted about a year ago

Nope since guard will still have more points

posted about a year ago

Golden state win in 7
Steph pops off and gets his first final mvp

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid we’re at both of those tournaments and didint do shit

posted about 2 years ago

Zekken young goat

posted about 2 years ago

to clarify winning a deathmatch means being in the top half of the leaderboard not actually coming in first

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic have been amazing at scouting players that are top tier that aernt that known. Diamonds in the ruff
And now alfajer

posted about 2 years ago

I’ll come back to this in a couple days

posted about 2 years ago

how so

posted about 2 years ago

group A
guard v.s 100t 2-1 guard
100t just does not have a wide enough map pool rn I think they could have won if this was later on in the group based off improvement but not in current form

xset v.s ghost 2-0 xset
xset is just better than ghost and way more structured and cryo zekken will diff ghost

nrg v.s tsm 2-0
nrg is just more structured has a wider map pool and just overall better players

group b
lg v.s sen 2-1 sen
I think sen will make strides and improvements this week and I think their map pool matches up well against lg as lg are bad at haven and decent at bind but sen are better at those map

optic v.s faze 2-1 optic
I think faze can win a map that optic sucks at by just baby bay and dicey going crazy but optics just better

c9 v.s eg 2-0 c9
no explanation needed

posted about 2 years ago

Yes ofc but I actually have had the pleasure to talk to kanepeki and know he has an infectious work ethic and a lot of people in the scene have talked ab how insane his work ethic is

posted about 2 years ago

lmfao yuh and that

posted about 2 years ago

zombs did not get dropped because of poor performances imo his performances were fine considering the extreme selfless role he plays. The main reason for dropping him is to change the culture of the team. Ever since rejkavik last year the culture of the team has just been one of not grinding causing them to fall off and imo zombs is one of the main reasons for this culture taking place with his non grind attitude. Adding kanepeki one of the best rising tier 2 talent who is known for having some of the best work ethic in all of Valorant will change the culture of the team and if a culture shift takes place I believe sen can be one of the best teams in NA again. Again prefacing I don't think zombs lack anything skill wise imo this decision is best for both parties because maybe zombs will wake up and become a grinder like he used to be

posted about 2 years ago

after that dum dum

posted about 2 years ago

I think that optic has showed more against better teams than loud also I think that guard didn't choke that much they almost beat the best team imo in optic and then pprx is the worst matchup for guard because this is their first lan and play extremely nervous meanwhile pprx plays super confident

posted about 2 years ago

fanatic with 2 subs

posted about 2 years ago

If a team gets one win they make it to top 6 the likely hood of both teams that beat them making top 4 is very high

posted about 2 years ago

40 optic I think their experience will gives them the edge over loud
Loud 30 they are loud no explanation needed
Paper rex 20 their weird comps and insane aim can catch any team off guard I think they can beat any team in the top 4
Zeta 10 they have insane aim and huge pop off potential and their improvement is crazy I think they have high chances of getting 3rd or 2nd but map pool not deep enough for a bo5

posted about 2 years ago

Zeta 0-2 DRX
G2 1-2 PPRX

posted about 2 years ago

DRX- stax
Optic - crashies
zeta - laz
PRX - benkai
Loud - less

posted about 2 years ago

Those matches were bangers cuz they envy cuz of envy always losing to those teams in NA but then beating them in the largest stage

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic nip

posted about 2 years ago the goat pickets

posted about 2 years ago

Wyatt is first

posted about 2 years ago

Zander (igl)
Chronicle (sova)
Nats (sentinel)
Asuna(flex/second duelist)

posted about 2 years ago

yay literally said on stream that he's the one that made the decision to play chamber and wants to transition onto that role

posted about 2 years ago

yeah I was only ranking them purely as igl not considering fragging

posted about 2 years ago

valyn is one of the best igls in the world lol

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think nukkye is as experienced with just igling to be higher G2 said in an interview that the igl position for them isn't as concrete as it is for other teams they share the load a lot more and I can't justify putting nukkye above the rest with the little amount of experience he has

posted about 2 years ago

this just based off IGL ability not frags
igl for nip

posted about 2 years ago