Flag: New Zealand
Registered: April 9, 2021
Last post: June 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Posts: 27

Swerl should be preparing for his LAN but instead chose to come and speak FACTS.

posted about a year ago

BONKERS can win if one of the boys is feeling it on the day but we will have to see how they respond to the KR set strats...

posted about a year ago

Zoomer was an international student in Canada who is fluent in both English & CN so they actually have a majority (3 players) that can comm in fluent English

posted about a year ago

Top OCE teams used to scrim EDG on the regular... I won't comment on the results though😉

posted about a year ago

Unfortunate for Swerl & Signed who have had 0 scrims and practice with the teams while also playing from a netcafe because they are stuck in Hong Kong...

I'd like to see how others perform when they have a 32" 144Hz monitor while having to 3x their sensitivity to account for space and almost no sound because of Cantonese swearing next to your ears...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The OCE bros aside, I believe RNG has the superior remaining roster (CN players).

posted about a year ago

Thanks man, it was unfortunate I single-handedly let the team down by technical difficulties & lag after game 1... It continued for the remainder of the entire series :(

posted about a year ago

Try a Pulsar X2 or Lamzu Atlantis.
Both should be available to you and relatively affordable with better shape than most mentioned on this thread in my opinion.

posted about a year ago

Damn bro you right

posted about a year ago

Sorry to let everyone down. If only I wasn't technically plagued midway through map two for the remainder of the entire series... Single-handedly lost it for us FUCK

posted about a year ago

Shirt is a debuff...

In all honesty I wish I could play well in these games but its very hard to be consistent and perform when I barely play the game. All officials start the second I get home after being out 12 hours a day too... No warm up at all (I'm usually 5 minutes late to the start time but thankfully production covers for it).

Others use deathmatch/ranked queues to warm up for their officials, I use officials to warm up for my 2 deathmatches each day. We are not the same.

posted about a year ago

Dominate first half
hahaA guys don't worry we got this!
repeat the same gameplay every single round until OT and opposing team builds momentum
oh no what do we do mr igl/coach
somehow close it out after some individual heroics

posted about a year ago

Sorry bro...
Feel free to keep talking shit though ahahaha🤣

posted about a year ago

Bobo will have at least 1 sub.

posted about 2 years ago

It's not there are no stable orgs, but rather Riot's requirements are too high and impossible to meet in Oceania.

posted about 2 years ago