Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: July 1, 2021
Last post: November 22, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Posts: 72
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The picture of the article where T1 Val won against G2 Val was Faker and T1 Lol in 2024 worlds. Made no sense.

posted 3 months ago

What is that picture? Faker now plays smoker for t1 or what?

posted 4 months ago

It will be good to see what do they post fter yeah.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Why is it so hard to just say that G2 is good?

posted 9 months ago

Only one map was close and G2 Historically always start bad, just look at them at every tournament, or either they lose to someone that they're better or they struggle against bad teams, anyways they didn't really struggle by their standarts, just look at FPX in Qual masters 3, Liquid in Challengers, FAQ in Berlin, i was even considering that they would lose as their first match, but it's zeta, also first mach on stage + Zeta had the momentum, i mean, yeah consider what you want, but at this point everyone should know how G2 start

posted about 2 years ago

3-1 and G2 lost 4th by trowing and unlucky. FPX was better tho.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, but as i said, they always start slowly, and Optic performed much wrse than G2 at the begining.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, you can't really disagree with that, they've always started slowly, just look all their tournaments, or either they lose first match or they barely win against a easy oponent, u can say that they're playing as always but still it doesn't have to be their pick, couldn't see the match cuz i wasn't in my house, but the few i saw they lost many duel that usually they don't lose or at least not that much.
G2 never plays at only one level in a tournament unles they suck, usually they get better with time.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 always start slowly, i even considered putting them losing to zeta and winning it all from lower but it is Zeta.
This comment actually shows that you didn't even watch the EMEA challenger's bracket, lost to TL first match and then got to finals destroying them from lower.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly, I dislike Fnatic and I would be so fucking happy watching them lose to some tier 3 randoms in Qualifiers, also, if they do bad is better for G2 to go to champions so it's a situation that I am supposed to like, but this is not funny anymore, it's just embarrassing for EMEA, Fnatic is not doing bad, they're just doing fucking shit.
Even if they don't have derke, this is not acceptable. They're losing to a team that couldn't even get 6 rounds in one map against DRX!!

I just hope this end up fast with them losing. (If they win is better for EMEA so I don't care speaking before it's over)

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic is shit, already said when G2 3-0ed them.

posted about 2 years ago

NIP EU was horrendous so probably NIP BR, but they still wouldn't have qualified for challengers in EU.

posted about 2 years ago

New romour derke can't assist cuz health problems, to stand in H1ber


posted about 2 years ago

It depends on how they perform, if they do vas then it Will be bad if they do well It Will be good, for me, as G2 fan i dont want liquid to get points and every other org's fan shouldn't want then to get points if they want their team in champs easier.

posted about 2 years ago

So did they in Berlín and nothing happened, actually It gave the G2-Sen marches wich were the most viewed and funny for me.

Still It is not liquid's fault but they shouldn't get points, its enough with the fact that they go to lan but It does fuck the competition for champions if they get there easly while not deserving.

posted about 2 years ago

But It was not a BO5💀💀💀

posted about 2 years ago

M1xwell pretty much carried the 7-0 on Split, he had a great final yesterday, Meddo is inconsistent that's true but I think hoody has been doing really well so far, he has been consistently good and has some top moments aswell.

Was a bit unlucky that triple kill from baddyg ngl, they could have ended Up to a 5th map if that does no happen, but FPX knew how to use their Windows so.

I think there's no much diference between the teams, they're even imo but FPX was better yesterday.

posted about 2 years ago

Meddo never was teammate with suygetsu, he left late 2020.

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe, idk, 1 series he does not bottomfrag and being this toxic is not really good, let's see if he can even go to iceland.

posted about 2 years ago

Posted a photo of meddo laughting at him for his performance i guess.
Prety toxic if you ask me.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil had 2 spots last year, now they have 1 and fight in LCQ with LATAM for the 2nd, it's like give LATAM the second spot that they devserve but not getting it from brazil directly, this way brazil is not that angry and LATAM get their part for defeating brazil in masters and get top 4 champions.
I think is not a bad idea.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil had 2 slots last year, now they have 1 + LCQ, LATAM now have 1 + LCQ aswell, I don't think it's bad, i mean, i prefer a fight between LATAM and BR than a free spot to brazil, historically second team in brazil has always been much weaker than 1st so.

posted about 3 years ago

Congratz team liquid for making it into iceland, there's no way G2 wins after this jinx.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, a bit, but still what has it to do with the 13-0?

posted about 3 years ago

I don't understand ur comment, but sure...

posted about 3 years ago

Looks like it, what with that?

posted about 3 years ago

Same goes for FPX and they even have a sub, cope harder.

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

posted about 3 years ago

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0


posted about 3 years ago

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

posted about 3 years ago

Yes, and?

posted about 3 years ago

I said it already, I'm not saying that G2 would have won Vitality if they play open, probably not, but I think oficials help to much to improve if things aren't working + give u confidence and momentum. Thats why i think its not an advantage if u and ur oppent both are good.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, because they would not made it to closed, but if u get experience + confidence and ure better much than others in open its more benefit to make it through open because u improve more as u play more.

posted about 3 years ago

This may sound like copium, but i actually think closed is more a disadvantage than an advantage, especially when ur team is new, sure, u can get info from other teams and they can't, but still they have oficial matches to practice and improve against not really threatening opponents and u gain confidence over the matches.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Did u watch G2 scrims or something?
Idk how are u comparing two teams that haven't played at top level yet, actually, one of them hasn't even played yet
Guild look good tho.

posted about 3 years ago

Watching from home how the "superteam" that they broke lose in groups and go home aswell.

Dont talk to me North Sudamerican, 2-0, 1-15 zombs, there's nothing to talk about, Keznit owns your entire region, mixwell owns sen.

posted about 3 years ago

Cry + ratio + Latam owns you + sen lost in groups

posted about 3 years ago

Yep, Europe is the most annoying country, but the most fucking annoying COUNTRY.

posted about 3 years ago

You made a counter ratio to yourself just because you were getting downfrags?

posted about 3 years ago

I respect brazil
I dont respect u, go bed knowing that acend won and that isnt gonna change.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Relax bro

posted about 3 years ago

Only works if is KRÜ loosing

posted about 3 years ago

Relax bro

posted about 3 years ago

relax bro

posted about 3 years ago

He thought it, but it isnt confirmed + most likely false, someone n the chat said it

Deberías mirarte mejor las cosas antes de hacer post de mierda como estos solo para crear conflicto.

posted about 3 years ago

C9 0-2 Liquid actually

posted about 3 years ago

Tenz gave them masters 2, without him they would't have won against fnatic, he was the differential factor.
Let's be honest, maybe 1 mill to much but he's still a player who every single team would like to have.
Not a tenz fan tho.

posted about 3 years ago
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