Flag: United States
Registered: January 13, 2024
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 5:48 PM
Posts: 61
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posted 5 months ago

o7 Tenz was who got me into Valorant, the sheer amount of respect I hold for him rivals many. Thank you Tenz for the years, now enjoy the retirement home in the Caribbean.

posted 5 months ago

FNS at this point is a set sentinel imo, plus I feel like other teams right now might benefit MORE from him than NRG. Right now I think he's going to look better on a team like C9 or EG as they're (sort of) rebuilding their looks.

posted 6 months ago

Yay has been on the sentinel roll as of recent, so unless they want to put him back on Duelist he probably will not go to NRG.

posted 6 months ago

We'll see

posted 6 months ago

Still banking on TH?

posted 6 months ago

More Americas viewership, it's starts either 1-4 am depending on where in the US you are (idk south america timezones well enough) so it's a matter of they want the west coast to not stay up absurd hours to watch even tho the hours will be absurd no matter what.

posted 6 months ago

His initiator overall isn't great. I don't believe we'd ever see him on anything besides Kay/o, Gekko, (maybe) Breach, or the New agent who we have no clue what she can do. His Kay/o has always been a cut above average and his Gekko is sloppy at times, but we'll put for how long he has been playing Gekko. The more flexible playstyles of specific initiators is what allows him to look good on the initiator roll imo.

posted 6 months ago

Just came back to say that I had 3/4 right. PRX vs EDG was the one I didn't expect. #GenGrouped

posted 6 months ago

I'm with you on that one 💀

posted 6 months ago

Honestly tho GenG looked sloppy against Heretics (imo) plus, if Sen stop playing DOG SHIT Deadlock comps they are NOT good on, they have a fighting chance. Like I said, through my observations, opinions, and biases, this is how I feel.

Edit: also completely understand that you got FPX and VIT, both are good teams (obviously if they made champs) and I like both. If primmie plays the way he did to MAKE champs then easy upsets to me.

posted 6 months ago

Ascent is awful, and their Icebox is honestly decent so idk why they banned it. Plus Deadlock comps are not it for Sen at this point.

Edit: also love the downvotes cause it's the Sen haters LOL

posted 6 months ago

Nah, we get the Talon upset and PRX beats EDG imo. Obviously I want Sen to win and I'm gonna bank on the fact they don't lose twice in 1 tournament to GenG (assuming they beat FPX).

Edit: NOT MEANT TO BE A FANBOY POST. Want to make that clear. This is MY observations and opinions on the matches.

posted 6 months ago

First reasonable (non-sen fanboy) positive Sen post I've seen in a WHILE

posted 6 months ago

This might be slight cope, but I genuinely believe in John's calling and the team chemistry of Sen. If they back off the Deadlock comps and Perma ban Ascent over Icebox, I think they can win. The Deadlock comp is a good comp, but Sen have not played it well. Sen need to learn more into their old comps, or easily replaceable roles to change flow (i.e. Fade over Sova, Neon over Raze (this one changes the team movements entirely so it's not exactly "easily" but Zekken can pop one on Neon i'd bet), etc.). Besides, although current GenG are probably a mile or such ahead of where they were in Madrid, I believe that they still have more overall experience they can draw from to beat GenG.

posted 6 months ago

I get what you're saying. Tourney wins vs scrim wins are realistically irrelevant in the overall picture, and honestly mate I got FPX never playing Sen so this argument has been for nothing, but you still scrim the active roster, and the FPX habits still go through, it's more like a rough feeling of how they play than anything. Me personally, I rather have a rough feeling of someone's play style through practice then just watching vods. I worded my crap wrong cause I didn't fully think through my thoughts initially, that's what I'm sayin ig.

posted 6 months ago

I started back in 2021, and I'm putting the bare minimum value into scrim wins, but it's all I have to go off of. If I had something better then I woulda used that.

Edit: also just realized I misspelled scrims earlier LMAO

posted 6 months ago

"scrims don't mean shit" bro, how else do you practice new strategies and comps? You're not going to five stack competitive to do that. Scrims might not be the best judge of gameplay, but they're better than nothing.

posted 6 months ago

Not in the same sense of an official match, but scrims have happened between the 2 teams.

Edit: I mean you need people to scrum with outside your region, as FNC and Sen have scrummed this week for Champs

posted 7 months ago

Guess what, Sen have beaten GenG and FPX before, they can do it again.

Edit: btw it was with this team, no loans necessary

posted 7 months ago

Nothing will happen before Seoul for Sen for 2 reasons.

  1. Zellsis has shown Sacy in Seoul with him and the team already. I understand he can still show up as a sub/precaution but I doubt that an unintentional appearance of Sachi on Zellsis insta was planned (it was his story of showing his hair dye job)
  2. Sen has a MASSIVE bond with each other and that's what makes them better. They honestly act like brothers to each other when you listen to voice comms, ranked queues, etc.
    MAYBE n4rrate will be signed to sen in the off season, but I think that's only if they go 0-2 in groups, which I think they go 2-0 purely from their international form. Afreeca in the off season and Madrid.
posted 7 months ago

Honestly fix our form up and we can go head to head with GenG, we've done it already

posted 7 months ago

The issue is their defense isn't quite what it should be. Dapr is an amazing sentinel, but his strengths are his lurks and rat plays. His anchoring needs work and if he can fix that then they are easily the best team in T2

posted 7 months ago

I will guarantee whoever comes out of that group will win champs.

posted 7 months ago

The EG and NRG systems were VERY different, and Demon1 is only in his second year, cut him a bit of slack for not working well in the system he had. It takes time to adapt

posted 7 months ago

both FPX and EDG are good even if the region isn't fantastic. EDG has had a rough patch but they are still strong, and FPX has comm issues because Autumn and one other player (can't remember who) don't speak Chinese, but they may know more NOW rather than earlier in the year.

posted 7 months ago

They won kickoff, Madrid, and a majority of reg season games. I'm sorry but they did do shit, that's why they qualified.

posted 7 months ago

The problem with deadlock is that alone, she can't perform the same in pro play as comp. If JohnQT can master deadlock from now to champs, using her on Icebox, Bind, or even Lotus would be huge, but the way they are trying to use her is not well made YET. It's raw which isn't always a bad thing as it can lead to innovation, but they need to perfect the deadlock tech before using her again.

posted 7 months ago

Multiple things happened causing Sen to lose, it was overall, a not great day for players, BUT if you go to Zellsis Instagram/TikTok/Whatever, he says that for bind, JohnQT had to overcompensate comms because he couldn't hear shit. Tho map 2 may have been Sen just not playing well, bind had tech issues that affected the outcome

posted 7 months ago

I think you forgot how Sentinels qualified for Madrid. They won KICKOFF, played MASTERS MADRID, then struggled a bit in STAGE 1.

posted 7 months ago

Because it's kickoff? And if you watched Sen, then you would have seen the struggle they had was closing out but they still beat Fenis and sum pretty simply. Also made the mistake cause other regions started their stage 2 sooner so mb on a simple error.

posted 8 months ago

Your wish was granted, but only BARELY

posted 8 months ago

If he made less questionable tp's he'd probably would have looked better. Team as a whole looked great with some individuals having some play issues but will probably be fixed by next game.

posted 8 months ago

RAAAAAAAAA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅WTF IS LOW AURA 🔥🔥🔥🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🦅🦅🇨🇦🇨🇦🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅

posted 8 months ago

Ik, but when it does, which is less than a week, it will matter because we'll see what form he's in.

posted 8 months ago

I think bro meant to say "overhated" because if you'd actually watched matches and looked at the stats this season, yeah he flopped, so did Johnqt, so did zekken (my goat), so did the vibe merchant Zellsis, and so did Sacy. Last year Tenz didn't perform because of his hand and Kyedea's health affecting him. I do agree that he makes flashy plays, but that's because at one point, he was the BEST player in the game. It's just how he plays and sometimes it costs rounds that were easily winnable. Unless you watched EVERY Sen vod and looked at all the stats from this season's kickoff, stage 1, Master's Madrid (which the WHOLE of Sen was destroying), and stage 2 (edit: which will be in less than a week), then you are just hating cause it's popular to, not because it's truth.

TL;DR: Tenz is still good, and some points that would have been accurate are overly hating.

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Almost like all the NA teams counter strated them and they STILL won their Split matches. IK same shit happened to Gen.G, but NA more stacked region than apac so.
Edit: Also as a Sen flair how can you not be having HOPIUM

posted 8 months ago

Honestly, chamber meta was one of the most enjoyable times to play the game

posted 8 months ago

Bro saying Tenz is bad when he repping JDG

posted 8 months ago

Zekken almost beat the best of 5 kill record fuck you mean "hard carried by johnqt"

posted 8 months ago

True, rebroadcasts just don't hit the same

posted 8 months ago

Groups was pretty meh, but when the only teams in China that showed good performance are EDG and FPX, DRG was a warmup game tbh. I think playoffs will be 10x better tho.

posted 8 months ago

It is what it is, I'm pissed that somehow Sentinels win Madrid and Kickoff and have the same amount of champs points as 100 Throwers (I know they won stage 1 but I have said it so much I cannot change my ways)

posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Re-using old strats is basically saying "we are using strats that already exist so you can watch the film"

posted 10 months ago

Says a guy named "PEE_CONSUMER". Average out the quality of TenZ's maps this year and that performance was one of, if not the lowest. BTW where was NRG at in Madrid?

posted 10 months ago

Bro's been real quiet 🤫

posted 10 months ago

It was random from the fact that it a 2-0 vs 2-1 situation. It's there way of having the higher seeded team guarantee (even tho both teams that are 2-0 won their kickoff).

posted 11 months ago

Only swap I'd make personally is 100T and EG. I feel like EG showed great things and 100T fell a little flat. Personal opinion tho.

posted 11 months ago
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