Flag: United States
Registered: January 13, 2024
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 11:54 AM
Posts: 21

Zekken almost beat the best of 5 kill record fuck you mean "hard carried by johnqt"

posted 6 hours ago

True, rebroadcasts just don't hit the same

posted 4 days ago

Groups was pretty meh, but when the only teams in China that showed good performance are EDG and FPX, DRG was a warmup game tbh. I think playoffs will be 10x better tho.

posted 4 days ago

It is what it is, I'm pissed that somehow Sentinels win Madrid and Kickoff and have the same amount of champs points as 100 Throwers (I know they won stage 1 but I have said it so much I cannot change my ways)

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 month ago

Re-using old strats is basically saying "we are using strats that already exist so you can watch the film"

posted 2 months ago

Says a guy named "PEE_CONSUMER". Average out the quality of TenZ's maps this year and that performance was one of, if not the lowest. BTW where was NRG at in Madrid?

posted 2 months ago

Bro's been real quiet 🤫

posted 2 months ago

It was random from the fact that it a 2-0 vs 2-1 situation. It's there way of having the higher seeded team guarantee (even tho both teams that are 2-0 won their kickoff).

posted 2 months ago

Only swap I'd make personally is 100T and EG. I feel like EG showed great things and 100T fell a little flat. Personal opinion tho.

posted 2 months ago

I bet with how they have been talking about the new controller having some front line qualities, Tenz will be playing that agent at some point. Obviously I'm assuming that the new agent is any good

posted 2 months ago

When bullet spray patterns are random except for the snipers scoped in and the guardian for the same reason, there is always luck involved. Sen just uses the luck as best they can. That's my play brained take on it. No one is dumb for talking about luck and Valorant so no point in saying that.

posted 3 months ago

He may have won his first sova match on Sen, but have you looked at the overall performance of his Sova gameplay? He's pretty damn good on Sova, other teams have just had better protocols then Sen to beat them on Sova maps

posted 3 months ago

EG I think will be a hella close battle. Loud like always looks good. Sen I believe will win, and I think NRG will underestimate them allowing Sen to take map 1 with a new comp they haven't shown. We'll probably see new comps from NRG map 2/3 as well.

posted 3 months ago

Probably gonna go to event winners, so if it was last year it'd be Fnatic, EG, Loud, etc (I'm including reg season winning teams as well)

posted 3 months ago

Makes sense👍

posted 3 months ago

True, Tenz does make those high risk/reward plays on Omen, but he also has had really good games on other agents. I get that Zellsis is a good Kay/o, but it's the same thing. I feel like he makes more high risk/reward plays on Kay/o compared to Zellsis

posted 3 months ago

I don't doubt that Tenz feels comfortable on Omen, but I feel like he plays Kay/o much better than Omen

posted 3 months ago

Fair enough, and I get that Zellsis isn't better on Smokes than Pancada. Tenz can play other agents though, he's played agents like Breach, Kayo, Yoru, and could probably pick up some more agents for that flex role.

posted 3 months ago

Yo, idiot plat player here. Sen played Tenz on Omen on Ascent and I was hella confused why he wasn't on Kay/o. Nothing against Zellsis, but I feel like they could have pulled Loud (Maybe, Loud is an insane team so I get that it was a hard match in the first place) into map 3. Tenz Kay/o is very much one of his superior agents yet we've seen him play Omen 4 times and Yoru 1 time. I also love his Omen gameplay, as a fan, so it's just one of those things.

TLDR: Why is Tenz the Main Controller instead of Zellsis?

posted 3 months ago

(I'm probably one of the worst people to comment on this but I will anyways)

Tenz has a decent agent pool, but it lacks a little firmness(which sounds weird but bare with me). All his agents are really flexible in their roles, being able to switch play style pretty easily. In that thought, I believe he would benefit from at least experimenting with agents such as Cypher, Viper, KJ, and even Astra or Brimstone. Those agents do have flexibility but they have some pretty straight forward, solid uses that are guaranteed some form of value. If he were to learn at least their play styles, it would give him more ways to play other agents to catch people off-guard.

Just my take, shit on me all y'all want

posted 4 months ago