Flag: Japan
Registered: July 29, 2022
Last post: July 8, 2024 at 2:41 AM
Posts: 21

PRX had never beaten Secret in their 2 most recent matches, ts had close matches with gen g before the madrid 13-15, it's not even a surprise. Gen G is far better, what I'm saying, it's not really a surprise at this point.

I think the surprise is RRQ rather than TS

posted 8 months ago

No more Borkum and NDG throwing let's fcking goo!

posted 8 months ago

Only three in champs, you mean TS/RRQ/TLN

posted 8 months ago

No more borkum, no more player getting consistently botfrag when fighting korean teams.

TS 2-0

posted 8 months ago

I think kakarot or nexi for sentinel role and papichulo on smokes I dunno, just me. Kakarot is very consistent throughout challengers and he can definitely lockdown sites on sentinel role. Some said it's ching, dunno tho he alr retired afaik

posted 9 months ago

TF, Guess the word "insensitive" doesn't really apply to him LMFAO, nothin' wrong with what he feels, it's valid. It's just comparing it to his current team publicly just feels weird. He could have keep it by himself. He's so unprofessional af. Blud has little social awareness goddamn 😭😭😭

posted 10 months ago

I think he's most likely going to pacific next year.



I might be overthinking though.
What's your prediction? Only one.

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks rossi playing on a potato PC, bro they're playing with 300hz monitor in vct and getting more than 500fps, with a very expensive mouse, mousepad they owned. Ok stop, no need to lecture me I have a degree in CS. All their settings are just the same and the only application in that pc is just probably valorant. how tf google is installed on a lan tier 1 tournament PC 😭😭😭😭😭. Besides even if there's google there the pc has one if not the most powerful processor, gpu and ram out there. And there's no input and processing delays in LAN all their ping are the same there.

posted about a year ago

I know they speak english but not comfortably. They tried to experiment play with Lenne in english comms and the result was pretty bad so having an import would definitely put them in a disadvantage.

For me it would be like,

JessieVash - IGL // Initiator
Invy - Flex
PapiChulo - Smokes
Ja - Sentinel/Jett
Jremy - Raze/Neon/Sentinel

posted about a year ago

I think they're matched, personally ofc.

posted about a year ago

Mine is

  1. EG
  2. FNC
  3. LOUD
  4. PRX
  5. NRG
  6. DRX
  7. TL
  8. EDG
posted about a year ago

Braindead takes be like

TL is just a bonk team
TLN playing not as a team
PRX they're just so bad this year.

U all get these comments but literally no one had ever said or at least only few people said TS just best all their opponents so far.

When PRX won against DFM - Japan valorant got criticized
When TALON defeat 2 International teams - ppl just bonking EG and Heretics fans

Whenever TS won, it's always their opponents play so bad. No one appreciates how they made the other team look bad with their games but ig it's understandable. You don't see it because the spectator cam only shows the duels but u can literally see on the maps where they put their utilities and how well coordinated all of their execution was. If you want to understand a little bit more, look at the map, you'll see prx is not playing so bad as ppl make it be... ok goodnight

posted about a year ago
  1. DRX - No need to know why, it shows
  2. GEN G - on their way to become the 2nd DRX, just need a bit more polishing. They fought very very close against LOUD, I assume they're on the same level or one less level of NRG. Very Korean Play style, very good overall.
  3. SECRET -
    Pre Warbirds I would place them 8 or 9 they're just like forcing themselves to do a PRX play style cosplay, bad mental, and everything seems off, no discipline and everything is just chaotic. So if you're judging the team based on their past performance like GXR LAN and the KR invitational, stop. If you're playing VALORANT to win 50/50, you're playing the game wrong. You should only be taking a play not always but of the time that's in your advantage.

Warbirds - I put them 3rd, This team is basically playing in the same play style, protocol, strat, execution, utility usage of an NA team, all players have an impact and do what their role is supposed to do. However, their attack strats needs a bit more of polishing. At last, they stopped cosplaying PRX play style like they did in 2022, also based on lots of scrim leaks, they're doing very well against lots of teams. Their new NA coach (Warbirds) seems taking the team in the right path.

  1. TALON - everyone is popping off, they became so confident again, probably the new team vibes, they're really have a solid roster, trades and calls of crws are on point, assuming they don't change GarnetS to patiphan I'm placing them 3 but I think pati will replace GarnetS which I think is a bad idea soon so I'll put them 4( for now until I watch pati )
  2. PRX - team fell off, very creative team, their play style will work if you're really not knowledgeable about the team. Very aim heavy team, but as months goes by teams improved too and their fast play style have now been easily countered by teams. NGL, Stop trolling and the WGaming thing if they don't want to get stuck, they used to be unpredictable but now when teams are playing against them they just don't let their guard down anymore, they know how undisciplined the team is. I think they got complacent, still an A for me tho cause I think it's not that hard to fix discipline in players.
  3. T1 - they might have showed that they got stomped by NA teams but they are so new that time, and just need more experience, their aims are cracked but they just lack more of the fundamentals of the game, a mechanically skilled heavy team. I think they just need to broaden their strat books and counter strats then it will be good.
  4. GE - never saw them on an official match with this new roster but based on scrim leaks on discord, they're getting stomped. I don't know if they're just hiding strat and trying to analyze the playstyle of different regions but I won't say anything for now until I watch their performance later. I hope their hype will match their performance, I mean people won't hype a player for nothing, right? I have really high hopes especially for texture and rossi.
  5. ZETA - honestly replace crow, tenn. Only Laz and Dep has a consistent performance they're basically S tier playbooks, strats, coms but C tier aim, also no confidence and they respect teams too much, I guess it's because of their culture. Their No ego culture, always humble and respectful, most of the time those are the personalities that easily gets upset and intimidated. NA EMEA, give this team even 0.1 of EGO please.
  6. RRQ - watched their game against tier 2 indo teams, I'm not basing this right now I'm basing this in their most official recent games so you can ignore this take. I don't know they lost to a tier 2 teams last time and had a hard time beating Enigma, EJAY seems to be the player to look out here, he's the top fragger most of the time, Lmemore seems to be inconsistent sometimes he pops off, sometimes not, depends on the day. The rest definitely needs a lot of working to do if they don't want to get embarrassed in the international scene. I hope they will also prove me wrong and I'll be more glad if I'm wrong.
  7. DFM - No need to know why, it shows
posted about 2 years ago

No it's not actually a bug, if you don't know, only the first bullet hit is the accurate after you were stunned by breach "E" Ability. Your 2nd shot and onwards will not shoot at the placement of your Crosshair.

I think it's fair enough because if it will all be Inaccurate from the first bullets then every round, there's a breach mini ULT, you don't want that.

I think that's like a consolation if you have a good aim.

posted about 2 years ago

At the end of the day, everyone's just under rating Secret because 3 of them are boomers already. They have an NA-based coach now, and young players has showed vast potentials even Vash the oldest one, top frag most of the time IGLing.

It's not that GE is bad, Secret has just way more experiences and definitely improved. When I say Improved and experience, it's not I'm saying like the level of DRX, can't do that in a short time but who knows? Anything can happen.

You can't tell how bad or good a team is based on scrim results, Late Optic/NRG proved that.

Those who just keep saying the SEA teams are bots, you're lame, guys. They're not that bad like that the image in your mind of SEA franchised teams.

But the RRQ guys are definitely lamer because they asked their friend (Invy) who doesn't probably even know EJAY was streaming. Guess it's just kids being kids.

posted about 2 years ago

They used their 6th man to gain experience in the LAN at Korean invitational and really didn't practice there, it's just a showoff match. Besides, they have an NA based coach now. Still, I don't know if the new coach will be better than the last malaysian coach but I have high hopes, especially he's from the top region.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Amateur Organization on LAN, they kept insisting that it's "too difficult" to host a LAN due to technical difficulties and other stuffs. Blaming their shortcomings on all the stuffs that makes it a LAN tournament.

They're Unprofessional, Unreliable, and Amateur. They should've prepared it like 1-2 weeks ago, They're like those students who let their homeworks pile up till the last day of passing then blame the time for being too little.

We know how hard is it to set up a LAN event, it's very difficult, it's not just the players or the game. It includes the production, the gfx, the services to audiences and players before, during and after, the audio, the camera, the transitions etc.

That is the more reason why you prepare early and not blame the technical difficulties of hosting an event when you only start preparing things up the day before the event start.

Truly Disappointing. Hope RIOT won't let this irresponsible organization host such things again.

posted about 2 years ago

Www wdym? PH Study english subject from
their kindergarten to college. English is vastly used there in their daily lives.

posted about 2 years ago

Watched all games since from all local VCT's, play Ins, group stag, playoffs, to finals.

Ps. Assuming they're still the people back then and do play the same styles. Then, this is 80% guaranteed. 20% to BLD won because TS mental is easy to break. However, considering without choking, mental breakdowns, nervousness, whiffing, TS will undoubtedly win, experience wise. (Own Opinion).


posted about 2 years ago