Flag: United States
Registered: February 15, 2024
Last post: February 7, 2025 at 5:16 PM
Posts: 13

yeah high key I should have seen that, high key I'm way too susceptible lmao

posted 3 weeks ago

I'm not gonna act like that shit was concise, but calling it meaningless garbage and then saying it could have cut into 5 sentences means there's valid points that should be read there. Its not that hard to read 3 or 4 extra sentences. I'm not making a 117 page document here. You can skim it for all I care. Name like 2 or 3 things that are convoluted in that paragraph and I take the L here.

posted 3 weeks ago

wtf even is yapping at this point? like do you just want me to just yell meaningless garbage at you and hope it sticks because its only two sentences? I made a point and backed it up. Its one paragraph, if your attention span is that cooked get off VLR and go study for your algebra test on Monday

posted 3 weeks ago

then why even argue with me man, if they're not gonna actually back up what they say with evidence then its not meaningful I could say EG are gonna win champs because yay shoot good I swear. IK you're not arguing with me just explaining this for the sake of greater understanding.

posted 3 weeks ago

they copied the comp, not the playstyle, we saw leaf in A or mid like 90% of the time on VERY aggressive lines against sen. Leaf played very far up and held space to get one and get out or just tp if he baited the drone/util. The point is that leaf didn't fight for these lines very hard every time. TH were trying to use Woot as a weird site anchor/ occasional space taker which just doesn't work against the breach comp and he couldn't take fights on aggro lines successfully. G2 also run the breach with sova instead of tejo so they can set leaf up way better than TH can set up woot. if youre gonna run the chamber, don't run it without a breach to set them up on aggro lines, otherwise just play jett or let your yoru get on aggressive lines. We can cross examine round one of sen vs g2 on abyss as opposed to TH vs VIT. On round one leaf is pushing down mid, immediately takes a fight and jonahP breach stuns crossmap to help, TH fought mid twice and lost out both times. On A, we regularly saw leaf do the little skill jump to get on an A main off angle that was super powerful, but as soon as tejo drone comes out, he would tp away. Contrast this with woot who died in A main because he tried to take a fight while tagged by a sova drone. If he wanted to fight that, util from teammates would have been really good, like a breach stun/flash, he got no util to help him and got cooked. TH just didn't play the comp as well as G2 did. I high key think its not gonna be the main pick going into bangkok on abyss, but its def viable until we se further anti-strats

posted 3 weeks ago

so you wanna talk about chamber not being meta now that TH are playing it orrrrrrr?

posted 3 weeks ago

its one game, individual performances vary, don't lose your mind yet. At least wait till the end of the series before you draw dramatic conclusions like this

posted 3 months ago

So does Sen losing a map imply that they're even worse? I'm not here to do backflips on it, but NRG had an undeniably impressive performance map 1 at least in terms of individual skill. Saying otherwise is just denial at best and deliberate misinformation to rage bait at worst.

posted 3 months ago

hell, if EG is willing, they could also take the gamble on florescent or penny, no reason not to trial them as well

posted 3 months ago

Ange1 is 3 years older and won with NAVI at 32/33, FNS has consistently been a world class IGL with arguably the best attack side midrounding (in contention with valyn, boaster and munchkin) and the best defense protocols in contention with (k1ng, nobody and johnQT). We KNOW he's old, we KNOW he gonna go triple negative at least once next season, but he's still going to provide more value than picking up a new IGL from tier 2 .

posted 4 months ago

Are we still on this? FNS has not fragged for 4 years of valorant. we can come to a consensus that his benefit as a player comes from his IGLing, there's a reason rosters are built around him. Not to say there aren't better value IGL's but to say he's cheeks is a little ridiculous when he consistently led NRG and Optic to internationals, and before someone comments about this season, he got thrown in with very little to no prep and a hard schedule on a losing record and still almost made it. (also the C9 choke was generational)

posted 4 months ago

In short, if you value trophies and success at the highest level, chronicle is the goat, if you value individual performance and dominance over the competition, Aspas is the goat.

I'd say Aspas better than decent at every international, he's in the top 3 performing duelists in every metric in every international he's attended if you exclude shanghai where LEV flopped, even then he was still the 6th best player at the event because every player above him was a duelist and he was holding a staggering 0.21 fkpr which means he's not playing for stats or baiting his team either. He's made nearly every international event. When looking at great players, the most important factors are consistency. There's a reason why nobody is going to argue that a player like Cned or Nats is the goat, even yay to some extent because while they may have been the undoubtedly the best player for a significant period, they haven't held up over time. When you think of Goats, you need players who have consistently near the best, sometimes this is easy because you have a player who's been the best for a long time EX: Lip in overwatch. But most of the time we need players who have been near the top for the longest. At this point in valorant, there are only really two main players that you can argue. Chronicle and Aspas. Both of these players have storied careers, multiple high-level international performances and have shown that they are the best or one of the best in their role for their entire career. Chronicle is a weird case because while he's almost never been the best player on his team (Nats on GMB) (Leo/alfajer on FNC)(although recently he's been the best on FNC) he's been a top 20 player throughout the entirety of his career and has never really had a significant drop in individual impact. The biggest thing he has going for him is his FOUR international title wins (3 with FNC, 1 with GMB). Aspas is a more typical case, while he only has 1 international title and 3 grand finals appearances, He's always been near the top or at the top of his role, significantly more than any other player. During the reign of Yay and LOUD's arguably best year (2022) the only player that consistently could match him was aspas, during FNC's 2023 dominance, aspas was regularly outperforming Derke. In 2024, he's continued his form with LEV. Even when LEV missed masters madrid, aspas was top 2 in kickoff and number 1 in Americas. He kept his form at both internationals he attended this year. You can argue that he's not the best at any given moment in valorant history, (same for chronicle) but his consistency in always being near the peak of play hasn't been matched.

posted 5 months ago

I think the core issue with furia is more so how the team functions, like its just gambling on mwzera, He's cracked out of his mind, but even with really high quality supportive players, with mwzera as duelist, the team has almost always been Mwzera is dropping 25 and the rest of his team is double negative, it might not be inherently mwzera's fault, but for the team to function, either the game plan or mwzera's playstyle has to change. Please LMK if I'm wrong, we obv didn't get a lot of new footage for furia as they went out pretty early in kickoff but pre-dgzin furia looked like this and I think its very easy to draw the comparison. The point I'm trying to make is Pancada, nzr and khalil might not fix the core issues even if they're an upgrade. I'd honestly rather see them in a tier 2 roster where they could possibly make it back in with ascension or on MIBR and maybe generate some upsets to make MIBR a possible mid-table team although nzr isn't Brazilian so might have to curb expectations there.

posted 11 months ago