Flag: Panama
Registered: October 26, 2024
Last post: February 17, 2025 at 9:58 PM
Posts: 4

If they haven't made anything public maybe it's just a fight but fuck.... Shyy breaks up with Dryad and now Keznit with Katsumi. No luck in love in Kru apparently

posted 2 weeks ago

Where did you see that they broke up? I was watching Keznit live yesterday and saw that Kat was sending him hearts in the chat very weird so suddenly

posted 2 weeks ago

MiradaNinja no iba para Lev? Habrán cambiado el roster de último momento? Y el Roster de Kru banco mucho, jovenes y tienen a alguien ya medio experimentado como Mta para tambien aportar. Ya decía yo que el leak que se tiro Rocket bullet con Klaus era fumada

posted 2 months ago

The photo with Ne1by is from these days? It's because I saw that that player joined a team recently. I thought the KRU roster was already closed, I find weird that they didn't keep Melser, the guy did well at KRU, and now he's doing tryouts to see if he stays

posted 4 months ago